词语:洛夫(1928- )热度:78

词语洛夫(1928- )拆分为汉字:




1. 夫 [fū]2. 夫 [fú]夫 [fū]旧时称成年男子:渔~。农~。万~不当之勇。旧时称服劳役的人:~役。拉~。〔~子〕a.旧时对学者的称呼;b.旧时称老师;c.旧时妻称夫;d.称读古书而思想陈腐的人。与妻结成配偶者:丈~。~妇。夫……


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词语洛夫(1928- )基本解释



词语洛夫(1928- )双语例句

  1. Dimitrov, who died aged 31, had the mobile with him when he was shot while eating out with a beautiful model.


  2. "It may be that the core of our planet is unchanged as a result of life; but it would be unwise to assume it, " Lovelock said.


  3. Who was Lovejoy and why did his death cause such a strong reaction around the country?


  4. "Russians are drinking a little bit more due to the crisis, and this helped me get out of the rubbish dump, " Konovalov said.


  5. The spotter then ran to Clovelly Corner to try to get the swimmer out of the water, but the attack took place before he could reach him.


  6. Lovelock says, "The Gaia theory is a bit stronger than coevolution, " at least as biologists use the word.


  7. They would have to fight me for a place, just as with Olof Mellberg.


  8. He had been content to let Croft manage the platoon again for a time.


  9. This time the geniuses seem to have created a "lemons crisis" , after the celebrated paper by the Nobel laureate George Akerloff*.


  1. 洛夫先生,生意一向不错吧?

    How are you getting along with your business, Mr. Lough ?

  2. 在哪,洛夫乔伊喷泉公园。

    Where? Lovejoy Fountain Park.

  3. 在哪,洛夫乔伊喷泉公园。

    Where? Lovejoy Fountain Park.

  4. 洛夫现代诗的中西视野融合

    The Fusion of Chinese Literature and Western Literature in Luo Fu's Poems

  5. 洛夫乔伊喷泉公园,一人中枪。

    Lovejoy Fountain Park, one victim.

  6. 洛夫乔伊喷泉公园,一人中枪。

    Lovejoy fountain park, one victim.

  7. 洛夫乔伊喷泉公园,一人中枪。

    Lovejoy fountain park, one victim.

  8. 杰罗德。洛夫该死我太复杂了。

    Jarrod Lough Dammit Im too complex.

  9. 洛夫乔伊,居无定所,被控谋杀。

    Lovejoy, of no fixed abode, was charged with murder.

  10. 杰罗德。洛夫是时候付诸行动了。

    Jarrod Lough Its time to put my training into use.

  11. 我一点也不怀疑你们的能力, 洛夫先生,

    Not in the least, Mr Lough.

  12. 洛夫在他太太离开他后真的发神经了。

    Ralph really lost his mind after his wife left him.

  13. 洛夫解开他得衬衫,医生做身体检查。

    Ralph unbuttons his shirt and the doctor carries out the physical examination.

  14. 洛夫解开他的衬衫,医生做身体检查。

    Ralph unbuttons his shirt and the doctor carries out the physical examination.

  15. 总理帕夫洛夫因患高血压病倒了。

    Prime Minister Pavlov had been taken ill with high blood pressure.

  16. 那个叫狗舔卵蛋的人是巴夫洛夫吧?

    Was it Pavlov that conditioned his dog to lick his nuts?

  17. 这是谢诺菲留斯?洛夫古德,卢娜父亲的家。

    It is the inside of the house of Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna's father.

  18. 在1837年, 洛夫乔伊大声疾呼要求立即释放所有奴隶。

    By 1837, Lovejoy called for immediate universal emancipation.

  19. 在帕夫洛夫的空调实验狗,流涎在喤是有条件的回应。

    In Pavlovs conditioning experiments with dogs, salivation at the sound of a bell is the conditional response.

  20. 卢娜。洛夫古德在很多方面是一个很不寻常的女孩。

    Luna Lovegood is a most unusual young woman in many ways.

  21. 他的妻子,音乐人考特尼?洛夫寻找法律途径来阻止它的发行。

    His wife, musician Courtney Love, sought legal action to block its release.

  22. 在帕夫洛夫的空调实验狗, 流涎在介绍食品是无条件的回应。

    In Pavlov's conditioning experiments with dogs, salivation at the presentation of food is the unconditional response.

  23. 踢了一个小时后西尔瓦被斯瓦托斯拉夫。特德洛夫换下。

    Neither could Silva, who made way for Svetoslav Todorov after an hour.

词语洛夫(1928- )相关网络短语词组

  1. 问:洛夫拼音怎么拼?洛夫的读音是什么?洛夫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫的读音是luòfū,洛夫翻译成英文是 Love

  2. 问:洛夫伦拼音怎么拼?洛夫伦的读音是什么?洛夫伦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫伦的读音是Luòfūlún,洛夫伦翻译成英文是 Lovren

  3. 问:洛夫兰拼音怎么拼?洛夫兰的读音是什么?洛夫兰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫兰的读音是Luòfūlán,洛夫兰翻译成英文是 Loveland; Lovran

  4. 问:洛夫凯拼音怎么拼?洛夫凯的读音是什么?洛夫凯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫凯的读音是Luòfūkǎi,洛夫凯翻译成英文是 Lovkay

  5. 问:洛夫利拼音怎么拼?洛夫利的读音是什么?洛夫利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫利的读音是Luòfūlì,洛夫利翻译成英文是 Lovely

  6. 问:洛夫勒拼音怎么拼?洛夫勒的读音是什么?洛夫勒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫勒的读音是Luòfūlè,洛夫勒翻译成英文是 Loffler

  7. 问:洛夫卡拼音怎么拼?洛夫卡的读音是什么?洛夫卡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫卡的读音是Luòfūkǎ,洛夫卡翻译成英文是 Lowka

  8. 问:洛夫尔拼音怎么拼?洛夫尔的读音是什么?洛夫尔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫尔的读音是,洛夫尔翻译成英文是 Loffre

  9. 问:洛夫岛拼音怎么拼?洛夫岛的读音是什么?洛夫岛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫岛的读音是,洛夫岛翻译成英文是 Loaf Island

  10. 问:洛夫廷拼音怎么拼?洛夫廷的读音是什么?洛夫廷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫廷的读音是Luòfūtíng,洛夫廷翻译成英文是 Loftin; Lofting

  11. 问:洛夫拉拼音怎么拼?洛夫拉的读音是什么?洛夫拉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫拉的读音是Luòfūlā,洛夫拉翻译成英文是 Lovra

  12. 问:洛夫曼拼音怎么拼?洛夫曼的读音是什么?洛夫曼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫曼的读音是Luòfūmàn,洛夫曼翻译成英文是 Laufman; Loffman; Loveman

  13. 问:洛夫林拼音怎么拼?洛夫林的读音是什么?洛夫林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫林的读音是luòfūlín,洛夫林翻译成英文是 Lovrin

  14. 问:洛夫滕拼音怎么拼?洛夫滕的读音是什么?洛夫滕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫滕的读音是Luòfūténg,洛夫滕翻译成英文是 Loftéen; Loftén

  15. 问:洛夫特拼音怎么拼?洛夫特的读音是什么?洛夫特翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫特的读音是luòfūtè,洛夫特翻译成英文是 Loft

  16. 问:洛夫登拼音怎么拼?洛夫登的读音是什么?洛夫登翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫登的读音是Luòfūdēng,洛夫登翻译成英文是 Loveden

  17. 问:洛夫罗拼音怎么拼?洛夫罗的读音是什么?洛夫罗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫罗的读音是Luòfūluó,洛夫罗翻译成英文是 Lovro

  18. 问:洛夫茨拼音怎么拼?洛夫茨的读音是什么?洛夫茨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫茨的读音是Luòfūcí,洛夫茨翻译成英文是 Lofts

  19. 问:洛夫蒂拼音怎么拼?洛夫蒂的读音是什么?洛夫蒂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫蒂的读音是Luòfūdì,洛夫蒂翻译成英文是 Lofty

  20. 问:洛夫里拼音怎么拼?洛夫里的读音是什么?洛夫里翻译成英文是什么?

    答:洛夫里的读音是Luòfūlǐ,洛夫里翻译成英文是 Lovri