




房屋(封建时代专指帝王的住所):~室。~廷。~殿。~观(guàn )(a.供帝王游乐的离宫;b.道教的庙宇)。~禁。~苑。~刑。神话中神仙居住的房屋:天~。龙~。蟾~。庙宇的名称:雍和~。一些文化娱乐场所:少年~。文化~。天文上黄道分为十二……



汉语拼音:huáng gōng







  1. Ling felt sick to his stomach, but he knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace.


  2. Riding the Tokyo subway Monday on her way to the Imperial Palace, she said it was her third time to Japan.


  3. The fairy decided that everyone and everything in the palace should also remain for a hundred years just as they were at this moment.


  4. This was the Emperor's main laboratory, which was itself at the center of his underground complex, known as the Imperial Dungeon.


  5. On the feast of the New Moon the young Emperor came forth from his palace and went into the mosque to pray.


  6. I stayed here for a week in March and found the Imperial palace to be quite wonderful - probably the best hotel I've ever stayed in.


  7. It has created palaces, but it was not so easy to create noblemen and kings.


  8. At last he returned to his palace quite cast down, because he wished so much to have a real Princess for his wife.


  9. It would seem that the king did not want him to be gone too long because Nehemiah had a good testimony as a worker.


  1. 皇宫怎么样?

    How about the royal palace?

  2. 海上皇宫聚餐

    Coming together dinner in SEA PALACE

  3. 东方皇宫娱乐城

    Oriental Imperial Palace Entertainment City

  4. 湖上皇宫宾馆

    Lake Palace Hotel

  5. 他常去皇宫。

    He repaired to the Imperial Palace.

  6. 皇宫御用强身膏

    imperial palace robotant ointment

  7. 他们抢劫了皇宫。

    They came and spoilt the palace.

  8. 他们抢劫了皇宫。

    They came and spoilt the palace.

  9. 皇宫及其环境详图

    a plan of the royal palace and its surroundings

  10. 皇宫御用奶浴净

    imperial palace bath cream

  11. 伊莉莎被赶出皇宫。

    Eliza was driven out of the palace.

  12. 是的, 在皇宫影院。

    Yes, at the Palace Cinema.

  13. 是的,在皇宫影院。

    Yes, at the Palace Cinema.

  14. 大皇宫和人妖表演

    Great Palace and Goblin performance

  15. 我参观曼谷大皇宫。

    I visited the Grand Palace of bangkok.

  16. 伪皇宫陈列馆

    Exhibition Hall of Imperial Palace of Puppet Manchurian State

  17. 我们正前方就是皇宫。

    Directly ahead of us is the royal palace.

  18. 皇宫为高墙围住。

    The palace is enclosed by a high wall.

  19. 我们趁便参观了皇宫。

    We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.

  20. 看着像是皇宫正殿。

    Looks like some kind of throne room.

  21. 皇宫, 人口和美洲农作物。

    Palaces, populations, and New World crops.

  22. 侍奉, 尤指在皇宫中

    In attendance, especially at a royal court.

  23. 侍奉,尤指在皇宫中。

    In attendance, especially at a royal court.

  24. 她在皇宫剧院演主角。

    She topped the bill at the Palace Theatre.

  25. 那是一座雄伟得皇宫。

    It is a very stately palace.

  26. 那是一座雄伟的皇宫。

    It is a very stately palace.

  27. 这时灰姑娘走入皇宫。

    Then Cinderella walks into the palace.

  28. 乔治国王二世皇宫酒店

    King George II Palace Hotel

  29. 单人房, 天津皇宫饭店预订

    Single Room Tianjin Imperial Palace Hotel Reservation

  30. 她负责清洗皇宫的锅盆。

    She cleaned the palace pots and pans.


  1. 问:皇宫拼音怎么拼?皇宫的读音是什么?皇宫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皇宫的读音是huánggōng,皇宫翻译成英文是 palace



“皇宫”是个多义词,它可以指皇宫(瓦莱丽·勒梅尔西埃执导法国电影), 皇宫(皇室成员居住的地方)。