






1. 膏 [gāo]2. 膏 [gào]膏 [gāo]肥,肥肉:~粱(肥肉、细粮)。~腴。~沃。脂油:春雨如~。~泽(a.滋润作物的及时雨;b.喻给予恩惠)。中医指心尖脂肪,认为是药力达不到的部位:病入~肓。膏 [gào]把油抹在车轴或机械……





汉语拼音:bìng rù gāo huāng





《左传·成公十年》:“疾不可为也,在肓之上,膏之下,攻之不可,达之不及,药不至焉。” 意思是说疾病要是深入到肓(心脏与膈膜之间)之上、膏(心尖脂肪)之下,那就任何药力都不能达到,因而也难于治好。后用“病入膏肓”形容病情严重到了无法医治的地步。也比喻事情严重到了不可挽救的程度。肓(huāng)。



  • 【解释】:膏肓:古人把心尖脂肪叫“膏”,心脏与膈膜之间叫“肓”。形容病情十分严重,无法医治。比喻事情到了无法挽救的地步。
  • 【出自】:《左传·成公十年》:“疾不可为也,在肓之上,膏之下,攻之不可,达之不及,药不至焉,不可为也。”
  • 【示例】:吾观刘琦过于酒色,~,今见面黄羸瘦,气喘呕血,不过半年,其人必死。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含贬义,用于事物或人


  1. But these did not weaken his enthusiasm for music, even in the years of incurably ill.


  2. Rumours that the president was critically ill and unable to return to the presidency have been swirling around Nigeria.


  3. Chairman Mao, though bed-ridden and critically ill continued to read official documents on the night before his death.


  4. The doctor worked like a mule to help the dying patient pull through. Her life was saved because his herbal medicine worked like a charm.


  5. Oregon adopted the only measure, in the U. S. to allow doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminally-ill patients.


  6. My beau's mum is the most darling gentlest woman so to hear of her extreme sickness was very tough for all of us.


  7. My dear friend is quite ill . It is the appointment of Heaven, alas ! That such a man should have such a sickness!


  8. T: It's too late. I'm beyond repair. I have nothing. No future, no friends, no job, no lover, what's the point? I might as well be dead.


  9. "The market is on life support and there aren't enough people in the market to get under a selloff and turn it around, " he said.


  1. 病入膏肓了吗

    Down to the bone?

  2. 或者病入膏肓,需要临终关怀

    Or gets so sick He needs hospice care.

  3. 他是个病入膏肓的孩子。

    He is a terminally ill child.

  4. 那位老人病入膏肓, 命在旦夕。

    The old man became very sick and his life was in danger.

  5. 最后他们病入膏肓而死掉。

    Eventually they die of the disease.

  6. 他已病入膏肓,群医束手无策。

    He is mortally sick, the doctors can do nothing to help him.

  7. 她已病入膏肓,很难挽救了。

    She was desperately ill and very little could be done for her.

  8. 一个病入膏肓的人的费力呼吸。

    The labored breathing of a very ill person.

  9. 他已经病入膏肓,无药可救了。

    He is incurably ill.

  10. 此病人已病入膏肓,救活无望。

    The patient's life was despaired of, all hope that he would live was lost.

  11. 他病入膏肓后,只活了几天。

    He lived only a few days after the disease struck in.

  12. 他已经病入膏肓,恐怕不久于人世。

    He is beyond cure and at the end of his life's journey.

  13. 他已经病入膏肓,恐怕不久于人世。

    He is beyond cure and at the end of his life's journey.

  14. 病入膏肓的他, 自知大限将至。

    Being terminally ill, he knew his hour of death was coming.

  15. 病入膏肓的他,自知大限将至。

    Being terminally ill, he knew his hour of death was coming.

  16. 他得照顾病入膏肓的前妻,给她送终。

    He had to watch his first wife get sick and die.

  17. 他给你的印象是他已经病入膏肓。

    He gave you the impression of a very sick man.

  18. 他虽病入膏肓,却尚能苟延数月。

    Though desperately ill he could linger on for months.

  19. 她病入膏肓后,只活了几天就死了。

    She lived only a few days after the disease struck in.

  20. 他虽已病入膏肓,可尚能苟延残喘数月。

    Though desperately he could linger on for months.

  21. 这个病人已病入膏肓, 没有多少痊愈得希望了。

    The patient has contracted a fatal illness. There is little chance of his recovery.

  22. 这个病人已病入膏肓,没有多少痊愈的希望了。

    The patient has contracted a fatal illness. There is little chance of his recovery.

  23. 尽管他已病入膏肓,但他仍然是那么有心计的。

    Sick as he was, dying, decaying, but still so ingenious.

  24. 如果思念是一种病, 那么我早已病入膏肓。

    If the miss is a disease, then I already beyond cure.

  25. 我母亲从来不让我们缺课,除非我们病入膏肓。

    My mother would never let us stay home from school unless we were practically at dealth's door.

  26. 一种时疫正在教会蔓延, 不久整个教会就会病入膏肓。

    An epidemic was spreading, and soon the whole church would be deathly ill.

  27. 已经病入膏肓的刚果经济如今由于战争更是一落千丈。

    Already ailing, the Congolese economy is now in steep decline because of the war.

  28. 否则, 等到病入膏肓, 酿成大祸之后, 将会无药可救。

    Otherwise wait until on the brink of death, after disaster, will have no medicine can save.

  29. 如果等到病入膏肓时,硬盘中宝贵的数据就难以幸免了。

    If you wait beyond cure, the hard drive in the valuable data it is difficult to escape the.

  30. 然而,我是一个病入膏肓的完美主义者,总是期望过高。

    But I am an incorrigible idealist, and my expectations are often high.


  1. 问:病入膏肓拼音怎么拼?病入膏肓的读音是什么?病入膏肓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:病入膏肓的读音是bìngrùgāohuāng,病入膏肓翻译成英文是 beyond help



病入膏肓 (bìng rù gāo huāng),膏肓:古人把心间脂肪叫“膏”,心脏与膈膜之间叫“肓 ”。形容病情十分严重,无法医治。比喻事情到了无法挽救的地步。出处金 王若虚 《王内翰子端诗近来陡觉无佳思》诗:“功夫费尽谩穷年,病入膏肓岂易镌。”《三国演义》第五二回:“吾观 刘琦 过於酒色,病入膏肓,现今面色羸瘦,气喘呕血;不过半年,其人必死。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·莲香》:“生哽咽良久,自言知罪,但求拯救。 莲 曰:‘病入膏肓,实无救法。’”