











汉语拼音:qīng chūn yǒng zhù








  1. The article also points out that this is at least the second elixir of eternal youth that has been 'discovered' in the last few months.


  2. so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from infinite, so long as you are young.


  3. Unique characters help so me cars to age better than anything else and keep their owners proud.


  4. Copperfield insists his archipelago also contains the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth.


  5. Peace, and live happily ever after. And nations, and prosperity. Good luck and strive. And ease, youth. Wishing you happiness!


  6. I wish respected elderly health and longevity, the original art of talented Mr. Luo panacea.


  7. Prays for heavenly blessing us division commander the lasting youthfulness, the health!


  8. And despite sullen global economy, those seeking eternal youth are giving the luxury skin care market a new lease on life.


  9. For ages, people have been searching for the elixir of youth and energy.


  1. 美德青春永驻。

    Virtue never grows old.

  2. 祝你青春永驻。

    Many happy returns of the day!

  3. 深爱者青春永驻。

    Those who love deeply never grow old.

  4. 它是青春永驻的秘诀。

    It is the secret of perpetual youth.

  5. 那么, 如何让笔记本电脑青春永驻呢?

    So, how to make notebook computer green always be stationed in?

  6. 十年后我去美容,希望青春永驻。

    I go to beauty salon fancying for perennial youth.

  7. 祝亲爱得妈妈青春永驻, 笑口常开!

    Wish my dear mother an everlasting youth and eternal happiness.

  8. 祝亲爱的妈妈青春永驻,笑口常开!

    Wish my dear mother an everlasting youth and eternal happiness.

  9. 祝亲爱的妈妈青春永驻,笑口常开!

    Wish my dear mother an everlasting youth and eternal happiness.

  10. 他像是不受衰老过程的影响,青春永驻。

    He's a real Dorian Gray, apparently untouched by the ageing process.

  11. 她是一个懂得如何保持青春永驻的女人。

    She is the woman who found the secret to eternal youth.

  12. 她是一个懂得如何保持青春永驻的女人。

    She is the woman who found the secret to eternal youth.

  13. 常服本品,治本治标,病魔远离,青春永驻。

    If you take it often, this product will not only help you to alleviate the symptoms, But effect a permanent cure as well, making disease leave and youth stay.

  14. 是的, 衷心希望我所有的朋友都要青春永驻, 毫无例外。

    Yes, hope my all friends seek forever young, and that any exception.

  15. 是得,衷心希望我所有得朋友都要青春永驻,毫无例外。

    Yes, hope my all friends seek forever young, and that any exception.

  16. 拥有人类的一部分外形, 却又若神一样青春永驻。

    I owned partially humans outside, but was immoral like God.

  17. 实际上, 世人追求健美和青春永驻仿佛已经到了发疯的程度。

    In fact, the world seems to have gone mad for physical beauty and youth.

  18. 来吧!青春永驻得彼得潘将带您由伦敦大道遨向明日乐园!

    Fly with Peter Pan on a journey that takes you from the night sky over London to his home in Neverland.

  19. 千百年来,上至帝王将相下及布衣百姓,无人不祈求青春永驻。

    For thousands of years, from kings to normal people, few of them do not beg for lifelong youth.

  20. 来吧!青春永驻的彼得潘将带您由伦敦大道遨向明日乐园!

    Fly with Peter Pan on a journey that takes you from the night sky over London to his home in Neverland.

  21. 但若青春能永驻,爱生生不息。

    But could youth last, and love still breed.

  22. 青春不能永驻。

    We cannot stay young.

  23. 人虽死, 真爱永驻。

    People die, but real love is forever.

  24. 人虽死,真爱永驻。

    People die, but real love is forever.

  25. 唉,时光永驻,消逝的是你我。

    Alas, Time stays, we go.

  26. 激情永驻此地。这真的永远是事实吗?

    Passion lives here. Isn't it always true?

  27. 我们恨不得挡住时钟的时针,想像时光会为我们永驻。

    We stop the hands of the clock and imagine that time will stand still.

  28. 在任期间的清正廉洁使他在人民心中声名永驻。

    Honesty and uprightness during his tenure of office gave him permanent fame in the minds of the people.

  29. 它不是永恒的物体而永驻,也不是流星灿光一样易逝。

    It is not the eternal objects and, nor is it light as a meteor Perishable Can.

  30. 若不能长相厮守,请把我留在你心间,我将永驻于此。

    If there ever comes a day, when we can't be together, keep me in your heart. I'll stay there forever.



基本信息基本资料 名称:青春永驻 / 今生有约 / 天荒情未了 / 永远年轻 / Forever Young导演:Steve Miner 类型:剧情 爱情 地区:美国 语言:英语 剧情 时值1939年,铁骨铮铮的丹尼(梅尔吉布森饰)是美国空军的试飞机师,万里长空展翼翱翔。丹尼的好友哈利(乔治云特饰)是一名科学家,钻研急冻生物学,有突破性的进展。
