


分量小,与“重(zhòng )”相对:~重。~型。~便(biàn )。~于鸿毛。~尘栖弱草(喻人生渺小短暂)。程度浅,数量少:年~。工作~。用力小:~放。~声。~闲。~描淡写。负载少,装备简省:~装。~骑。~锐(轻装的精锐部队)。认为容易,……


1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……



汉语拼音:qīng fēng








  1. 轻捷的风。

    晋 张协 《杂诗》之三:“轻风摧劲草,凝霜竦高木。”

  2. 微风。

    唐 杜牧 《早春阁下寓直萧九舍人亦直内署因寄书怀四韵》:“玉漏轻风顺,金茎淡日残。” 元 柯丹丘 《荆钗记·受钗》:“绣房中,裊裊香烟喷,翦翦轻风送。” 郭风 《叶笛集》:“轻风从旅馆的窗口悄悄地吹过。”



  1. Suddenly the sky darkened, and then the song good song drunk Minghao moon space, good dance in the wind Dance Salicaceae lower.


  2. Together the three royals are given to the breeze, that follows out to see like the baying of a hound.


  3. The drooping branches of the birch-trees swayed in the wind, and dripped bright drops aslant across the road.


  4. The breeze along the river seems to say that if I should decide to stay, you'll only break my heart again.


  5. I can do nothing but gaze into the distance and pray in silence to send you my blessing by means of light breeze.


  6. It was a fine feeling indeed to be standing up there like that, with the sound of summer all around one and a light breeze on one's face.


  7. for there was no passing of time there, where no wind blew and the stars did not move.


  8. Do not need the wind, waiting for timeless beauty are the heart of the young track!


  9. I wish to be a gentle breeze, blowing into your wavy heart across thousands of mountains and rivers and staying there forever.


  1. 轻风习习。

    A light breeze was blowing.

  2. 夏日的轻风

    soft summer winds.

  3. 轻风拂过她的脸。

    A soft breeze kissed her face.

  4. 风暴最后减弱为轻风。

    The storm at last sank to a gentle wind.

  5. 一阵轻风吹皱湖水。

    A breeze ruffled the lake.

  6. 月影烛光,夜雨轻风。

    Moon Shadow candlelight, night rain breeze.

  7. 轻风送来一阵花香。

    The scent of the flowers was wafted to us by the breeze.

  8. 微风,轻风轻微的空气流微风

    A light current of air a gentle wind.

  9. 上帝的神威在温柔的轻风里!

    God's great power is in the gentle breeze!

  10. 舟遥遥以轻风飘飘而吹衣。

    La boato nagxas, basko flirtas en la vento.

  11. 一阵轻风吹走了我的文件。

    A puff of wind blew my papers away.

  12. 轻风拂动水面,荡起了涟漪。

    The surface of the water was dimpled by the breeze.

  13. 爱能使暴雨化作轻风也能使轻风化作暴雨。

    Love can turn a storm into a breeze and a breeze into a storm.

  14. 一阵突来的轻风吹吹皱平静的湖面。

    A sudden breeze ruffled the surface of the calm lake.

  15. 它有时轻风拂面, 润物无声若蜻蜓点水。

    It sometimes the wind, silent lubricant if superficially.

  16. 天宇的轻风永远融有一种甜蜜的感情。

    The winds of heaven mix forever, With a sweet emotion.

  17. 迎隐晦之风我猛吸气轻风荡漾心旗。

    As I inhale the impalpable breezes that set in upon me.

  18. 无须轻风,等待美丽是年轻永恒的心径!

    The girl continued to lie there like Sleeping Beauty, hooked up to her various machines.

  19. 轻风在我们身边低语,仿佛在传达由衷的祝福。

    The wind whispers around us,a gentle wind that feels like a blessing.

  20. 天堂在何处,面上的轻风又从何处拂来?

    Where is my heaven? Where is the wind on my face?

  21. 她的感情总是象四月的无定准的轻风一样。

    Her emotions were always as unstable as the light winds of April.

  22. 心情和着枝头一缕温柔的轻风, 起伏跌宕。

    The mood with branches of a gentle breeze, the and valleys.

  23. 轻风把他们的名字吹向刚刚长出的小草。

    The soft wind breathed their names to the newborn grass.

  24. 轻风徐徐送来蜜桃醉人的芳香,让人垂涎欲滴。

    Breeze slowly sent aromas of peach intoxicate, let a person be salivating.

  25. 蓝天碧水, 椰树银沙, 轻风海浪, 让人流连忘返。

    Clear water and blue sky, palm silver sand, the wind waves, people forget.

  26. 轻风向他们吹来, 草在风中微微起伏作响。

    A breeze was blowing toward them and the grass rippled gently in the wind.

  27. 此外只有轻风拂雪片,再也听不见其他声音。

    The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake.

  28. 让思念化作一缕轻风, 柔柔的吻过你的脸!

    to miss turned into a ray of light breeze, the dough kissed your face!

  29. 轻风起来时,点点随风飘散,那更是杨花了。

    Light air has floated with the wind when getting up, to fall apart , that has also been poplar blossom.

  30. 轻风吹走了蚊子,清新了空气,风中有阵阵花香。

    A light wind blew away the mosquitoes and saturated the new air with a fragrance of flowers.


  1. 问:轻风拼音怎么拼?轻风的读音是什么?轻风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轻风的读音是qīngfēng,轻风翻译成英文是 breeze; light air