


动物冬眠,藏起来不吃不动:入~。惊~。~伏。~虫。~居(像虫子冬眠长期躲在一个地方,不出头露面)。~藏(cáng )。……





汉语拼音:zhé fú









  1. 动物冬眠,潜伏起来不食不动。

    《淮南子·天文训》:“百虫蛰伏,介鳞者蛰伏之类也,故属於阴。” 叶圣陶 《隔膜·苦菜》:“蚯蚓很安适地蛰伏着,这回经了翻动,他们只向泥土深处乱钻。”

  2. 伏处;幽居。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·嘉遁》:“蛰伏於盛夏,藏华於当春。” 清 方文 《云间五子诗·徐闇公孚远》:“ 闇公 青云器,蛰伏 东海 滨。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致台静农》:“兄蛰伏古城,情状自能推度。”

  3. 潜伏;隐蔽。

    老舍 《蜕》第八:“在伺侯病人的时候,她感到不能忍受的麻烦,可也体验到蛰伏在心间而没经施用过的人情与热烈。” 艾青 《吹号者》诗:“我们蛰伏在战壕里,沉默而严肃地期待着一个命令。”



  1. Throughout the winter, nothing aroused the bear from his torpor; he would not emerge from hibernation until spring.


  2. lift your eyes , and look the sky blue, don't you know there's a tree has already generated your wish.


  3. Zhang Jingli was wrapped up in aesthetic study for two years, and strived to make his artistic creation more flexible and mature.


  4. But there is a very moody "out of time" version lurking within me and I'm looking forward to playing with that.


  5. But Maxwell L. Anderson, the museum's director, said the blockbuster era was merely in hibernation.


  6. As a result of its overwhelming power, the west has intruded into the geopolitical spaces of other dormant countries.


  7. perhaps because he had not yet fairly come out of the torpid state.


  8. The warming of the Arctic is releasing toxic chemicals that had been trapped in the ice and cold water, scientists have discovered.


  9. It blooms at the end of the rainy season, when many other trees are lapsing into dormancy and no longer making fruit.


  1. 一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。

    Some insects slumber in the winter.

  2. 蛰伏的昆虫们开始活动。

    Hibernating insects begin to move.

  3. 蛰伏两年, 校园招聘卷土重来

    College hiring returns after twoyear lull

  4. 熊蛰伏在穴中过冬。

    Bears hole up for the winter to go by.

  5. 在蛰伏的或昏睡的状态中过冬。

    To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.

  6. 这些国家将不再蛰伏,尤其是亚洲国家。

    They are no longer dormant, especially in Asia.

  7. 冬眠在蛰伏的或昏睡的状态中过冬。

    To pass the winter in a dormant or torpid state.

  8. 在我们的一生中,有活跃期和蛰伏期。

    In our own lives, we have periods of great activity and periods of rest.

  9. 一个业正在受报时,另一个业就会蛰伏著。

    When one karmic result is being repaid, another will remain latent.

  10. 所有得小生灵皆避在巢穴里蛰伏。

    All animals are smothered in their lairs.

  11. 所有的小生灵皆避在巢穴里蛰伏。

    All animals are smothered in their lairs.

  12. 这一产品开发工作并非整个处于蛰伏状态。

    Product development in this direction has not been entirely dormant.

  13. 第五部分,平等法律保护条款蛰伏的影响。

    Part five talks about some influences of the Equal Protection of the laws Clause's dormancy.

  14. 换言之,定量宽松没有死,它可能只是在蛰伏。

    In other words, quantitative easing is not dead; it may just be slumbering.

  15. 她的钟爱之情蛰伏着但很容易被唤醒。

    Her feelings of affection are dormant but easily awakened.

  16. 没有野心人,潜能将如同沉睡的火山般蛰伏。

    Without ambition one's potentials will remain slumbering like a dormant volcano.

  17. 蛰伏冬眠或夏蛰动物所处的休眠,迟缓状态。

    The dormant, inactive state of a hibernating or estivating animal.

  18. 他从关系中孤立了,蛰伏在自己的洞穴里。

    At such times he withdraws from relationships or intimacy and remains stuck in his cave.

  19. 也许它还没有从蛰伏的状态中完全苏醒过来。

    Perhaps because he had not yet fairly come out of the torpid state.

  20. 此刻,人们以为黑熊是就寝效率最高的蛰伏动物。

    Black bears are now considered highly efficient hibernators.

  21. 整个冬天,热情如蛰伏的鸣蝉,哑然于冻土的沟回。

    Throughout the winter, warm, such as dormant Maemi, Yaran in the permafrost of the groove back.

  22. 平板电脑产业一些最强大的竞争者尚在蛰伏之中。

    Some of the most muscular players in the industry are still in the locker room.

  23. 蛰伏的亡灵士兵被狡猾地隐藏在狮鹫帝国的边境内。

    Dormant cells of Undead had been cleverly hidden within the borders of the Griffin Empire.

  24. 蛰伏得亡灵士兵被狡猾地隐藏在狮鹫帝国得边境内。

    Dormant cells of Undead had been cleverly hidden within the borders of the Griffin Empire.

  25. 我们已经透过重力影响, 侦测到蛰伏得超大质量黑洞。

    These dormant supermassive black holes have indeed been detected through their gravitational influence.

  26. 我们已经透过重力影响,侦测到蛰伏的超大质量黑洞。

    These dormant supermassive black holes have indeed been detected through their gravitational influence.

  27. 惊蛰的意思是春雷乍动,惊醒了蛰伏在土壤中冬眠的动物。

    Awakening of Insects mean spring's move, awakened dormant in the soil hibernating animals.

  28. 你的气长期地蛰伏在尾椎处,我以适合的音符将之惊醒。

    Your Qi hibernates in coccyx for long time. I arouse it by proper notes.

  29. 蛹蛰伏在土壤中,直到冬天它们才蜕变成蛾子飞出来。

    The pupae remain dormant in the soil until they emerge as adult moths in the winter.

  30. 很多会在初霜之时死去,其他的则会蛰伏到来年春天。

    Many will die off with the first frost whilst others hibernate until the following spring.


  1. 问:蛰伏拼音怎么拼?蛰伏的读音是什么?蛰伏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛰伏的读音是zhéfú,蛰伏翻译成英文是 torpor; to live in seclusion

  2. 问:蛰伏带拼音怎么拼?蛰伏带的读音是什么?蛰伏带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛰伏带的读音是zhé fú dài,蛰伏带翻译成英文是 zone of dormancy

  3. 问:蛰伏的拼音怎么拼?蛰伏的的读音是什么?蛰伏的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛰伏的的读音是zhé fú de,蛰伏的翻译成英文是 dormant

  4. 问:蛰伏腺拼音怎么拼?蛰伏腺的读音是什么?蛰伏腺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛰伏腺的读音是zhé fú xiàn,蛰伏腺翻译成英文是 hibernating gland

  5. 问:蛰伏脂瘤拼音怎么拼?蛰伏脂瘤的读音是什么?蛰伏脂瘤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛰伏脂瘤的读音是zhé fú zhī liú,蛰伏脂瘤翻译成英文是 hibernoma


