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原故,原由,事物发生前已具备的条件:原~。~素。~果。病~。理由:~为(wéi )。~而。依,顺着,沿袭:~此。~之。~循(a.沿袭;b.迟延拖拉)。~噎废食。陈陈相~。……
汉语拼音:jī yīn
郁达夫 《杨梅烧酒》:“而这一出实在也是滑稽得很的小悲剧,现在却终于成了我们两个旧友的再见的基因。” 郭沫若 《羽书集·驳<实庵字说>》:“我的其它的不同性质的著作,都以同样形式发表了的,也都基因于这样的理由。”
张洁 《爱,是不能忘记的》:“莫非我那‘贼风入耳’的毛病是从她那里来的?大约我们的细胞中主管‘贼风入耳’这种遗传性状的是一个特别尽职尽责的基因。”
It has been widely applied to the studies referred to life science, e. g. gene engineering, heredity engineering and cell engineering, etc.
它已广泛应用于基因工程、遗传工程、细胞工程等生命科学的各个研究领域。While choosing partners, people seem to be attracted easily by the person whose genes are too different from themselves.
人们在选择伴侣时,更容易被与自己基因差异大的人吸引。This would explain why the human genome has no trace of Neanderthal DNA despite the two similar species living close together for millennia.
这可能解释为什么人类的基因组没有尼安得特人的痕迹,即便这两个物种在一起生活了几千年。Still in fine fettle at the age of 87, Ruth Young, a retired Oakland school nurse, jumped at the chance, she said, to "spit for the cause. "
鲁思·杨(RuthYoung)是奥克兰一名退休的学校护士,今年87岁了,依然精神矍铄。她欣然同意,为一项基因研究计划提供唾液样本。Shortly before his death this year, aged 95, Borlaug reportedly expressed regret that he would not live to see the "gene revolution" .
传说布劳格95岁临死前不无遗憾地说他还是没能活着看见“基因革命”。Even if the genes themselves are not initially hazardous, you do not know how they are going to evolve.
即使基因本身起初是没有危险的,但你不知道它们将如何演化。As you know, this science studies how pieces of DNA, called genes, encode human traits and behavior.
如你所知,这门科学是研究DNA片段,即基因,是怎么对人类的特征和行为进行编码的。The type of COMT gene did not affect how much the men and women won on the gambling game - but it did affect how much they gave to charity.
COMT基因的类型并不影响男性与女性在赌博游戏中能够赢多少——但是却会影响他们捐赠的多少。Their work could enable extra information to be added to a genetically modified crop in the form of a "bio barcode" , Chan said.