







汉语拼音:fú àn








  1. 俯伏在桌子上。

    宋 孔平仲 《孔氏谈苑》卷一:“ 子由 以面伏案,不忍读也。”

  2. 指坐在桌帝,双手趴在桌面上。多形容勤奋读书或写作。

    清 江藩 《汉学师承记·程晋芳》:“责户剥啄之声不絶於耳,而君伏案著书,若无事者然。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·这个与那个》:“我以为伏案还未功深的朋友,现在正不必埋头来哼线装书。”



  1. A smile oozed out on Gradman's face, greasy with countless mutton-chops, the smile of a man who sits all day.


  2. After brief forays working as a cook in a restaurant kitchen, Melissa Clark decided upon a more sedentary path.


  3. No wonder his back aches when he has been humped over his desk all day!


  4. All of us office desk-junkies have had some or all of these problems at some point in our working life.


  5. I had become narrow and short-sighted at my desk.


  6. B: When a boy came in she was working at her desk.


  7. The scientist was at his desk early and late looking for the information he needed.


  8. Previous studies have associated other sedentary activities, like sitting at a desk, with health risks.


  9. When I went into the office, my chemistry teacher is at desk.


  1. 伏案工作者

    white collar working people.

  2. 她伏案写信。

    She sat at the table to write a letter.

  3. 杰克伏案工作。

    Jake is working at his desk.

  4. 她正伏案写信。

    She was bent over her desk writing a letter.

  5. 我伏案工作了一宿。

    I sweated all night on the desk.

  6. 伏案攻读,移晷忘倦。

    I sat at the table reading, and hours passed without fatigue.

  7. 长期伏案工作的生活方式

    a sedentary lifestyle

  8. 夜深人静她依然伏案作画。

    She still bent over her desk painting in the still of night.

  9. 我发现他一直伏案工作。

    I find him working at desk all the time.

  10. 三更时他仍然伏案读书。

    He still bent over his desk reading in the dead of night.

  11. 我到来时他已在伏案工作。

    He was at his desk when I came.

  12. 我讨厌伏案工作,我宁愿到户外工作。

    I hate being stuck behind a desk, I'd rather work outside.

  13. 我回来时他还在伏案工作。

    When I came home, I found him still working at his desk.

  14. 我一整天都在伏案处理文件。

    I spent the whole day wading through the paperwork on my desk.

  15. 他反反复复斟酌再三,伏案疾书。

    After considering it again and again, he quickly wrote it down.

  16. 那位编辑已连续伏案工作数小时。

    The editor had been slaving away at his desk for hours.

  17. 她脉脉地注视着伏案苦读的儿子。

    She stared at her son studying at the desk with loving eyes.

  18. 伏案数周之后,我终于开始出去走走。

    I start out for a walk at last after weeks at the desk.

  19. 他的朋友们对他这么伏案疾书不胜惊异。

    His friends now wondered at the cleric and very officiallooking nature of his position.

  20. 难怪他的背痛,他伏案工作了一整天!

    No wonder his back aches when he has been humped over his desk all day!

  21. 我认为长期伏案的生活一点也不适合我。

    I don't think a sedentary life would altogether suit me.

  22. 这一点立刻归咎于他们终日伏案得生活。

    It was immediately attributed to their sedentary life.

  23. 这一点立刻归咎于他们终日伏案的生活。

    It was immediately attributed to their sedentary life.

  24. 伏案10年潜心研究,他的背都有点驼了。

    After 10 years at study slumping over a desk, his back is a little bent.

  25. 一天的伏案工作之后,活动活动身体是有好处的。

    After a day at work slumped over a desk, it's good to get some exercise.

  26. 不了,我必须在灵感停留时,继续伏案写小说。

    No, I must work on my novel while inspiration lasts.

  27. 像最后光伏案的解决,可以说是成功的案例。

    And settlement of last years photovoltaic products case is a success story.

  28. 我走进办公室时我的化学老师正伏案工作着。

    When I went into the office, my chemistry teacher is at desk.

  29. 伏案工作的人在办公室里工作的人,尤指报纸编辑人员

    A man who works at a desk, especially a newspaper writer.

  30. 有一天, 我伏案写作时, 它居然落到我得肩上。

    One day it landed on my shoulder while I was hunched over the desk writing.


  1. 问:伏案拼音怎么拼?伏案的读音是什么?伏案翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伏案的读音是fú'àn,伏案翻译成英文是 hunch over one’s desk




【拼音】fú àn

【英文翻译】 to bend over one's desk; to bend over a table。