







汉语拼音:shì yīn






  1. 试奏乐器听其音色、音响如何。

    徐银斋 《胡琴的风波》:“到了晚上,等我爱人和小孩子都睡了的时候,我就开始试音了。”



  1. "See how near I may have been to another sort of life, " he wrote of himself at 20 when he had been on the point of auditioning as an actor.


  2. He auditioned for the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under Herbert von Karajan, and was principal flute of that orchestra from 1969 to 1975.


  3. Music schools and university music departments typically receive hundreds or thousands of recorded auditions on CD or DVD from candidates.


  4. The company has a horn workshop, assembling workshop, paint shop and audition workshop.


  5. The movie that was holding auditions was entitled Flirting, by an Australian director.


  6. I'm going to the audition but I don't expect I'll get a part.


  7. But, uh, Bev has to prepare for her Showcase audition.


  8. We gave the V-CAN Ravel's dynamic and complex Bolero and immediately noticed that the volume control is incredibly sensitive.


  9. Charlotte auditioned with the CEO of Sony Records Paul Burger who was so impressed not only with her voice but her personality.


  1. 你试音什么角色?

    Which part are you auditioning for?

  2. 于是我们召人试音。

    So, we hold these auditions.

  3. 你扮什么角色试音?

    Which part are you auditioning for?

  4. 但你不准去试音。

    You are not going to the audition.

  5. 这不是试音, 这是摇滚乐。

    This not a test, this is and roll.

  6. 为一个电影角色试音。

    To audition for a film role.

  7. 你也应该为他们试音。

    You should audition for them, too.

  8. 噢, 我得到了试音的机会。

    Oh, I've got to audition?

  9. 她会安排你在下个月试音。

    She'll setyou up an appointment next month.

  10. 你在试音之后没有关掉麦克风

    Your mic wasn't off during sound check.

  11. 其后申请者将获通知试音日期。

    An applicant will then be notified of a day for audition.

  12. 但是,贝芙需要准备为汇演准备试音

    But, uh, Bev has to prepare for her Showcase audition.

  13. 你之前的试音给我们印象最深的。

    I feel that you isongressed us in the earlier auditions.

  14. 试音结果会在翌日以电邮通知。

    You will be notified of the result by email in the following day.

  15. 试音结果会在数日内通知申请者。

    Audition result will be related to you within a few days.

  16. 参加试音的是20个有成功希望的年轻人。

    The audition was attended by a score of young hopefuls.

  17. 现公司有有喇叭车间、组装车间、喷漆车间、试音车间。

    The company has a horn workshop, assembling workshop, paint shop and audition workshop.

  18. 参加者可能须要试音,时间及日期待定。

    Applicant may be required to attend for audition.

  19. 在试音当日, 申请者首先是测试音域。

    On the audition day, you are required first to demonstrate your vocal range and ability.

  20. 你和我一起去,你知道,去试音,作为我的替补歌手。

    You come with me, you know, to the audition, as my backup singer.

  21. 我去试音, 可并不指望会给我个角色演出。

    I'm going to the audition but I don't expect I'll get a part.

  22. 除低音大提琴外,参加者须自备乐器进行试音。

    Except Double Bass, applicants should bring their own musical instrument for audition.

  23. 本会将于8月22日前以邮寄方式通知个别试音时间。

    Audition time will be notified by mail on or before 22 August.

  24. 他们都通过了综合测试、实战教学检测和独奏试音。

    They passed a comprehensive exam, were examined on their practical teaching, and passed a solo audition.

  25. 试音将于2007年7月4至7月6日举行,凡申请人必须参与。

    Audition will be arranged upon receiving the application form. Audition will be held on July 4 to July 6 2005.

  26. 艺术家们所提交的是试音版, 上传后以视频的方式出现。

    Submissions from artists are considered auditions, and are uploaded as videos.

  27. 因为乐队的一个成员没来试音,这位歌手大发雷霆。

    The singer went ballistic after one member of his band failed to show for a sound check.