











汉语拼音:cǐ fú bǐ qǐ








  • 【解释】:这里起来,那里下去。形容接连不断。
  • 【出自】:姚雪垠《李自成》第二卷第二十二章:“远远地传过来隐约的画角声,此伏彼起。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语;形容事物发展起伏不断


  1. We should pursue agreement and attempt to insulate it as much as possible from the ups and downs of conflicts elsewhere.


  1. 夜里鞭炮声此起彼落,整夜不绝。

    Firecrackers at night, all night do not.

  2. 左右手形成此起彼落的节奏重音。

    One after another handed form of rhythmic stress.

  3. 整个十一月份抗议活动此起彼落。

    Protests continued intermittently throughout November.

  4. 不用说,此起彼落的尖叫声也淹没了他的声音!

    Needless to say, incessant screams drowned his voice.

  5. 跟随而来的媒体闪光灯此起彼落,为会场带来最高潮。

    Follow the media for the meeting, each flash bring height.

  6. 时大时小时缩时伸是经常得,此起彼落也往往发生。

    Our base areas are constantly and contracting, and often as one base area falls another rises.

  7. 相互残杀报复的灭族事件此起彼落,教人闻之不禁胆颤齿寒。

    News stories of genocidal revenge killings are sending chills down our spines.

  8. 这算是一项改进,不过听到响铃后开炮声仍是此起彼落。

    This was an improvement, but the guns still went off at various times during the sounding of the buzzer.

  9. 彼得竖起了眉毛。

    Peter's eyebrows went up.

  10. 彼得已经拿起话筒。

    Peter had picked up the receiver.

  11. 彼得收到下周起解雇的通知。

    Peter has notice to quit next week.

  12. 在大海的彼端, 一轮明月升起。

    Across the sea, a pale moon rises.

  13. 彼得抓起一根棒子拼命乱打。

    Peter seized a staff and began to lay on for dear life.

  14. 教师正在讲课, 彼得打起瞌睡来了。

    Peter dozed off while his teacIT were talking.

  15. 老师正在讲课, 彼得打起瞌睡来了。

    Peter dozed off while his teacher was talking.

  16. 笛手彼得笛手彼得拿起一配克腌胡椒。

    Peter Piper Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.

  17. 彼得用脚踢了一下火堆,扬起一阵火花。

    Peter kicked the fire and sent up a shower of sparks.

  18. 老彼得脱下大衣, 从架子上拿起茶炊。

    Then old Peter took his big coat off and lifted down the samovar from the shelf.

  19. 这时, 彼得记起主的警诫, 痛哭流泪。

    Then Peter remembered the Lord's warning, and bitter tears filled his eyes.

  20. 从第一眼看到彼此起,他们就异常高兴。

    Ever since they had set eyes on each other they had been wondrously happy.

  21. 若彼此间没有了距离,就不会无端起冲突。

    If you don't have distance you can't breed conflict out of nothing.

  22. 彼得大帝的改革起始于西方工业世界的冲击。

    The Peter's reform was originated in the impact of the western industrial world.

  23. 我们开始打起架来, 彼得打伤了我得左眼。

    We started fighting and Peter hit me smack in the left eye.

  24. 孩子拍了拍手, 彼得只得抬起头望着他。

    Children must be educated to help you learn how to do housework, do not favor the child.

  25. 我们开始打起架来,彼得打伤了我的左眼。

    We started fighting and Peter hit me smack in the left eye.

  26. 回想起与彼得生活的50年里,她从不感到遗憾。

    To think back the 50 years life with petter, she has never felt pity.

  27. 起这些名字并非仅是男女性彼此间无意义的一比。

    Such names serve more than fodder for pitting males and females against one another.

  28. 彼得森悠闲地回忆起在波的尼海湾打过多少海豹。

    Petersen wondered idly how many seals he had shot in the seasons he had been out on the Bothnian gulf.

  29. 啊,卑怯的手啊!彼得说,他举起箭,把它当做一把剑。

    Oh, dastard hand, Peter said, and he raised the arrow to use it as a dagger.

  30. 对了,麦克 我发誓,从现在起 我们彼此间不会再有秘密。

    Oh, and, Mike, From now on, I swear, no more secrets between us.




【拼音】:cǐ fú bǐ qǐ





