







汉语拼音:hūn shēng






  1. There is a strong correlation between the rate of birth and the number of babies born out of wedlock.


  2. She told me, from now on my name will be Maria Gaal, a Roman Catholic, illegitimate daughter of a farmhand!


  3. Coupled with dramatic breakdown in the black family structure has been an astonishing growth in the rate of illegitimacy.


  4. Your deeply religious born-again Christian mother wants a test-tube grandbaby born out of wedlock?


  5. And here's another: out-of-wedlock births have increased in America so that now at least four in ten children are born to unmarried women.


  6. Children mostly became orphans from being born out of wedlock or women dying in childbirth.


  7. all children , whether born in or out of wedlock , shall enjoy the same social protection.


  8. Forty percent of American children are born out of wedlock.


  9. So out-of-wedlock birth need not correspond to worse outcomes for children.


  1. 他是非婚生的。

    He was born out of wedlock.

  2. 他是非婚生的。

    He was born out of wedlock.

  3. 获确立婚生地位子女

    legitimated child

  4. 获确立婚生地位人士

    legitimate person

  5. 使私生子成为婚生子

    to legitimize a child

  6. 他们是他的婚生子。

    They are his children by marriage.

  7. 非婚生子女拥有与婚生子女相同得权利。

    Children born out of wedlock have the same rights as those born in wedlock.

  8. 非婚生子女拥有与婚生子女相同的权利。

    Children born out of wedlock have the same rights as those born in wedlock.

  9. 非婚生子女享有与婚生子女同等的继承权。

    Children born out of wedlock enjoy the same right of inheritance as children born in lawful wedlock.

  10. 他有三个婚生子女,二十多个私生子。

    He was the father of three legitimate children; and more than twenty illegitimate!

  11. 他有三个婚生子女,二十多个私生子。

    He was the father of three legitimate children; and more than twenty illegitimate!

  12. 浅析婚生子女推定和否认制度的完善

    A Brief Analysis of How to Perfect the Presumption and Denial System of Legitimate Children.

  13. 那些婚生子女面临的此类风险只有一半。

    Those born within wedlock face only half that risk.

  14. 他们不知道这孩子是不是婚生的。

    They didn't know whether the child was born in wedlock or not.

  15. 婚生子女可由父母双方任何一方进行登记。

    The birth of a child born within marriage can be registered by either parent.

  16. 非婚生子女,通常没有享有为婚生子女的同等权利。

    Children born out of wedlock do not usually enjoy the same rights as those born in wedlock.

  17. 包括夫妻双方以前婚生子女及合法收养子女


  18. 婚生或非婚生的所有儿童均拥有同等权利。

    All children, whether born of a marriage or not, have equal rights.

  19. 根据民法典第27条规定,婚生子女取用父姓。

    Under Article27 of the Civil Code the legitimate child takes the fathers name.

  20. 收养实际上就是解决非婚生问题的通常办法。

    Adoption is in practice a common solution to a case of illegitimacy.

  21. 非婚生儿童应当拥有与婚生儿童相同的权利。

    A child born out of wedlock shall have the same rights as a child born in wedlock.

  22. 它也降低了非婚生育的数量, 而增加了婚生子女的数量。

    It has also reduced the number of illegitimate births and increased the number of legitimate ones.

  23. 社会同等地关怀一切儿童,无论是婚生的还是非婚生的。

    Society looks after all children alike, whether they are legitimate or not.

  24. 没多久珍妮怀了孕,产下一非婚生的小女儿。

    Soon she becomes pregnant and births an illegitimate girl.

  25. 受到承认的私生子女与婚生子女享有同样的权利和义务。

    Illegitimate children, when recognized, have the same rights and obligations as legitimate children.

  26. 一项新的继承法消除了婚生子女和私生子女之间的差别。

    A new inheritance law had removed the differences between legitimate and natural children.

  27. 一切儿童, 无论婚生或非婚生, 都应享受同样的社会保护。

    All children, whether born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection.

  28. 第1068条删除有关非婚生子女行使认领请求权之限制规定。

    Article 1068 repeals the restrictions on an illegitimate child who may claim acknowledgement from his or her natural father.

  29. 同样,该法还明文规定对婚生未成年子女的平等监护权。

    Likewise, the act makes provisions for equal guardianship over minor children of their marriage.

  30. 这部法律规定了把共同姓氏传给婚生和非婚生子女的规则。

    The law provides a rule for transmission of the common name to children born in or out of wedlock.


  1. 问:婚生子女拼音怎么拼?婚生子女的读音是什么?婚生子女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生子女的读音是hūnshēngzǐnǚ,婚生子女翻译成英文是 children born in the wedlock; legitimate ch...

  2. 问:婚生子拼音怎么拼?婚生子的读音是什么?婚生子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生子的读音是hūnshēngzǐ,婚生子翻译成英文是 legitimate son

  3. 问:婚生率拼音怎么拼?婚生率的读音是什么?婚生率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生率的读音是hūn shēng lǜ,婚生率翻译成英文是 marital fertility rate

  4. 问:婚生儿子拼音怎么拼?婚生儿子的读音是什么?婚生儿子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生儿子的读音是hūn shēng ér zǐ,婚生儿子翻译成英文是 mulieratus

  5. 问:婚生声明拼音怎么拼?婚生声明的读音是什么?婚生声明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生声明的读音是hūn shēng shēng míng,婚生声明翻译成英文是 declaration of legitimacy

  6. 问:婚生宣言拼音怎么拼?婚生宣言的读音是什么?婚生宣言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生宣言的读音是hūn shēng xuān yán,婚生宣言翻译成英文是 legitimacy declaration

  7. 问:婚生次子拼音怎么拼?婚生次子的读音是什么?婚生次子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生次子的读音是hūn shēng cì zǐ,婚生次子翻译成英文是 mulier puisne

  8. 问:婚生宣告程序拼音怎么拼?婚生宣告程序的读音是什么?婚生宣告程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:婚生宣告程序的读音是hūn shēng xuān gào chéng xù,婚生宣告程序翻译成英文是 proceedings for declaration of legitimacy...




【注音】:hūn shēng

【释义】:1. 合法嫡生,具有完全的子女权利和义务。如:婚生子。如:婚生子女。