







汉语拼音:shǒu xīn









  1. 手掌的中心部分。

    《北齐书·昭帝纪》:“太常心痛,不自堪忍,帝立侍帷前,以爪掐手心,血流出袖。” 胡也频 《到莫斯科去》三:“她用手心摸了一下,那皮肤有点烧热了。”

  2. 比喻所控制的范围。

    曹禺 《雷雨》第四幕:“[ 鲁大海 ]……现在你的命还在我的手心里。”



  1. Many times I felt both the flesh of his palm and the tight strings of the erhu pressed into the skin of my own hand.


  2. If I bring her a red rose, I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my shoulder, and her hand will be clasped in mine.


  3. He said he would like to see the widow get me.


  4. Go near, take the water in the palm of your hand, and you will find that it has no colour.


  5. If you want to get the attention of a waiter or a sales person, put your hand out in front of you, palm down, and wave it up and down.


  6. You may imagine when such a guy was talking about if her breasts was loose or not, her hands might be itching to slap.


  7. and immediately stood up and went to the water edge, containing the heart of God with his hands a few water to drink.


  8. To see a globes in a grain of sand . And a he audio-videoen in an forgetting olderous flower Hold infinity in an hour.


  9. Then exhale as you lower your hand, palms down in front of you.


  1. 手心热, 掌中热

    feverish palms

  2. 我落在你手心。

    I find shelter in your palm.

  3. 手心主之别

    the collateral of pericardium meridian.

  4. 手这样放,手心向上。

    Hold the hand like this, palm up.

  5. 把你的手心朝上

    Hold your hand palm facing up

  6. 他的手心在沁汗。

    His palms were exuding sweat.

  7. 全都这样,好麽?手心向上。

    All of you, right? Palm up.

  8. 纸,笔,你的手心痒

    Uh, paper, pen? Your palm's itchy?

  9. 她记得他手心的温度。

    She recalled that the temperature of his palm.

  10. 我妹妹在她手心捏着。

    My sister is in her hands.

  11. 敌人逃不出我们得手心。

    The enemy cannot escape from our control.

  12. 倒药液时手心贴住标签。

    Hold label against palm of hand while pouring.

  13. 手心忽然长出纠缠的曲线

    Till a wrinkle is twisting in the hands

  14. 瞳孔放大,手心出汗。心率加快。

    Pupils dilate, palms become sweaty and the heart rate increases.

  15. 我的好象就在你的手心

    You got my heart wrapped up in your palm

  16. 最后,病人亲吻了她的手心

    At the end, the relieved patient kisses her hands.

  17. 把手放在桌子上,手心朝上。

    Place your hands on the table with the palms facing upwards.

  18. 这是我的手,手心有我的泪

    This is my hand, in which are my tears

  19. 你看,我的手心都出汗了。

    You see my palms are sweating.

  20. 手心脚底脱皮,痒是什么原因

    Control sole desquamate, what reason is itching.

  21. 只是很想念你的手心暖暖的。

    Oh Once again I think you darling.

  22. 我拉着你得手放在我手心。

    I held in my palm your pretty little hand.

  23. 在你手心血流不止时邀请你

    when blood was shooting out of your hand.

  24. 她把他们控制在手心里。

    She has them all in the palm of her hand.

  25. 我得手张开,手心掌纹隐没。

    My hands open, the line disappearance of palm of palm.

  26. 她紧张得手心都出冷汗了。

    She was so nervous that her palms were all cold and sweating.

  27. 把握你手心里得, 就是无限。

    Hold infinity in the palm of your hand.

  28. 我拉着你的手放在我手心。

    I held in my palm your pretty little hand.

  29. 俘虏政策把俘虏控制在手心里!

    Captive Policy Manage your captives.

  30. 他们根据我们的分数来打手心。

    They cane our palms according to our marks.


  1. 问:手心拼音怎么拼?手心的读音是什么?手心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手心的读音是shǒuxīn,手心翻译成英文是 palm; the palm of one’s hand

  2. 问:手心向上拼音怎么拼?手心向上的读音是什么?手心向上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手心向上的读音是shǒu xīn xiàng shàng,手心向上翻译成英文是 palm up

  3. 问:手心向内拼音怎么拼?手心向内的读音是什么?手心向内翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手心向内的读音是shǒu xīn xiàng nèi,手心向内翻译成英文是 palm inward

  4. 问:手心向外拼音怎么拼?手心向外的读音是什么?手心向外翻译成英文是什么?

    答:手心向外的读音是shǒu xīn xiàng wài,手心向外翻译成英文是 palm outward



“手心”是个多义词,它可以指手心(身体部位), 手心(《命运交响曲》片尾曲), 手心(卓文萱演唱歌曲)。