






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:jiāo zào bù ān








  1. Following her mother's death, she became agitated, with racing pulse and overwhelming nervous energy, and was ordered by doctors to rest.


  2. The morrow came, the plan for the evening continued, and Fanny's consideration of it did not become less agitated.


  3. I don't know how it is for you, but after about a week of lying about on a tropical beach I tend to get restless.


  4. He had been restless and was so happy we were all staying by his side. Mummy and I both slept in the same single bed which was no mean feat.


  5. Interviewers want you to be a go-getter, but they also worry that you'll get restless if you don't move up fast enough.


  6. Jack became worried about it. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of me and looked at me.


  7. I spent the night trying to reassure her, and she sent me off the next morning displaying a distinct uneasiness which I could not fathom.


  8. After 15 minutes of this I began to get restless and looked around at the audience.


  9. Maybe it was the act of confronting my worst fears, but by the end of that year, I was cured of my restlessness.


  1. 焦躁不安的

    hot and bothered

  2. 变得焦躁不安

    work oneself into a lather.

  3. 你感觉焦躁不安或急躁。

    You feel restless or irritable.

  4. 对某事过分焦躁不安

    to get in a lather/ to work o.s. up into a lather (over/ about something)

  5. 爱越来越焦躁不安和沮丧。

    Love was growing restless and dejected.

  6. 戴夫又在焦躁不安了。

    Dave has his nose out of joint again.

  7. 他焦躁不安, 紧张, 有点着急。

    He was agitated, tense, anxious.

  8. 他父亲焦躁不安,火气很旺。

    Her father was impatient and angry.

  9. 焦躁不安和极度疲乏的征兆。

    Symptoms of irritability and profound lassitude.

  10. 她的丈夫焦躁不安地来回踱步。

    Her husband prowled about restlessly.

  11. 大多数人的思想都是焦躁不安的。

    The mind of most people is very restless.

  12. 她焦躁不安地在椅子上挪动着。

    She moved restlessly in her chair.

  13. 天色已晚,他变得焦躁不安起来。

    As it was late he grew restless.

  14. 他们在座位上焦躁不安,扭来扭去。

    They were fidgeting and wriggling in their seats.

  15. 不会因为缺乏专家意见 而焦躁不安

    He doesn't have to experience the anxiety of not knowing because of limited expertise.

  16. 他不停的呻吟使她焦躁不安起来。

    His constant moaning was beginning to jar on her nerves.

  17. 在多数时间中我都感到焦躁不安的。

    Do you feel restless most of the time?

  18. 病人焦躁不安地在床上翻来滚去。

    The patient tumbled restlessly in his bed.

  19. 最近焦躁不安,有什么方法可以放松的吗?

    Fretted recently uneasiness, what what method can loosen is there?

  20. 我得小弟弟焦躁不安因为他正在长牙。

    My baby brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth.

  21. 我的小弟弟焦躁不安因为他正在长牙。

    My baby brother is fretful because he is cutting his teeth.

  22. 如果我的婚姻出了问题, 我也会焦躁不安的。

    I'd be on edge, too, If my marriage were having problems.

  23. 河鼠心烦意乱,焦躁不安,也不知究竟因为什么。

    The Water Rat was restless, and he did not exactly know why.

  24. 他焦躁不安地走来走去,点燃了一支烟。

    He moved about restlessly, lighting a cigarette.

  25. 焦躁不安的年轻精英分子是不希望接管政府的。

    There is no restless young elite that wants to take over the government.

  26. 焦躁不安得年轻精英分子是不希望接管政府得。

    There is no restless young elite that wants to take over the government.

  27. 男孩在他父亲来了后便不那么焦躁不安了。

    His fathers arrival lulled the boys anxiety.

  28. 她度过了焦躁不安的一夜,因忧虑而辗转反侧。

    She spent a restless night, tossing and turning with worry.

  29. 冲动,注意力不集中,焦躁不安以及自我调节能力差。

    The primary symptoms are impulsiveness, inattention, restlessness and poor selfregulation.

  30. 士兵们焦躁不安的返回家中并抱怨着持续乏味的生活。

    Soldiers were restless to return home and complained of incessant boredom.



“焦躁不安”是个多义词,它可以指焦躁不安(1985年加拿大动画短片), 焦躁不安(汉语词语)。