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房屋(封建时代专指帝王的住所):~室。~廷。~殿。~观(guàn )(a.供帝王游乐的离宫;b.道教的庙宇)。~禁。~苑。~刑。神话中神仙居住的房屋:天~。龙~。蟾~。庙宇的名称:雍和~。一些文化娱乐场所:少年~。文化~。天文上黄道分为十二……
1. 阙 [quē]2. 阙 [què]阙 [quē]古代用作“缺”字。空缺:尚付~~。有怀疑的事情暂时不下断语,留待查考:~疑。过错:~失。姓。阙 [què]皇宫门前两边供瞭望的楼:宫~。皇帝居处,借指朝廷:~下。“待从头收拾旧山河,朝天……
汉语拼音:gōng què
《史记·高祖本纪》:“ 萧丞相 营作 未央宫 ,立东闕、北闕、前殿、武库、太仓。 高祖 还,见宫闕甚壮。” 南朝 齐 谢朓 《始出尚书省》诗:“趋事辞宫闕,载笔陪旌棨。” 宋 苏轼 《水调歌头》词:“明月几时有?把酒问青天。不知天上宫闕,今夕是何年。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·射策》:“絳续筹传露正垂,岧嶢宫闕壮朝仪。” 康有为 《泛舟至天津入京复还上海》诗:“万里烟波迴紫潮,五云宫闕耸丹霄。”
The whole group of buildings towering rigorous, magnificent, distance, clouds shrouded, magnificent, just like the sky palace.
整组建筑巍峨严整,气势恢宏,远处眺望,白云缭绕,金碧辉煌,宛若天上宫阙。Calligraphy is certainly not the hole's patent, South Korea around the ancient buildings, temples, ! BianPai are Chinese calligraphy.
书法作品当然不是仁寿洞的专利,韩国各地的古建筑、寺庙、宫阙的匾牌上都是汉字书法作品。Oh! In the Imperial palace , weeds have grown all over, hungry jackals and wolves run wild in the battlefields .
啊,宫阙长满了野草,战场上奔突着饥饿的豺狼。I dreamed of many imperial palaces indifferent styles.
我梦到了许多风格各异的宫阙。When is the moon full and bright? Raising wineglass, I ask blue sky. I know not what year it is tonight, In the heaven palace so far away.
明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。Pig: comparative study of wine in the sky, I wonder if sky palace, Jinxi is what year, I want to . . . . . .
八戒:明月几时有,把酒问青天,不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年,我欲……Taoist Tai Law are the highest in Wonderland, Grand Palais which means Luo Jian Luo in the palace in heaven.
大罗是道家的最高仙境,大罗宫意即建在大罗天上的宫阙。If only you can imagine an ineffable architectural structure, like a palace in the moon, a fairyland, that is the Winter Palace.
The ten thousand palaces, all turned to dust.
I dreamed of many imperial palaces in different styles.
I dreamed of many imperial palaces in different styles.
The high walls of palaces and the cups of banquets record the vicissitudes of life.
Oh! In the Imperial palace, weeds have grown all over, hungry jackals and wolves run wild in the battlefields.
When is the moon full and bright? Raising wineglass, I ask blue sky. I know not what year it is tonight, In the heaven palace so far away.