







汉语拼音:jìng mì








  1. 安宁平静。

    三国 魏 嵇康 《琴赋》:“竦肃肃以静謐,密微微其清閒。” 唐 郭子仪 《享太庙乐章·广运舞》:“河海静謐,车书混同。” 清 林则徐 《会奏九龙洋面轰击夷船情形折》:“再 广东 沿海閭阎,仍俱十分静謐。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》十六:“ 春兰 睁起又黑又大的眼睛,静谧的看着 运涛 。”

  2. 平定,使安定。

    《陈书·宣帝纪论》:“克 淮 南之地,开拓土宇,静謐封疆。”



  1. It was the cool gray dawn, and there was a delicious sense of repose and peace in the deep pervading calm and silence of the woods.


  2. It was a cold still afternoon with a hard steely sky overhead, when he slipped out of the warm parlour into the open air.


  3. The breeze was chilly, but I strode along, trying to recapture the serenity I needed.


  4. They sit beside it companionably, as if at a wake; the old skeleton seems to impose a philosophical quiet.


  5. It was that halcyon hour when the Angelus falls like a benediction upon the waning day.


  6. The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat, and at this hour of the day there was not even the whine of insects.


  7. Suddenly a boy's shrill voice rose into the sky. He traversed the dark u een, leaving the track of his song acro the hush of the evening.


  8. In the night, it is often quiet. Most of time, I fall asleep within five minutes.


  9. The stillness of the valley began to oppress him, losing its piety, becoming merely a form of the valley's monotony.


  1. 墓地一片静谧。

    Silence fell on the cemetry.

  2. 这里的静谧意味深长。

    The hush here is significant.

  3. 喜欢静谧闲适的美。

    Enjoy beautiful with quiet and leisure.

  4. 不闻天籁,大地静谧。

    No heavenly hymning, no earthly chanting.

  5. 雨, 湿润着静谧的夜。

    The rain, is being moist the quiet night.

  6. 雨,湿润着静谧的夜。

    The rain, is being moist the quiet night.

  7. 多美,静谧的深红色。

    How beautiful, silent and colored in crimson they are.

  8. 灵动,静谧环境的创造者!

    The creator of a vibrant yet tranquil ambience!

  9. 在她身边只有静谧和安慰。

    There was peace and solace all around her.

  10. 而于此无边静谧得超尘,

    And further still at an unearthly height

  11. 而于此无边静谧的超尘,

    And further still at an unearthly height

  12. 空气中充满了温暖和静谧。

    The atmosphere was so full of warmth and silence that I sank into its arms.

  13. 那里的气氛静谧而几近安详。

    There was a quiet, almost serene quality to the atmosphere.

  14. 窗外,天际静谧,吴钩遥挂。

    Out the window, the sky quiet, Wu Yao hanging hook.

  15. 眼下正是5月中旬,晨光异常静谧。

    It was now the middle of May,and the morning was remarkably serene.

  16. 宽广威严,储瞰着这静谧的海湾。

    Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.

  17. 他的回敬,就是石一般沉重的静谧。

    He regarded her in stony silence.

  18. 我难得享受到如此宜人的静谧。

    Rarely have I enjoyed such soothing tranquility.

  19. 我想去一个静谧休闲的地方。

    I want to go somewhere quiet and relaxing.

  20. 乡间的静谧使得我的身心逐渐恢复。

    The quiet of the countryside helped me recover.

  21. 我们便可恒坐静谧中,细细思量。

    We would sit down and think which way.

  22. 初雪飘落时, 是多么的静谧, 多么的安详!

    What silence, too, came with the snow, and what seclusion!

  23. 那份寂寥和静谧既深沉有广大。

    The solitude and silence are deep and wide.

  24. 我感受到太阳的静谧,感觉很好。

    I feel the stillness of the sun and I feel fine.

  25. 喜欢在欢快中游玩,而爱在静谧中沉淀。

    Favor is a baby, but love is in the quietness.

  26. 美, 是智慧, 是静谧。祝你聪明!愿你上进!

    Beauty is wisdom and calmness. Hope you will get wise and push forward.

  27. 一种异常的静谧笼罩着这座古城。

    Distinguished peace clung around the old city.

  28. 全图营造出一个静谧、飘然的世界。

    It is a quiet, peaceful and sublime world.

  29. 清辉飘逸的月夜,如诗静谧,如纱朦胧。

    The moonlight elegant, tranquil poem, such as yarn unclear.

  30. 我想找一个地方 一个完全静谧 孤寂的地方

    I wanted a place that I would have total silence and total solitude.


  1. 问:静谧拼音怎么拼?静谧的读音是什么?静谧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:静谧的读音是jìngmì,静谧翻译成英文是 quiet; tranquil; still


