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1. 扫 [sǎo]2. 扫 [sào]扫 [sǎo]拿笤帚等除去尘土或垃圾:~地。清除,消灭:~雷。~盲。~荡。一~而空。全,尽,尽其所有:~数(shù)。低落,丧失:~兴(xìng )。描画:~描。~眉。迅速横掠而过:~射。~视。结束,……
汉语拼音:sǎo píng
Razing the Liuhe the Emperor's palace, was the silence of terracotta warriors guard the city, seems to be cold bronze.
扫平六合的始皇帝的宫阙,被兵马俑拱卫的沉默之城,似乎是青铜色的冷光。And his wireless braking system on a bike could pave the way after he proved it would only fail three times in a trillion attempts.
他发明的无线自行车制动系统在三万亿次试验中仅失败三次,这无疑为无线飞行操控扫平了前路。Mulva's decision to pass out cash to the debtors and owners of ConocoPhillips isn't likely to sweep the oil industry.
穆尔瓦作出的这个给债主和股东分钱的决定,不见得就会扫平石油开采业。The one big exception, the one that delivered a loss big enough to wipe out portfolios, came in 1937.
但是有一个大意外,这个大意外带来的大损失足以扫平投资收获,发生在1937年。This weekend marks the fourth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina's devastation of the Gulf Coast.
这周末是卡特里娜飓风扫平墨西哥湾沿岸地区四周年纪念日。I love how he picks up the whole pancake and crushes it. Haha. He's on his 4th pancake right now. Had 3 helpings of eggs too.
我很喜欢他拿起整块煎饼然后扫平它们。哈哈,这是他吃的第四块了。同时还吃了3个鸡蛋。The NCR had defeated their strongest opponent yet.
共和国至此扫平了当时他们最强的对手。Communism has removed all the obstacles for them to come to Christianity.
共产主义为他们信仰基督扫平了一切障碍。The insurgency in Saudi Arabia has been quashed.
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