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毛泽东 《为争取国家财政经济状况的基本好转而斗争》:“调整税收,酌量减轻民负。” 吴晗 《朱元璋传》第六章二:“以税收形式缴给国库的棉花棉布,成为供给军队的主要物资,和必要时交换其他军需物资的货币代用品了。”
A man of Calrissian's wealth could care less about taxes -- it was the thrill of sabacc he wanted.
一个像卡瑞辛这样的富豪不太关心税收——他只喜欢萨巴克的刺激。Bottom line is we just got to make sure that we're providing you more support, primarily through a tax credit mechanism.
我们的底线是,主要通过税收信贷机制确保对你们提供更多的支持。He's calling it a tax increase on regular Americans at a time of high food prices but record farm profits.
他称这是在高物价,原农场利润的时候向美国人增加税收。He is widely judged to be an economic liberal in the European sense of the word: in favour of lower taxes and less regulation.
人们普遍认定,用欧洲人的话说,萨尔科奇先生是位经济自由主义者:支持低税收和放松监管。If many companies are reluctant to leave, the local government is just as loath to lose the companies and their tax revenue.
如果很多公司不愿离开,同样,当地政府也不愿失去这些公司和他们的税收。At the moment, the cost of smoking far outweighs the amount of money the Treasury gets from cigarette duty, the report says.
这份报告说,此时,吸烟的费用远远超过了财政部从卷烟税获得的税收。Not only could it raise up to $250 billion a year but it would also fix some perverse incentives.
这样不但可以增加每年2500亿美元的税收,还可以避免一些反向激励。Karl Marx assumed that taxation would be unnecessary after the advent of communism and looked forward to the "withering away of the state" .
卡尔马克思设想的共产主义出现后,税收将是不必要的,并期待着“国家消亡”。But Republicans note the president also plans a new tax regime on energy consumption that will affect Americans of every income level.