




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:fāng zi









  1. 处方;药方。

    明 王守仁 《传习录》卷下:“这是我医人的方子,真是去得人病根,更有大本事人,过了数十年,亦还用得着。”《红楼梦》第七回:“好生开个方子,认真吃几剂,一势儿除了根才是。” 茅盾 《我走过的道路·童年》:“父亲先回家,就有低烧、盗汗,他自己开个方子服了几帖,也不见效。”

  2. 指棺材。

    巴金 《兄与弟》:“ 唐二哥 ,不要难过了,还是买个方子早点给你们老五收尸罢。”原注:“方子,棺材。”

  3. 方言。办法。

    李劼人 《大波》第一部第十二章:“不过总要想个方子,先把市开了才好呀。”



  1. "Have this prescription filled out at the drugstore, " said the doctor.


  2. Chemist: The drugs of this order is exhausted . I shall inform you as soon as they arrive. . .


  3. Please call at the drugstore and have this prescription made up for me.


  4. The pharmacist made up the prescribed medicine.


  5. Doctor Tim Johnson has a new prescription for your physical and financial health.


  6. So the only recipe is never to do anything you may regret one day.


  7. This is not a good recipe for concessions, even if China is hurt more than the United States by a trade war.


  8. third Daughter-in-law provided him an experimental subject, and so he wrote quite a few prescriptions.


  9. the groove inner of the beam body and the adjustable beam head are usually embed with bar shape wood brick.


  1. 六味药的方子

    a prescription of six medicinal herbs.

  2. 医生给配了个方子。

    The doctor has made a prescription.

  3. 大夫开了两个方子。

    The doctor wrote out two prescriptions.

  4. 这个方子共有七味药。

    The prescription specifies seven medicinal herbs.

  5. 难道是我方子开得不妥?

    Did I write the wrong prescription?

  6. 医生开了一张方子。

    The doctor made out a prescription.

  7. 药剂师按方子配好了药。

    The pharmacist made up the prescribed medicine.

  8. 给自己开个方子很容易。

    It's easy enough to write yourself a prescription.

  9. 你对此病开什么方子呢

    What do you prescribe for this illness

  10. 对此病你开什么方子呢?

    What do you prescribe for this illness?

  11. 吃这个方子, 包管你三天痊愈。

    If you take this prescription, you are sure to fully recover within three days.

  12. 中药吃骨刺增生的方子谁知道么

    Who knows the formula that Chinese traditional medicine has spur proliferation

  13. 但公公到处打听治疗风湿的方子。

    But the father inquired everywhere prescription treatment of rheumatism.

  14. 张仲景的方子, 只要是对证用药。

    Zhang's prescription, as long as it is at the heart medication.

  15. 拿这张方子到中药房去配三服药。

    Have three doses of this prescription made up at the Chinese pharmacy.

  16. 拿这张方子到中药房去配三副药。

    Have three doses of this prescription made up at the Chinese pharmacy.

  17. 绿豆粉做面膜有哪些方子, 需求留意什么?

    What mask mungbean flour recipe, what needs attention?

  18. 谁可以提供给我祛风除湿的中药方子?

    The Chinese traditional medicine that who can offer dehumidify of my dispel the wind prescription?

  19. 这是当时在医院医生开的方子, 效果不错!

    This was in the hospital doctor's prescription, good results!

  20. 顾客那我就先按这个方子买一盒吧。

    Client Ok, please give me one casket of azithromycin.

  21. 除了菠萝,把方子中所有的原料全部混合均匀。

    Mix well all the ingredients except pineapple rings in a mixing bowl.

  22. 她从网上搞到过一个做假血的方子。

    She has a recipe for fake blood she got off the internet.

  23. 请去药店照这张方子给我配些药来。

    Please call at the drugstore and have this prescription made up for me.

  24. 二百方子沼泽湿地无机氮的垂直运移规律

    Vertical movement patterns of inorganic nitrogen in the Er Bai Fang Zi Wetland

  25. 你拿着方子到药剂师那里, 而后药剂师会为你抓药。

    You take the prescription to the chemist's, and the chemist will make up the medicine for you.

  26. 什么饵都快可以了,您就照着方子拿药吧。

    Baits Crab, worm, Bass yabby, freshwater yabby, chicken.

  27. 根据他的症状,老中医为他开了个降心火的方子,

    The old herbal doctor prescribed something to ease the internal heat based on his symptoms.

  28. 根据他的症状,老中医为他开了个降心火的方子,

    The old herbal doctor prescribed something to ease the internal heat based on his symptoms.

  29. 但这些方子论疗效却是其它的方剂所无法比拟的。

    But the effect of these Fang On the other is unmatched by prescription.

  30. 你需要好好的休息,并且多喝水,我给你开个方子。

    A A good rest is all you need, and drink more water. Ill write you a prescription.


  1. 问:方子拼音怎么拼?方子的读音是什么?方子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:方子的读音是fāngzi,方子翻译成英文是 prescription; formula


.方言。办法。 李劼人《大波》第一部第十二章:“不过总要想个方子,先把市开了才好呀。”