







汉语拼音:qiāng táng






  1. 枪管中装送子弹的部分。

    刘白羽 《同志》:“我几次去触摸我那光滑滑的手枪柄,准备他万一危害我,我就使用枪膛里的第一颗子弹。”



  1. Perhaps it's still true, provided the Confederate soldier has bullets for his gun and shoes on his feet and food in his stomach.


  2. It popped each seed into a chamber for distribution just as his gun placed bullets into the breach for firing.


  3. The Force-A-Nature has only two shots to a clip and takes a while to reload. Take advantage of this and attack the Scout between reloads.


  4. a mechanism in a firearm that pulls an empty shell case out of the chamber and passes it to the ejector.


  5. Marius, on his side, grasped the pistol in his right pocket, drew it out and cocked it.


  6. In French the word rifler meant to "scratch" and that's why the grooves inside a gun barrel are called rifling.


  7. The start-end measure method and electricity measure method are used to test initial velocity of pill and chamber pressure respectively.


  8. But the hallucination persisted. He fought it off for hours, then threw his rifle open and was confronted with emptiness.


  9. A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge.


  1. 枪膛堵住了。

    The gun chamber was stopped up.

  2. 枪膛已经空了。

    The cylinder was empty.

  3. 把子弹上到枪膛上。

    Put the bullet into the firing chamber of your gun.

  4. 子弹自枪膛中高速射出。

    The bullet is released from the gun at very high speed.

  5. 枪膛已退弹,放下滑架。

    Gun is clear, slide forward.

  6. 通条用于清洁火器枪膛的棍子

    A rod used to clean the barrel of a firearm.

  7. 开枪后子弹壳从枪膛弹出。

    Cartridges are ejected the gun after firing.

  8. 开枪后子弹从枪膛里弹出去。

    Cartridges are ejected from the gun after firing.

  9. 兵士们将子弹装入枪膛准备射击。

    The soldiers charged their guns and prepared to fire.

  10. 步枪的枪膛要经常用绒布擦拭。

    Rifles should be regularly pulled through with a piece of flannelette.

  11. 她开了火,但枪膛中没有子弹。

    She fires, but the gun chamber is empty.

  12. 步枪的枪膛要经常有绒布擦拭。

    Rifles should be cleaned regularly by pulling a piece of flannelette through.

  13. 赛克斯小心地把子弹装进枪膛。

    Sikes loaded the pistol with great care.

  14. 她的教练在枪膛里装上了实弹。

    Her instructor plugged live bullets into the gun's chamber.

  15. 这种来复枪的枪膛可以装短弹或长弹。

    This rifle can chamber short or long cartridges.

  16. 这种来复枪得枪膛可以装短弹或长弹。

    This rifle can chamber short or long cartridges.

  17. 连接来复枪膛的从水下掷出的手榴弹。

    a grenade that is thrown from a launching device attached to the barrel of a rifle.

  18. 绞筒枪一种有向枪口逐渐变窄的枪膛的枪

    A gun with a narrowed bore near the muzzle.

  19. 子弹从枪膛里射出, 随即传来一声巨响。

    The bullet discharged from the gun with a loud bang.

  20. 子弹从枪膛里射出,随即传来一声巨响。

    The bullet discharged from the gun with a loud bang.

  21. 可是另一方面, 他也始终明白, 枪膛里是空的。

    On the other hand, he knew all the time that the chamber was empty.

  22. 我再次把弹药填满枪膛,可你却没有了机会!

    Its good times now that I get to reload.

  23. 枪膛如枪的中空的,通常是柱状的小室或小筒

    A hollow, usually cylindrical chamber or barrel, as of a firearm.

  24. 一种肩杠、长枪管并、刻有来复线的枪膛的武器。

    A shoulder weapon with a long barrel and a rifled bore.

  25. 在他注视那会儿, 那少年正把一颗子弹从枪膛里卸下。

    As he watched, the youth ejected a bullet from the gun.

  26. 火器中的把空壳退出枪膛并把它传送给排出器的装置。

    a mechanism in a firearm that pulls an empty shell case out of the chamber and passes it to the ejector.

  27. 他不愿束手就擒,于是对着敌人扫射了一气,直到枪膛空空如也。

    He refused to go down without a fight and emptied his magazine on the enemies.


  1. 问:枪膛拼音怎么拼?枪膛的读音是什么?枪膛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:枪膛的读音是qiāngtáng,枪膛翻译成英文是 bore; gauge



枪膛:qiāngtáng[bore] 枪管中装送子弹的部分。
