







汉语拼音:zhǎng xīn








  1. 手心。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·勉学》:“ 齐孝昭帝 侍 娄太后 疾,容色顦悴,服膳减损。 徐之才 为灸两穴,帝握拳代痛,爪入掌心,血流满手。” 巴金 《家》二一:“她埋下头,温柔地抚弄那只躺在她的掌心上微微扇动翅膀的垂死的蝴蝶,半晌不答话。”

  2. 喻控制范围。

    曹靖华 《飞花集·前沿风光无限好》:“敌人是狡猾的,可是他再狡猾,总逃不出咱的掌心。”



  1. Chester felt his mother's kiss rush from his hand, up his arm, and into his heart.


  2. She flat on her left arm to me, shrug torch-like glare out there in her palm, jump burning, never leave the potential field of her palm.


  3. Strangers meet, as there was no malicious each other, hands on hunting down the sticks or stones, for the other side feel palm.


  4. See it as if there have been many spirit, my mood also immediately warmed up, completely opened my palm, let it began to free waving wings.


  5. "So, Doc, " he said, letting the back of one hand fall into the palm of the other with an audible slap, "how much time I got? "


  6. In reality the magician has palmed the ball on the third throw but still looks upwards as though expecting to see the ball in flight.


  7. Next morning, take a small amount of hot products in the palm, from the inner corners of his eyes rolling gently push outward.


  8. First played in thirteenth-century France, tennis was an indoor sport, with players using the palms of their hands to hit the ball.


  9. She had set her elbow on her knee and her chin in her hand, and she swung her foot with an air of indifference.


  1. 掌中,掌心

    palm centre.

  2. 掌心深静脉

    vena metacarpea volaris profunda.

  3. 现在你在我的掌心。

    You're in my world now.

  4. 来,来,飞进我的掌心。

    Come, come, fly into my palm.

  5. 掌心向下压入地板。

    Press palms into the floor.

  6. 她用掌心托着小鸟。

    She held the bird in the palm of her hand.

  7. 他合上双手,摸摸掌心。

    He put his two hands together and felt the palms.

  8. 你紧握未来, 在你的掌心

    You hold the future in your hand

  9. 小姐,让我看看你的掌心。

    Miss, let me read your palm.

  10. 我伸出我的手,掌心向上。

    I stuck out my hand, palm up.

  11. 把无限放在你的掌心。

    Hamdly infinite in the plam of your hand.

  12. 厚厚的老茧长满你的掌心

    The palms of your hands will thicken.

  13. 你的掌心几乎总是向下的。

    Your palm nearly always faces down.

  14. 父亲用掌心打他的儿子。

    Father hit his son with the flat of my hand.

  15. 就如你掌心的一颗泪珠

    Like a teardrop in your palm.

  16. 亲爱的,把你的掌心贴着我的掌心。

    Love, lay thine hand in mine.

  17. 手指甲都把掌心戳痛了。

    Fingernails biting into his palms.

  18. 他好像跳不出她的掌心。

    He cannot seem to break free of her.

  19. 我凹起掌心, 试着抓住它。

    Hands cupped, I tried to grab it.

  20. 大拇指下面近掌心的球形部分

    The ball of the thumb, ie the part near the palm

  21. 在死神的掌心和危难的翼端

    On the wings of death by the hands of doom

  22. 此外,我要逃出上尉的掌心。

    Besides, I had to escape the Captain.

  23. 手指向掌心弯曲的紧握的手

    the hand closed tightly with the fingers bent against the palm

  24. 他伸出一只手,掌心朝上。

    He held out his hand, palm upwards.

  25. 而密合得掌心远胜于亲吻。

    And palm to palm is holy palmers kiss.

  26. 而密合的掌心远胜于亲吻。

    And palm to palm is holy palmers kiss.

  27. 右手轻轻抓住呼啦圈, 掌心朝下。

    Grasp the hoop lightly in your right hand, palm facing down.

  28. 手背及脚背比掌心及足心凉,

    Does the back of your hands and tops of your feet feel cooler than the palms and soles?

  29. 跳起来狂吻你那温柔得掌心。

    To kiss the tender inward of thy hand.

  30. 跳起来狂吻你那温柔的掌心。

    To kiss the tender inward of thy hand.


  1. 问:掌心拼音怎么拼?掌心的读音是什么?掌心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心的读音是zhǎngxīn,掌心翻译成英文是 centre of one's palm; influence

  2. 问:掌心球拼音怎么拼?掌心球的读音是什么?掌心球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心球的读音是,掌心球翻译成英文是 Palmball

  3. 问:掌心动脉拼音怎么拼?掌心动脉的读音是什么?掌心动脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心动脉的读音是zhǎng xīn dòng mài,掌心动脉翻译成英文是 palmar metacarpal artery, aeteria metacarpea v...

  4. 问:掌心神经拼音怎么拼?掌心神经的读音是什么?掌心神经翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心神经的读音是zhǎngxīn shénjīng,掌心神经翻译成英文是 nervi metacarpei palmares

  5. 问:掌心静脉拼音怎么拼?掌心静脉的读音是什么?掌心静脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心静脉的读音是zhǎng xīn jìng mài,掌心静脉翻译成英文是 palmar metacarpal vein, vena metacarpea volari...

  6. 问:掌心深静脉拼音怎么拼?掌心深静脉的读音是什么?掌心深静脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心深静脉的读音是zhǎng xīn shēn jìng mài,掌心深静脉翻译成英文是 vena metacarpea volaris profunda

  7. 问:掌心动脉穿支拼音怎么拼?掌心动脉穿支的读音是什么?掌心动脉穿支翻译成英文是什么?

    答:掌心动脉穿支的读音是zhǎng xīn dòng mài chuān zhī,掌心动脉穿支翻译成英文是 rami perforantes arteriarum metacarpearum pa...



“掌心”是个多义词,它可以指掌心(无印良品音乐专辑), 掌心(汉语词语)。