


1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


物件:物~。产~。赠~。战利~。等级,种类:~名。~类。~色。~位。性质:~质。~行(xíng )。~节(指人的品行节操)。人~。体察出好坏、优劣等:~评。~第(品评优劣而定其等级)。~味(品尝)。指吹弄乐器:~箫。姓。……



汉语拼音:shàng pǐn








  1. 上等。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“如此诸贤,故为上品,以外率多田野閒人。” 宋 王闢之 《渑水燕谈录》卷八:“建茶盛於 江南 ,近岁制作尤精。龙凤团茶最为上品。” 明 马愈 《马氏日抄·方城石》:“此砚虽非玉,亦石中上品也。” 丁玲 《一九三○年春上海(之二)》五:“隔她不远坐了些爱装饰的外国太太,时时送来一些上品的香水的气息。”

  2. 指最高的门阀品第。

    《晋书·刘毅传》:“是以上品无寒门,下品无势族。” 南朝 梁 任昉 《为萧扬州荐士表》:“势门上品,犹当格以清谈。”参见“ 九品中正 ”。

  3. 佛教谓修净土法门而道行较高者,命终化生西方净土后所居的高等品位。

    唐 元稹 《哭子》诗之四:“莲花上品生真界,兜率天中离世途。” 明 李贽 《与马惟清书》:“若上品之中,离佛稍远,上品之下,见面亦难,况中品与下品乎。”



  1. Egg white omelets, fruit bowls or yogurt and granola combinations are a perfect breakfast for beginning to boost your metabolism.


  2. Today, linen is still viewed as a higher quality cloth and is usually made in small lots.


  3. Show Or else where might come up to foot can casually took out a top grade fairy stone?


  4. as if nature were rather busy not to err, than in labour, to produce excellency.


  5. Top feathers used for the kingfisher craft are the turquoise blue and the snowy blue kingfisher feathers.


  6. Secondly, well, can casually take top grade of stone, and sandy would not because dozens of is not very precious dispensing and eat them?


  7. First of all, there is one of the top stone not to reduce the price of a cent.


  8. This store content ring not recognize Lord, god, took the general sweeps qi, he had top grade in the stone, and to know in the city.


  9. Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine.


  1. 收成中的上品

    the pick of the crop.

  2. 尘嚣之上品红灵

    Mt. Hongling, a Retreat Away from Hubbub

  3. 茅台是酒中上品。

    Maotai is a top-grade spirit.

  4. 那是西部牛排的上品。

    Thats number one western steer beef.

  5. 上品, 特级品质量特别好的东西

    Something of exceptional quality.

  6. 该2006年皮埃罗夏顿埃堪称上品。

    The Pirerro Chardonnay 2006 was superb.

  7. 怎样才能维持上品的第四类情感?

    How ability maintain the 4 th kind of feeling of top grade ?

  8. 茶生青城丈人峰,为茶中上品

    Tea that grows on Qingcheng Mountain Zhangren Peak, is the top-rank of teas.

  9. 梅花鹿所产的鹿茸是鹿茸中的最上品。

    Sika deer is a deer antler velvet produced by the most in the top grade.

  10. 极品, 上品非常好的或令人愉快的事

    Something very good or agreeable.

  11. 正如所期待的一样,此年份不愧为优雅的上品。

    A vintage as elegant as it is promising.

  12. 钟鼓以及华丽的衣服,不是音乐演奏的上品配备。

    Bell, drum and splendid clothes are not the outfit of top grade for the musical instrument.

  13. 秋梨是马场梨中得上品, 兼有各个品种得长处。

    Qiu is the race course in the pear Superior, both the strengths of various species.

  14. 木料从木料上说,上上品当然是高密度的红木了。

    timber from the wood, said that the top grade of course, is a high density of mahogany.

  15. 第三, 要选择已驯养为熟鸟的上品八哥成鸟。

    Third, we should select the top grade of domesticated birds to mature adult birds starling.

  16. 一如自然劳碌终日, 但求无过, 而无力制成上品。

    as if nature were rather busy not to err, than in labour, to produce excellency.

  17. 点翠的羽毛以翠蓝色和雪青色的翠鸟羽毛为上品。

    Top feathers used for kingfisher craft are the turquoise blue and the snowy blue kingfisher feathers.

  18. 点翠得羽毛以翠蓝色和雪青色得翠鸟羽毛为上品。

    Top feathers used for kingfisher craft are the turquoise blue and the snowy blue kingfisher feathers.

  19. 不妨试想,你在一艘轮船的甲板上品着一杯葡萄酒。

    Imagine for a moment that you are on the deck of a ship, sipping a glass of wine.

  20. 公共场所用和家用编织,针织和棉绒的床上品规范

    Standard Specification for Woven, Knitted and Flocked Bedspread Products for Institutional and Household Use

  21. 鹌鹑肉嫩味香, 香而不腻, 野生鸟类已被列为上品。

    Quail meat tenderness wei shang, fragrant but not too sweet, wild birds has been classified as top grade.

  22. 即使这样,也让他的实力提升了一个品级,达到六级上品。

    Even if so, let his real strenght enhance a grade, achieved six classes first grade.

  23. 此外, 广州菜中的烤乳猪, 蚝油牛肉最重粤味, 为肉中上品。

    Guangzhou cuisine is also well known for its repertory of meat dishes two of which, roast suckling pig and beef stirfried in oyster sauce, are highly regarded among all meatdishes for their peculiar appetizing tang.

  24. 一件上品灵璧石,几年前产地价上百元,在国外可卖数千美元。

    A top grade Ling Bidan, producing price on the hundred dollars a few years ago, thousands of dollars can be sold in foreign countries.


  1. 问:上品拼音怎么拼?上品的读音是什么?上品翻译成英文是什么?

    答:上品的读音是shàngpǐn,上品翻译成英文是 top grade




拼音:shàngpǐn英文/释义:1、[top grade]∶上等的物品2、[top-grade]∶上等;质量好的或等级高的3、[distinguished family]∶魏晋南北朝时指门第高的士族1.上等。 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“如此诸贤,故为上品,以外率多田野闲人。” 宋 王辟之 《渑水燕谈录》卷八:“建茶盛於 江南 ,近岁制作尤精。龙凤团茶最为上品。” 明 马愈 《马氏日抄·方城石》:“此砚虽非玉,亦石中上品也。” 丁玲 《一九三○年春上海(之二)》五:“隔她不远坐了些爱装饰的外国太太,时时送来一些上品的香水的气息。”