


1. 得 [dé]2. 得 [děi]3. 得 [de]得 [dé]获取,接受:~到。~失。~益。~空(kòng)。~便。~力。~济。心~。适合:~劲。~当(dàng )。~法。~体。满意:~意。扬扬自~。完成,实现:饭~了。~逞。~志(多……


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:dé dàng








  1. 犹得正。谓得正当之道。

    《《易·噬嗑》“‘贞厉无咎’,得当也。” 高亨 注》:“当犹正也……六五居上卦之中位,是为‘得当’,象人得正当之道。”

  2. 谓获得适当的机会。

    《汉书·李陵传》:“彼之不死,宜欲得当以报 汉 也。” 王先谦 补注:“当谓适可也,谓欲得适可之事会而动。” 清 吴下阿蒙 《断袖篇·琴书》:“匪独相公念 琴书 , 琴书 亦为相公心死矣。思有以报主恩而未得当也。”

  3. 停当,完毕。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十一:“ 小二 回去,当下凑了三百两银子到 邹老人 家交付得当,随即催他起程。”

  4. 恰当;合适。

    清 周中孚 《郑堂札记》卷四:“起 竹垞 于今日,未知以吾言为得当否?” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·关于太炎先生二三事》:“于是有人慨叹,以为青年们对于本国的学者,竟不如对于外国的 高尔基 的热诚。这慨叹其实是不得当的。”

  5. 相当;相配。

    《史记·匈奴列传》:“ 汉 留 匈奴 使, 匈奴 亦留 汉 使,必得当乃肯止。”《汉书·司马相如传上》:“及饮, 卓氏 弄琴, 文君 窃从户窥,心説而好之,恐不得当也。” 颜师古 注:“当谓对偶之。”

  6. 谓当事任职。

    《楚辞·东方朔<七谏·沉江>》:“信直退而毁败兮,虚伪进而得当。” 王逸 注:“言信直之臣被蒙譖毁而身败,弄虚伪之人进用在位而当显职也。”



  1. used well, they can prove your argument, make others look up to you, and help you get what you want most from life.

  2. Once you've got the knack, English is not as difficult as you think.

  3. It especially suited for the front end of editing, creation and the making of a back-end part of tightly coupled closed-end workflow.

  4. The 85 billion bailout is not a small sum of money and is supposed to help Ireland out of the crisis if appropriately used.

  5. Crowd sourcing is a new trend, which, if it's done right, can be very inspiring to designers.

  6. So just take care, what you think is the heart might well be another organ.

  7. Knives should be suitable for the sharpness is effectively scraper ink, and does not produce a knife.

  8. He deferred to the TSA on whether the diplomat was appropriately handled but said he thought normal procedure had been followed.

  9. A career counselor, or any other career development professional, can't tell you what career is best for you.


  1. 分类简略得当

    simplified and proper classification.

  2. 她花钱很得当。

    Her money is well laid out.

  3. 你必须举止得当。

    You must demean yourself properly

  4. 把两者安排得当

    strike a balance

  5. 他的回答是得当的。

    His answer was apposite.

  6. 言之中肯, 批评得当

    The cap fits.

  7. 他的解释得当。

    His interpretation struck home.

  8. 这些材料处理要得当。

    These materials should be properly disposed of.

  9. 行为举止得当而且拘谨。

    formality and propriety of manner.

  10. 许多人上了他得当。

    Many people fell for his tricks.

  11. 举止得当而且考虑别人。

    a sense of propriety and consideration for others.

  12. 你的行为不得当。

    You are not behaving as you should.

  13. 行为得当, 符合道德标准。

    the quality of conforming to standards of propriety and morality.

  14. 这些问题处理得很得当。

    These issues have been dealt with properly.

  15. 我给他写信得当吗?

    It is advisable for me to write to him?

  16. 局长对此事裁处得当。

    The director general made proper arrangements after due consideration on the matter.

  17. 没有谁会上你得当。

    Nobody will be deceived by you.

  18. 我得当心他的背叛。

    I'd be alert for his treachery.

  19. 这份通知用语很不得当

    The notice is most unfortunately phrased.

  20. 保守秘密或许是很得当的。

    Secrecy may be advisable.

  21. 税收筹划得当企业从中受益

    How the Enterprise to Get Benefit from the Proper Tax Planning

  22. 苹果是目前得当季水果。

    Apples are in season now.

  23. 如处理得当,问题不难解决。

    The problem will not be difficult to solve, if properly handled.

  24. 你必须饮食得当, 才能保持体力。

    You must eat properly to keep up your strength.

  25. 可得当心,她很难对付。

    Be careful. She is very difficult to deal with.

  26. 这个玩笑开得不太得当。

    This joke is rather out of place.

  27. 选择得当的洗甲水重要吗

    Is it important to choose the right nail polish remover

  28. 选择得当得洗甲水重要吗

    Is it important to choose the right nail polish remover.

  29. 我得祖父母曾上过骗子得当。

    My grandparents got burned in a con game.

  30. 不迟到, 不旷课, 举止得当, 做功课。

    Attend school regularly and on time, behave appropriately, do their work.


  1. 问:得当拼音怎么拼?得当的读音是什么?得当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得当的读音是dédàng,得当翻译成英文是 proper

  2. 问:得当地拼音怎么拼?得当地的读音是什么?得当地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得当地的读音是,得当地翻译成英文是 expediently

  3. 问:得当的拼音怎么拼?得当的的读音是什么?得当的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:得当的的读音是,得当的翻译成英文是 expedient



词得当 拼音dé dàng 基本解释得当 dédàng 1. [aptly]∶适当;恰当 措词得当 2. [properly]∶以正确方式;以适当方式 安排得当 得当 dédàng 1. [befitting]∶符合道德、伦理或社会的标准的 得当的措施 2. [plain]∶避免浪费或奢侈的;节约的 每一分税钱都必须使用得当