







汉语拼音:zōng xióng






  1. This bear had been fishing in the river on this morning. It climbed onto the bank and laid down in the grass.


  2. The next day Father Bear introduced the brown bear to all the father bears in the neighborhood.


  3. The old brown bear rose clumsily and began to fill the pockets of Little Bear's trousers with honey-dried blackberries.


  4. One of the largest state parks in the U. S. , it is home to five species of salmon as well as moose, caribou, and brown bears.


  5. He rubbed his eyes savagely to clear his vision, and beheld, not a horse, but a great brown bear.


  6. England used to be the native home of Brown Bears, but they became extinct around the 11th century.


  7. And a tiny perforated outline of a Californian brown bear is visible when a light is shone from behind.


  8. He was an old fellow, kind-faced and wise in the ways of bears and men, but very fond of joking.


  9. Fox looked at his painting. The beehive did sort of look like a big brown bear now.


  1. 雅古达棕熊

    yakutat bear

  2. 布鲁诺是一只棕熊。

    Bruno is a brown bear.

  3. 明年棕熊就可以退休了。

    The brown bear is retiring next year.

  4. 后面还立着一只棕熊。

    A brown bear looms behind the gharial.

  5. 棕熊造成阿拉斯加大火

    Bears Responsible for Alaska Wildfire

  6. 一只大棕熊讨吃面包。

    A big brown bear begged bread.

  7. 我在棕熊队打什么位置了。

    What position I played for the bruins.

  8. 棕熊是杂食性动物,抓到什么吃什么。

    Brown bears are omnivorous, eating anything that they can get their paws on.

  9. 没有棕熊或熊猫或北美灰熊得血统?

    No bear or bear or grizzly bear?

  10. 没有棕熊或熊猫或北美灰熊的血统?

    No bear or bear or grizzly bear ?

  11. 它们只是皮毛被染过色的棕熊啦。

    They're really brown bears with dyed fur.

  12. 棕熊在横跨北半球的许多地方被发现

    Brown Bears are found across much of the Northern Hemisphere

  13. 你可以到最佳地点观看棕熊捕食鲑鱼。

    You can travel to the best locations to view brown bears feeding on salmon.

  14. 你可以到最佳地点观看棕熊捕食鲑鱼。

    You can travel to the best locations to view brown bears feeding on salmon.

  15. 在大家的记忆中,这些山是棕熊的家园。

    Within living memory these mountains were the home of the brown bear.

  16. 我们的动物园里还有棕熊、黑熊和白熊。

    In our zoo there are also brown bears, black bears and white bears.

  17. 蜂巢现在看起来的确有点儿像一只大棕熊。

    The beehive did sort of look like a big brown bear now.

  18. 一位游客在森林边缘被棕熊咬成重伤。

    A tourist was heavily mauled by a brown bear at the edge of the forest.

  19. 棕熊则食用大到驯鹿小至浆果的所有食物。

    Brown bears eat everything from caribou to berries.

  20. 这只年轻的欧洲棕熊摆姿势好可爱因为我们。

    This young European brown bear posed so cute for us.

  21. 这只蜜蜂看到棕熊,便想到棕熊可能引来的麻烦。

    One yellow honey bee sees one brown bear and thinks about all the trouble bears cause.

  22. 说时迟那时快,老灰熊狠狠推了棕熊一把。

    Then suddenly, Old Grizzly gave Brown Bear a big shove.

  23. 第二天,熊爸爸把棕熊介绍给附近所有的父亲们。

    The next day Father Bear introduced the brown bear to all the father bears in the neighborhood.

  24. 棕熊从焚化炉拉出还在燃烧得垃圾, 因而造成火灾。

    The bears pulled burning garbage from an incinerator, which caused the fire.

  25. 棕熊从焚化炉拉出还在燃烧的垃圾,因而造成火灾。

    The bears pulled burning garbage from an incinerator, which caused the fire.

  26. 它们也失去了棕熊用来咀嚼植物性食物所用的臼齿。

    They also lost the grinding molars that brown bears use to chew up plant matter.

  27. 英格兰曾是棕熊的栖息地, 但是在11世纪左右就灭绝了。

    England used to be the native home of Brown Bears, but they became extinct around the 11th century.

  28. 科迪亚克熊亦即一种棕熊,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物。

    Also known as the brown bear, the Kodiak grizzly bear is the world's largest land carnivore.

  29. 捉了几条大马哈鱼之后,这只阿拉斯加棕熊在河里打起盹来。

    An Alaskan brown bear nods off in the river after catching some salmon.


  1. 问:棕熊拼音怎么拼?棕熊的读音是什么?棕熊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棕熊的读音是zōngxióng,棕熊翻译成英文是 brown bear

  2. 问:棕熊属拼音怎么拼?棕熊属的读音是什么?棕熊属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:棕熊属的读音是zōngxióng shǔ,棕熊属翻译成英文是 Ursus


