



















  • 【解释】:把快要死的人救活。形容医术高明。也比喻把已经没有希望的事物挽救过来。
  • 【出自】:明·张岱《鲁云谷传》:“医不经师,方不袭古,每以劫剂肊见起死回生。”
  • 【示例】:对于时人那虚弱的感情,这真有~的力量。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. "It kind of freaked me out a bit, " she said. "It was like he was coming back from the dead. "


  2. Could the bid for T-Mobile be a sign that monopoly Ma is trying to return from her grave?


  3. Hence the popularity of the new voodoo, which claims, as I said, that elaborate financial rituals can reanimate dead banks.


  4. The little widow then went back to the burning-ground and with its aid brought her husband back to life.


  5. and though our patient was as wearisome and headstrong as a patient could be, she weathered it through.


  6. He wanted to be a highly skilled doctor who would be able to bring the dying back to life.


  7. To the beginning of this year and I take time to optimize the stand, hope it back to life.


  8. Property order reforms the only way which must be passed being that small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises comes back to life.


  9. However, the devil is always in the detail and in coming months our job is to get somebody over the line who makes sense for all concerned.


  1. 显然起死回生

    Well, apparently there's a downside.

  2. 他使公司起死回生。

    Hes pulled the company back from the brink .

  3. 还能让它们起死回生。

    And turns them around.

  4. 不是说起死回生不好。

    Not that coming back from it is a bad thing.

  5. 靠巫术起死回生的僵尸。

    dead body that has been brought to life again by witchcraft.

  6. 计算机立刻就起死回生了。

    Instantly the computer leapt back to life.

  7. 老巫婆说她能起死回生。

    The old witch said she could raise the dead.

  8. 谁泄露了起死回生的传说?

    Who telleth a tale of unspeaking death

  9. 谁泄露了起死回生得传说?

    Who telleth a tale of unspeaking death.

  10. 耶稣能使许多病人起死回生。

    Jesus was able to raise many sick people from death.

  11. 中冶的起死回生,靠的是 什么

    So what raised MCC from the dead.

  12. 起死回生药,世间难寻觅。

    You cannot find a medicine for life once a man is dead.

  13. 这家航空公司又起死回生了。

    The airline rose like a phoenix from the ashes.

  14. 世界第一高搁浅四年起死回生

    World No. 1 high deadlock four years back.

  15. 讓每個人都能創新 學校就能起死回生

    and to innovate in what they do, and schools that were once bereft spring to life.

  16. 比赛选手本周起死回生, 没丢一局。

    The player survived the week without dropping a set.

  17. 比赛选手本周起死回生,没丢一局。

    The player survived the week without dropping a set.

  18. 因为我要令时光倒流让人起死回生。

    Since I am trying to the dead against the stream of time.

  19. 他想成为一名能起死回生的神医。

    He wanted to be a highly skilled doctor who would be able to bring the dying back to life.

  20. 一个通过超自然的力量而起死回生的人。

    a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force.

  21. 部落中有位长者据说有起死回生的能力。

    There was one elderly man in tribe who was credited with the power of raising up spirits.

  22. 也许和牧师聊天会有助杰克起死回生。

    Perhaps a talk with the priest will help to straighten Jack out.

  23. 你是说你可以用这种药让人起死回生吗?

    Do you mean that you can recall the dead with this drug?

  24. 你是说你可以用这种药让人起死回生吗?

    Do you mean that you can recall the dead with this drug?

  25. 九年来他使党起死回生几乎要执政了。

    In nine years he has brought his party back from the dead almost to the brink of power.

  26. 挽回企业危局, 甚至起死回生也才算一般的智慧。

    Save enterprise crisis, or even just calculate general back the wisdom.

  27. 挽回企业危局,甚至起死回生也才算一般得智慧。

    Save enterprise crisis, or even just calculate general back the wisdom.

  28. 塔河下游大片的胡杨林和低矮灌木起死回生

    The large stretches of dying poplar forests and woods on the lower reaches of the Tarim River have been brought back to life

  29. 他的这个建议真如一剂灵药,使公司起死回生。

    His suggestion was like a panacea, which has raised the dying company.

  30. 在部落长者中有一人被认为有起死回生的能力。

    Among the tribal elders was one credited with the power of raising people from the dead.


  1. 问:起死回生拼音怎么拼?起死回生的读音是什么?起死回生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:起死回生的读音是qǐsǐhuíshēng,起死回生翻译成英文是 bring … back from the dead