


簸动,向上播散:~水。~场(cháng )。~汤止沸。高举,向上:~手。~帆。趾高气~。~眉吐气。在空中飘动:飘~。称颂,传播:~言。~威。颂~。~弃。~名。姓。……


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:yáng míng








  1. 传播名声。

    《孝经·开宗明义》:“立身行道,扬名於后世,以显父母,孝之终也。” 唐 李白 《东海有勇妇》诗:“岂如 东海 妇,事立独扬名!” 巴金 《<巴金选集>后记》:“我生在官僚地主的家庭……自小就跟着私塾先生学一套立身行道、扬名显亲的封建大道理。”



  1. Violinist, Vanessa-Mae, best known for her pioneering mix of pop and classical music, has just completed her asian tour.


  2. Could it be that only those things are considered worthy of being pursued with which one can indeed earn money and prestige?


  3. Since Lv Yan, the Chinese super model, made her name internationally, some of us began to take pride in our "Asian facial features. "


  4. Could it be that only these things with which one can get fame and wealth are worth pursuing?


  5. Back when he was health minister, Mr Kan made his name by helping to expose the scandal of HIV-tainted blood peddled by Green Cross.


  6. As a federal prosecutor in Philadelphia Mr Meehan made a name for himself by going after corruption at city hall.


  7. United defender Rio Ferdinand told Sky Sports News this may be the season in which Ando fulfils his promise.


  8. The Alis used $5, 000 to open a neighborhood restaurant known for simple, good food and a friendly staff.


  9. He distinguished himself by his courage.


  1. 巩俐扬名好莱坞

    Gong Li hits her Hollywood stride

  2. 他因雄辩而扬名。

    He was distinguished for his eloquence.

  3. 他因英勇而扬名。

    He distinguished himself by his courage.

  4. 洛阳三小吃扬名中华

    Three named snacks of LuoYang famous all over China

  5. 我希望这本书能替我扬名。

    I hope for the book to make its mark.

  6. 他因驯鹰而使自己扬名。

    He made quite a name for himself taming hawks.

  7. 进而使我们的公司在当地扬名。

    We want the locals to know it.

  8. 我认为雷克斯将会扬名四海。

    I think that Rex will go far and become famous.

  9. 指没有真才实学,靠互相吹捧扬名。

    The absence of real ability and learning ?

  10. 他好像马上就要在好莱坞立足扬名了。

    He seemed to be poised on the edge of Hollywood success.

  11. 曾几何时,温州人以地瓜经济扬名天下。

    Before long, lukewarm city person with pachyrhizus economy famous the world.

  12. 但我相信他能在这里扬名立万。

    But I'm confident that he has what it takes to make it here.

  13. 我童年时代曾幻想自己有朝一日会扬名天下。

    I'd had a childhood fancy that I would one day be famous.

  14. 不可忘本,但是扬名不是靠出身,而是靠成就。

    Remember the roots of your family tree, but you are known by your fruit, not your root.

  15. 他既勇敢又聪明,由于杀死巨人而扬名。

    He was brave and intelligent and became famous for killing a lot of giants.

  16. 奥运会是一个有生只一次的扬名露脸机会。

    The Olympics are a onceinalifetime opportunity for visibility.

  17. 这些无暇顾及家室的人在国外为英国扬名。

    Those truant birds upheld the name of England abroad.

  18. 这些无暇顾及家室得人在国外为英国扬名。

    Those truant birds upheld the name of England abroad.

  19. 你发迹以后一定要回来在伦敦显姓扬名。

    When you have made your fortune, you must come back and assert yourself in London.

  20. 遗憾的是, 伦敦的餐馆并不以美味的食品扬名。

    British restaurants are not, unfortunately, famous for their good food.

  21. 贝克特是第一个扬名国际的荒诞派作家。

    Beckett was the first of the absurdists to win international fame.

  22. 高度的产业化, 集成化使滕州玻璃扬名国内外!

    High degree of industrialization, integration to become famous at home and abroad Tengzhou glass!

  23. 等学会玩这个游戏, 你在这儿就扬名立万了。

    Learn to play the game. you'll be the toast of the town.

  24. 明朝的瓷器扬名世界。明代也生产了众多赝品。

    Ming porcelain became famous throughout the world, with many imitations created during the Qing Dynasty.

  25. 这些都是使他扬名立腕,常青不衰的作品。

    This is the work for which he became and remains famous.

  26. 这是足球界中的神圣奖杯, 我们亦需要在欧洲扬名。

    It's the Holy Grail of club football and we need to make our mark in Europe.

  27. 其中第二个湖尤以其特殊的地理风貌而扬名。

    The second lake in particular is renowned for its irregular geological sights.

  28. 如果您想让贵司旗下品牌扬名全球, 请加入我们。

    If you want your brand to be knew all over the world, please joining us.

  29. 这儿有个年轻得记者想出人头地, 扬名立万。

    Some young journalist out there is trying to get a name for himself.

  30. 这儿有个年轻的记者想出人头地,扬名立万。

    Some young journalist out there is trying to get a name for himself.


  1. 问:扬名拼音怎么拼?扬名的读音是什么?扬名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扬名的读音是yángmíng,扬名翻译成英文是 become famous

  2. 问:扬名四海拼音怎么拼?扬名四海的读音是什么?扬名四海翻译成英文是什么?

    答:扬名四海的读音是yángmíngsìhǎi,扬名四海翻译成英文是 Prestige that goes far.


