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From the macro view, the thesis firstly clears the concept of cost and benefit, and then tries to find the best relations between them.
从宏观上来看,文章首先厘清了成本和效益的概念,然后从两者的关系上寻找最优点。She did not, she explained in a letter to him, because things had not "worked out properly between us. "
她在写给海德格尔的信中解释说为什么不这样做是因为“我们之间的关系”还没有厘清。It was suggested that clarification of the concept and studies of individual differences help to advance knowledge about this inconsistency.
这显示这个概念仍然需要更进一步的厘清,而且研究其影响的个别差异之研究当有助益。Leaders used religious rhetoric and ordinary soldiers and sailors said their prayers as they tried to make sense of what they were doing.
当试图厘清自己所作所为的意义时,领导者们善用带有宗教色彩的说辞,而普通士兵和水手则进行祷告。strengthen the enforcement tools, innovative management models, sort of labor security inspection and arbitration of labor relations.
强化执法手段,创新管理模式,厘清劳动保障监察和劳动仲裁关系等。Then you can fill in the gaps, clear up misinformation, and, if necessary and appropriate, explain what you know from your own experience.
然后,你就可以填补空白,把他们误解的厘清,而且,如果必要和合适,解释从你自己经验中你所获知的东西。One of the fundamental questions of biology is the amount and full nature of biodiversity on Earth.
厘清地球上生物多样性的总数量和全部特性是现代生物学所面临的一个基础难题。The European Union, another traditional global leader, will need at least another year or two to sort out the euro mess.
另一个传统意义上的全球领袖——欧盟(EU)至少还需要一两年时间,才能厘清欧元区的乱局。and yet it may serve to define the limits of observation and of deduction.