







汉语拼音:qīng yōu








  1. (风景)秀丽而幽静。

    唐玄宗 《为赵法师别造精院过院赋诗》:“坐朝繁聪览,寻胜在清幽。” 元 刘因 《游源泉》诗:“丛祠鬱苍翠,万古藏清幽。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·滇游日记九》:“有四五家当峡而居,竹篱茅舍,颇觉清幽。” 柔石 《二月》十五:“这时两人已经走到一处清幽的河边。”



  1. The living room opens up to a covered lanai that overlooks the pool secluded by lush tropical and colorful gardens.


  2. Miao beneath elegant environment is beautiful, dense shade trees, flowers, also known as the Miao Hua Yan.


  3. Gallen, only a few steps away from the old town and the main railway station.


  4. After a peaceful night in one of the quiet and nicely furnished rooms you can start the day at the rich complimentary breakfast buffet.


  5. He often takes the flowers, fruits or still life as the painting subjects, which are the traditional taste appreciated by Chinese literati.


  6. The text in the book as a blossoming flowers in spring beautiful flowers, beautiful fragrance, move one deeply, people long aftertaste.


  7. As I am walking on a simple and secluded garden path, I gather a few, relishing and reveling in them, unconsciously.


  8. Hotels before the Taohuaxi environment beautiful , the scenery of many , the stream still hot springs spa bath and a swimming pool .


  9. My words, over the peaceful valley, on the winding ancient hill road, a road to stop to rest.


  1. 清幽愈疡汤

    Qingyouyuyang Decoction.

  2. 清幽, 芬芳得思绪

    Where thoughts serenely sweet express

  3. 清幽, 芬芳的思绪

    Where thoughts serenely sweet express

  4. 我是清幽的黎明。

    I am in the morning hush.

  5. 沿途环境清幽, 郁郁葱葱。

    The environment was clean, green, and serene.

  6. 而且环境比较清幽安静。

    Moreover the environment is quite quiet and peaceful.

  7. 它的花是白色的,清幽而淡雅。

    Its flowers are white, quiet and elegant.

  8. 爱她那淡而清幽的雅香。

    Love her short and quiet.

  9. 绿色的光晕,使书房更清幽。

    Green halation, make a study more peaceful.

  10. 衬托出双峰寺的清幽雅静。

    The Shuangfeng Temple is shrouded in tranquility.

  11. 瞬间我们就能相会,在清幽的凉亭里

    Or if were down one hour, down in yon shady bower,.

  12. 步入园中, 使人顿感清幽雅静。

    In the garden, there is an atmosphere of refined beauty and elegant quietness.

  13. 九华山树木蓊郁,环境清幽,是个旅游圣地。

    The Jiuhua Mountain is surrounded by trees, and is a tourist resort.

  14. 九华山树木蓊郁,环境清幽,是个旅游圣地。

    The Jiuhua Mountain is surrounded by trees, and is a tourist resort.

  15. 清幽的小巷里响起了清脆的自行车铃声。

    I heard the crisp jangling of the bicycle rising from the quiet alley.

  16. 我是清幽安静的晨,弥漫在绿色安静的荆棘谷。

    I am in the morning hush, of Stranglethorns jungle, green and lush.

  17. 周有回廊,曲折叠绕,使庭园清幽,诗意盎然。

    Zhou corridor, Qu folded around, so that garden quiet, poetic.

  18. 阳明山树木蓊郁,环境清幽,是个旅游圣地。

    The Yangming Mountain is surrounded by trees and is a tourist resort.

  19. 假山北面,楼阁临池,飞檐映水,恬静清幽。

    Rockery to the north, the temporary pool pavilion, cornices Yingwater, quiet quiet.

  20. 茅草亭是独自放松和读书的阴凉清幽之所。

    Thatched pavilions provide shady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy.

  21. 我是清幽安静的晨, 弥漫在绿色茂盛的荆棘谷。

    I am a beautiful quiet morning, diffuse in the thorns lush green valley.

  22. 我是清幽安静的晨雾,弥漫于绿色茂盛的荆棘谷。

    I am in the morning hush, of Stranglethom's jungle, green and lush.

  23. 我是清幽安静的晨,弥漫在绿意茂盛的荆棘谷。

    I am in the morning hush, of Stranglethorn's jungle green and lush.

  24. 清远就是清淡幽远得意境, 就是清幽绝俗得艺术形象。

    Elegance means delicate and secluded mood of a literary work, artistic image of quietude and refinement.

  25. 清远就是清淡幽远的意境,就是清幽绝俗的艺术形象。

    Elegance means delicate and secluded mood of a literary work, artistic image of quietude and refinement.

  26. 北京的后海有一处清幽古朴的建筑,名叫楠书房。

    A quaint building stands beside Houhai Lake in Beijing. Its the Phoebe Nanmu Study.

  27. 假如被雨水冲过,就清幽幽的,有些虚无感。

    If had been developed by rainwater, clear faint, some feel emptily.

  28. 喷于颈部及脉搏位置, 让肌肤散发浪漫清幽香气。

    Spray onto the pulse points to fragrance the skin with this romantic and elegant scent.

  29. 庙内另有一座大花园,奇花异木,清幽雅致。

    In the temple there is a big quiet elegant garden where rare flowers and uncommon trees are grown.

  30. 寥落山中寺, 清幽廊下碧水深, 廊外映苔痕。

    A mountain temple Clear water running under the verandah. Moss on the side.


  1. 问:清幽拼音怎么拼?清幽的读音是什么?清幽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清幽的读音是qīngyōu,清幽翻译成英文是 tranquil in reference to a landscape



拼音:qīng yōu 词性:形容词 adi.

解释:(风景) 秀丽而幽静。

近义词:清静 、幽静

反义词:喧闹、 哗闹 扩词:环境清幽、十分清幽、月色清幽 造句:这里的环境十分清幽,到这儿玩,是一种享受。