




1. 浒 [hǔ]2. 浒 [xǔ]浒 [hǔ]水边:水~。浒 [xǔ]〔~墅关〕〔~浦〕均为地名,均在中国江苏省。(滸)……


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……



汉语拼音:shuǐ hǔ zhuàn






  1. Do not know why, today's mood is poor, even the usually most like to see the "Water Margin" have been cast aside.


  2. The little guy, secondary characters are " Outlaws of the Marsh" an important component of these is when the yield of a little guy.


  3. Look at "Outlaws of the Marsh, " but my heart is not there, I always wonder whether he would be a reporter, this festival is belongs to me.


  4. Sometimes, "Water Margin" the article also do not know what, I still see it worthwhile.


  5. Song Jiang is "The Water Margin" one of the core, has been the study of Sung stay complex in their character and the concept of loyalty.


  6. The original novel is a man for the leading novels, with the proviso also have quite a few classic image of women.


  7. I prefer to look at the computer, "Water Margin" , is not willing to join efforts to deal with the leadership of those interested.


  8. " He even added: " To understand today's China, " The Water Margin " will also Reading of the bibliography.


  9. Occasional passing a high school there, I went in, found a place to see "The Water Margin. "


  1. 我对水浒传特别有好感

    I love the tales of the water Margin most

  2. 谈水浒传的题材与主题

    On the Subject and the Theme of the Outlaws of the Marsh

  3. 水浒传中的茶及保健饮料

    Tea and Healthcare Beverage in Outlaws of Water Margin

  4. 水浒传的女性价值评判体系

    The evaluation system of the feministic value in The Outlaws of the Marsh

  5. 水浒传的思想性与逻辑性质疑

    Queries on the Ideology and Logic of We Are All Brothers

  6. 水浒传中韵文的地位和作用

    The Position and Action of the Verse in Shuihu

  7. 试论水浒传介词避复的技巧

    Discussing Technique of Avoiding Redundancy of Prepositions in Heroes of the Marshes

  8. 李逵是水浒传中的一位草泽英雄。

    In The Story by the Water Margin, Li Kui is a hero from the countryside.

  9. 第五才子书施耐庵水浒传

    The Fifth Gifted Scholar Wrote about the Outlaws of the Marsh of Shi Naian

  10. 李逵是《水浒传》中的一位草泽英雄。

    In The Story by the Water Margin, Li Kui is a hero from the countryside.

  11. 水浒传中的神秘信奉及其佛道来源

    The Mystic Belief in Water Margin and Its Buddhism and Taoism Origins

  12. 水浒传中, 鲁达的绰号是花和尚。

    In Heroes of the Marshes, the alias used by Lu Da is Fake Monk.

  13. 《水浒传》中,鲁达的绰号是花和尚。

    In Heroes of the Marshes, the alias used by Lu Da is Fake Monk.

  14. 水浒传中女性红杏出墙现象剖析

    The Analysis of the Phenomenon of Female Adultery in the Water Margin

  15. 试谈沙译水浒传中英雄绰号的英译

    On Shapiro's Translation of the Marsh Heroes'Nicknames

  16. 赛珍珠英译水浒传的文化阐释研究

    A Study of the Cultural Hermeneutics in Pearl S. Buck's Translation of All Men Are Brothers

  17. 水浒传是我国四大古典文学名著之一。

    Outlaws of the Marsh is one of the four classics of Chinese literature.

  18. 论水浒传梁山英雄对女性的态度及其原因

    On the Liangshan Heroes'Attitudes towards Women and Its Causes

  19. 水浒传的忠义思想是通过不同人物体现出来的。

    Outlaws of the marsh the loyalty and patriotism thought is manifests through the different character.

  20. 水浒传中的林冲是八十万禁军教头。

    Lin Chong, the hero of The Water Margin, is chief military instructor of eight hundred thousand imperial guard troops.

  21. 酒能成事,酒亦能败事 水浒传人物情商研究之四

    EQ Studies of the Characters in Outlaws of the Marsh

  22. 水浒传和亚瑟王之死中英雄情爱观之比较

    A Comparison Study on Heroes'Sexual View of The Water Margin and Death of King Arthur

  23. 《水浒传》中的林冲是八十万禁军教头。

    Lin Chong, the hero of The Water Margin, is chief military instructor of eight hundred thousand imperial guard troops.

  24. 对于杀戮和死亡,看多了水浒传,就不觉得新鲜了。

    For the killing and death, the sight Outlaws of the Marsh, does not feel new.

  25. 宋江是水浒传中的核心人物,他的悲剧最有代表性。

    Song jiang is a core person of Water Margin, his tragedy is the greatest representative.

  26. 由水浒传女英雄形象看女性角色意识的觉醒和转型

    Analysis on the Feminist Awakening and Transformation from the Heroine Images in Outlaws of the Marsh

  27. 尤金奈达的翻译标准及其对水浒传英译本解读的应用

    Eugene Nida's Translation Standard and Its Application in the Interpretation of Shui Hu Zhuan's English Version


  1. 问:水浒传拼音怎么拼?水浒传的读音是什么?水浒传翻译成英文是什么?

    答:水浒传的读音是shuǐhǔzhuàn,水浒传翻译成英文是 Water Margin



“水浒传”是个多义词,它可以指水浒传(1972年张彻等执导同名电影), 水浒传(下), 水浒传(20世纪80年代初山东版), 水浒传(1998年张绍林执导央视版电视剧), 水浒传(2011年鞠觉亮执导版), 水浒传(中国首部电视剧网游), 水浒传(注音彩图版), 水浒传(1973年日版电视连续剧), 水浒传(中国古典文学四大名著之一), 水浒传(2011年国产动画片), 水浒传(上下彩图注音版), 水浒传(少年儿童版), 水浒传(彩绘注音版•超值版)。