






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:jiāo lǜ bù ān








焦虑不安 [jiāo lǜ bù ān]
  1. 指缺乏明显客观原因的内心不安。



  1. The manager was a nervous anxious little man, always ready to cry wolf if the shop takings went down a pound or two.


  2. She was talking with agitation and intensity as if she had some invisible "keep going" sign in front of her.


  3. You don't want your children, or you, for that matter, to live in fear or to feel anxious, and that's where preparedness comes in.


  4. What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in the hospital.


  5. He didn't put it that way to me, of course, but I could see from his agitation that that was what worried him. And that made me stubborn.


  6. From the inside, it feels like anxious butterflies, trying to get out.


  7. It grew and it multiplied, till from every quarter as he listened anxiously, leaning this way and that, it seemed to be closing in on him.


  8. I stood in restless anticipation, wondering what sort of new game he was about to teach us.


  9. Washington 's announcement that the trade agreement had been signed ended a week of nail- biting on Wall Street .


  1. 处于焦虑不安中

    to be in a panic

  2. 她总是很焦虑不安

    to move into the house, she freaks out.

  3. 引起了我的焦虑不安

    Engender feelings of anxiety and doubt

  4. 一会儿老太太变得焦虑不安起来。

    The old lady soon got into a fuss.

  5. 她焦虑不安地四处张望寻找她爸爸。

    She looks around worriedly for her father.

  6. 我们现在干什么?他焦虑不安地问。

    What are we going to do now? He asked anxiously.

  7. 我们焦虑不安地关注着股票市场的情况。

    We watched the stock market nervously.

  8. 纠结的眉心传达了你的焦虑不安与慌张。

    Intertwines the glabella has transmitted your hot and bothered and flustered.

  9. 我发现他在走廊里焦虑不安地走来走去。

    I found him in the corridor nervously pacing up and down.

  10. 闹水灾得那一星期是使我们大家都焦虑不安得日子。

    The week of the flood was an anxious time for all of us.

  11. 她拿起一片面包,焦虑不安地把它掰碎,又放在一边。

    She took up a slice of bread, broke it nervously, then put it aside.

  12. 卡特旋即给卡纳冯去了电报,开始焦虑不安地等着他的到来。

    Carter immediately sent a telegram to Carnarvon and waited anxiously for his arrival.

  13. 激动不安焦虑极度的情绪不安扰乱

    Extreme emotional disturbance perturbation.

  14. 非常焦虑和不安

    so anxious and insecure.

  15. 我很清楚你现在的焦虑, 不安与恐惧。

    I am aware of your uneasiness and discomfort and fear.

  16. 在绝望的状态中,焦虑和不安是与生俱来的。

    Despair is the state in which anxiety and restlessness are immanent to existence.

  17. 我在焦虑和不安中度过了余下的几个小时。

    I spent the next several hours filled with anxiety.

  18. 这样他们就可以表达一切,从爱慕和渴望 到焦虑和不安

    So they can express everything from admiration and lust to anxiety and angst.

  19. 担心的,忧虑的对未来焦虑或恐惧不安的

    Anxious or fearful about the future uneasy.

  20. 他们对于海法发生的事情感到紧张,不安和焦虑。

    They are tense, nervous and anxious about what's happening in Haifa.

  21. 忧虑感因危险的出现或迫近而产生的不安或焦虑的情绪

    A feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger.

  22. 宁静的没有焦虑, 紧张或不安的镇定的

    Free from anxiety, tension, or restlessnesscomposed.

  23. 焦虑以焦虑,悲观和不安为特征的情绪状态。

    An emotional state characterized by anxiety, depression, and restlessness.

  24. 镇静剂有助于缓解焦虑所带来的不安症状。

    Tranquillizers help alleviate the distressing symptoms of anxiety.

  25. 你就会焦虑不安。

    you'd freak out.

  26. 我焦虑不安的理由?

    Reason for my angst

  27. 他们焦虑不安, 不断跳跃。

    They flutter about nervously in staccato hops.

  28. 他们焦虑不安,不断跳跃。

    They flutter about nervously in staccato hops.

  29. 她一整天都焦虑不安。

    All day she felt nervous and apprehensive.

  30. 她的声音满是焦虑不安。

    Her voice was full of anxiety.


  1. 问:焦虑不安拼音怎么拼?焦虑不安的读音是什么?焦虑不安翻译成英文是什么?

    答:焦虑不安的读音是Jiāolǜbù'ān,焦虑不安翻译成英文是 to look over one's shoulder