







汉语拼音:jǐn mì









  1. 紧要机密。

    《朱子语类》卷一三三:“ 高丽 主曰:‘我有紧密事欲达 宋 皇,恐所遣使不能密,故欲得 宋 皇亲近之人而分付之。’”

  2. 细密。

    《醒世恒言·勘皮靴单证二郎神》:“﹝ 冉贵 ﹞向灯下细细看那靴时,却是四条缝,缝得甚是紧密。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·声容·治服》:“布与薴之纱綫紧密、漂染精工者,即是麄中之精、浅中之深。”

  3. 密切不可分。

    洪深 《戏的念词与诗的朗诵》五:“在构造上自然便将诸句紧密地集结。” 吕叔湘 《语文常谈》:“语汇联系人们的生活最为紧密,因而变化也最快,最显著。”

  4. 多而连续不断。

    陈学昭 《工作着是美丽的》上卷四五:“机关枪扫射的声音紧密得像除夕的爆竹声一般。” 王西彦 《风雪》:“走出饭馆,街上已经沾湿,雪花飞落得更加紧密了。”



  1. And with your bodies meshed tight in the tub, your guy can fondle your breasts and stroke you below the belt as he thrusts.


  2. Price said the G8 made a strong link between the emissions-reduction goal and developing a new generation of environmental technologies.


  3. We are committed to working closely with you, for you and your LOVER design a worthy of collection, integration of their style of wedding.


  4. Tightly woven, loose fitting clothes that covers as much of the body as possible will provide additional protection from the sun.


  5. He added that the company was pleased by the closer relationship between the two countries since Shinzo Abe became prime minister.


  6. The synchronous method involves tight integration of the database software with specialized HA software to produce a HA cluster.


  7. confides to Pinkerton that she has secretly embraced Christianity, so that her fate may BE linked closer to that of her husband.


  8. Without geography, our young people are not ready to face the challenges of the increasingly interconnected and competitive world.


  9. Urbanization and industrialization are a pair of twin brothers in fact, combined together closely from the beginning.


  1. 紧密的雨点

    a heavy rain.

  2. 与…紧密配合

    in tandem (with)

  3. 齿轮啮合紧密。

    The gears mate well.

  4. 紧密编队飞行

    tight formation flight.

  5. 他们紧密配合。

    They work hand in glove.

  6. 他们甚为紧密。

    They are at hail fellow.

  7. 排列足够紧密。

    The form was compact sufficiently.

  8. 枪声十分紧密。

    There was very rapid, intense firing.

  9. 质地紧密的材料

    material with a close texture

  10. 紧密经济关系协议

    CER Closer Economic Relations Agreement

  11. 有着紧密的联系。

    are intricately connected.

  12. 经紧密加封的棺木

    hermetically sealed coffin

  13. 梦与睡眠紧密相关。

    Dreams have close ties with sleep.

  14. 这种布质地很紧密。

    This kind of cloth has a close texture.

  15. 无压紧密封工装

    non compress sealing tools

  16. 和上层人物联系紧密

    have close relations with one's superiors

  17. 预紧密封比压

    pretightening unit sealing load

  18. 使紧密配合使相互协调

    To cause to work closely together coordinate.

  19. 彼此之间联系越来越紧密

    It's getting more connected.

  20. 软阀座确保关闭紧密

    Soft seat to ensure tight shutoff

  21. 这两个变革紧密相关

    And they were very closely associated.

  22. 有着非常紧密的联系。

    technology in I. T. and in software.

  23. 比以往任何时候更紧密。

    Tighter than ever.

  24. 太平洋紧密经济关系协定

    Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations, PACER

  25. 这两门学科紧密相连。

    The two subjects are closely connected.

  26. 这两种观点紧密相关。

    The two ideas are very closely related.

  27. 这两种现象紧密关联。

    The two phenomena are intimately connected.

  28. 容易安置及紧密式。

    Easily set up and compact for storing.

  29. 那两个过程紧密相连。

    Those two processes are very closely interlinked.

  30. 门正好与门框紧密吻合。

    The door fits flush into its frame.


  1. 问:紧密拼音怎么拼?紧密的读音是什么?紧密翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密的读音是jǐnmì,紧密翻译成英文是 close; dense

  2. 问:紧密团结拼音怎么拼?紧密团结的读音是什么?紧密团结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密团结的读音是Jǐnmì tuánjié,紧密团结翻译成英文是 to close ranks

  3. 问:紧密化拼音怎么拼?紧密化的读音是什么?紧密化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密化的读音是jǐn mì huà,紧密化翻译成英文是 compaction

  4. 问:紧密地拼音怎么拼?紧密地的读音是什么?紧密地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密地的读音是,紧密地翻译成英文是 closely

  5. 问:紧密层拼音怎么拼?紧密层的读音是什么?紧密层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密层的读音是jǐn mì céng,紧密层翻译成英文是 compact layer

  6. 问:紧密度拼音怎么拼?紧密度的读音是什么?紧密度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密度的读音是jǐn mì dù,紧密度翻译成英文是 degree of density

  7. 问:紧密性拼音怎么拼?紧密性的读音是什么?紧密性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密性的读音是jǐn mì xìng,紧密性翻译成英文是 compartmenting; compactness

  8. 问:紧密的拼音怎么拼?紧密的的读音是什么?紧密的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密的的读音是jǐn mì de,紧密的翻译成英文是 tight

  9. 问:紧密管拼音怎么拼?紧密管的读音是什么?紧密管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密管的读音是,紧密管翻译成英文是 compactron

  10. 问:紧密偶联拼音怎么拼?紧密偶联的读音是什么?紧密偶联翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密偶联的读音是jǐn mì ǒu lián,紧密偶联翻译成英文是 tight coupling

  11. 问:紧密包环拼音怎么拼?紧密包环的读音是什么?紧密包环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密包环的读音是jǐn mì bāo huán,紧密包环翻译成英文是 compact packet ring

  12. 问:紧密因数拼音怎么拼?紧密因数的读音是什么?紧密因数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密因数的读音是jǐn mì yīn shù,紧密因数翻译成英文是 compactness factor

  13. 问:紧密对接拼音怎么拼?紧密对接的读音是什么?紧密对接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密对接的读音是jǐn mì duì jiē,紧密对接翻译成英文是 closed butt joint

  14. 问:紧密床柱拼音怎么拼?紧密床柱的读音是什么?紧密床柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密床柱的读音是jǐn mì chuáng zhù,紧密床柱翻译成英文是 dense-bed column

  15. 问:紧密护航拼音怎么拼?紧密护航的读音是什么?紧密护航翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密护航的读音是jǐn mì hù háng,紧密护航翻译成英文是 close escort

  16. 问:紧密接合拼音怎么拼?紧密接合的读音是什么?紧密接合翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密接合的读音是jǐn mì jiē hé,紧密接合翻译成英文是 tight joint

  17. 问:紧密接头拼音怎么拼?紧密接头的读音是什么?紧密接头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密接头的读音是jǐn mì jiē tóu,紧密接头翻译成英文是 tight joint

  18. 问:紧密接界拼音怎么拼?紧密接界的读音是什么?紧密接界翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密接界的读音是jǐn mì jiē jiè,紧密接界翻译成英文是 occludens junction

  19. 问:紧密接缝拼音怎么拼?紧密接缝的读音是什么?紧密接缝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密接缝的读音是jǐn mì jiē fèng,紧密接缝翻译成英文是 air-tight joint

  20. 问:紧密涂层拼音怎么拼?紧密涂层的读音是什么?紧密涂层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:紧密涂层的读音是jǐn mì tú céng,紧密涂层翻译成英文是 closed coat


