




1. 脏 [zàng]脏 [zàng]身体内部器官的总称:内~。五~六腑。心~。肾~。肺~。~器。……



汉语拼音:fèi zàng






  1. 即肺。肺为五脏之一,故称。



  1. My grandfather told me that coal is like the liver, and uranium is both the heart and lungs of Mother Earth.


  2. Aerobic exercise helps strengthen the muscles involved in respiration. Thus, the flow of air in and out of the lungs is aided.


  3. The septic shock had left her with heart and respiratory failure as well as dry gangrene of her foot, which would have to be amputated.


  4. Figures from the American Lung Association suggest that relapse rates among smokers are as high as 90 per cent within a year of quitting.


  5. The growth of the lungs of the children may be prolonged by smoking mothers, which may lead to breathing problems or lung illnesses.


  6. 'It looked like a lung, it was pink and it had the same shape, ' said Dr. Niklason.


  7. Take a little extra time to exhale, since leaving residual carbon dioxide in the lungs can impede the delivery of oxygen on the next inhale.


  8. Pulmonary sclerosing hemangiomas are extremely rare, benign neoplasms with a characteristic variegated histological pattern.


  9. The American Lung Association, a health nonprofit organization, is defending the Clean Air Act with an advertising campaign.


  1. 干肺脏粉末

    pulmones sicci.

  2. 肺脏病理学

    lung pathology.

  3. 肺脏线粒体

    pulmonary mitochondria.

  4. 肺脏中风, 肺中风

    pulmonary stroke

  5. 肺脏导引法

    pulmonary daoyin.

  6. 肺脏器系数

    pulmonary organ coefficient.

  7. 中医肺脏实体研究

    On Tangibility of Lungs in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  8. 癌已侵及他的肺脏。

    Cancer had affected his lungs.

  9. 癌已侵及他得肺脏。

    Cancer had affected his lungs .

  10. 肺脏细胞病理学彩色图谱

    Color Atlas of Pulmonary Cytopathology

  11. 一次是针对肝脏。一次是针对肺脏,

    One was against liver cancer and the other one was against lung cancer.

  12. 肺脏拿过右手肾脏拿过左手

    Right hand takes the lung, left hand takes the kidney

  13. 肺脏尤指供食用的牲畜肺脏

    The lungs, especially the lungs of an animal slaughtered for food

  14. 人类的胸腔里有两个肺脏。

    Man has two lungs in his chest.

  15. 感染的肺脏坚实, 结节状, 五颜六色。

    Infected lungs are firm, nodular and variegated color.

  16. 肺脏内留有不溶解得颗粒物质。

    Lungs retain relatively insoluble particulate material.

  17. 牦牛肺脏高原适应性的结构研究

    Structural Study on Plateau Adaptability of Yak Lung

  18. 尤以肺脏病变最为普遍和严重。

    It was worth notice that the change of lung was the most common and serious.

  19. 肺脏的表面积约一个网球场大小。

    The surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court.

  20. 为了你肺脏的好,我建议你最好戒菸。

    I suggest you quit smoking for the good of your lungs.

  21. 猪肺脏中鹦鹉热衣原体的分离

    Isolation of Chlamydia psittaci in the lungs of pigs

  22. 壁层胸膜在胸壁内部,脏层胸膜包裹肺脏。

    The parietal pleura lines the inner chest wall and the visceral pleura encases the lungs.

  23. 双峰驼肺脏微血管构筑学特征的研究

    Study on Microvasculature of Lung in Bactrian Camel

  24. 肺脏在老龄大鼠多器官衰竭中的作用

    The role of lung in multiple organ failure in aged rats

  25. 供给肺脏的动脉的血压增高称之为肺动脉高压。

    High blood pressure in the arteries that supply the lungs is called pulmonary hypertension.

  26. 老龄大鼠肺炎双球菌肺炎肺脏免疫功能变化

    Change of lung immune function in aged rats with pneumococcus pneumonia

  27. 充血性心力衰竭大鼠肺脏通道蛋白的表达

    Expression of Channel Protein in the Lungs of Rat Congestive Heart Failure Models

  28. 肺脏是机体对氧化应激极为敏感的器官。

    Lung oxidative stress on the body extremely sensitive organ.

  29. 肺脏是机体对氧化应激极为敏感得器官。

    Lung oxidative stress on the body extremely sensitive organ.

  30. 你的心脏和肺脏能适应长时间的剧烈运动。

    Your heart and lungs will be used to working hard for long periods of time.


  1. 问:肺脏拼音怎么拼?肺脏的读音是什么?肺脏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏的读音是fèizàng,肺脏翻译成英文是 lung

  2. 问:肺脏学拼音怎么拼?肺脏学的读音是什么?肺脏学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏学的读音是fèi zàng xué,肺脏学翻译成英文是 pulmonology

  3. 问:肺脏死拼音怎么拼?肺脏死的读音是什么?肺脏死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏死的读音是fèi zàng sǐ,肺脏死翻译成英文是 lung death

  4. 问:肺脏学家拼音怎么拼?肺脏学家的读音是什么?肺脏学家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏学家的读音是fèi zàng xué jiā,肺脏学家翻译成英文是 pulmonologist

  5. 问:肺脏疾病拼音怎么拼?肺脏疾病的读音是什么?肺脏疾病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏疾病的读音是fèi zàng jí bìng,肺脏疾病翻译成英文是 pneumonopathy

  6. 问:肺脏层胸膜炎拼音怎么拼?肺脏层胸膜炎的读音是什么?肺脏层胸膜炎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏层胸膜炎的读音是fèi zàng céng xiōng mó yán,肺脏层胸膜炎翻译成英文是 corticopleuritis

  7. 问:肺脏表面活性剂拼音怎么拼?肺脏表面活性剂的读音是什么?肺脏表面活性剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:肺脏表面活性剂的读音是fèi zàng biǎo miàn huó xìng jì,肺脏表面活性剂翻译成英文是 lung surfactant

