


1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……


1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:jiàng luò








  1. 落下。

    谢觉哉 《观花小记》:“蜿蜒地上升的火车龙,又蜿蜒地降落。” 茹志鹃 《高高的白杨树·在社会主义的轨道上》:“忽然,岔道外面,降落了黄色的信号旗,它进了站,而又十分准确平稳的停在停车线前。”

  2. 降临。

    徐迟 《狂欢之夜》:“一定什么大不幸降落到这个民族的头上了。全境一定都在混乱中。”

  3. 下降着陆。如:飞机已经降落在跑道上。



  1. So the plane landed in between the buildings and got to a full stop in front of this little billboard.


  2. "Listen, " I say, "be sure to call me when your plane lands safely, OK? Not to be morbid, but . . . "


  3. When the plane landed, Mr. Escandon got out of his seat and, he said, was immediately "blinded by pain in my left leg. "


  4. The pilot said he could hold out for another hour before he would have to ditch the plane because of lack of fuel.


  5. To fall or pour down in or as if in a shower.


  6. The little moon exploded into rock and dust, and much of it landed on the dark side of the larger moon.


  7. I'd landed at the Brisbane international airport and everyone was a bit grouchy and stiff from the long flight.


  8. This bee was unfortunate enough to land in my pool, but he made some amazing patterns buzzing around in the water.


  9. Why don't we snatch him when he lands, toss him in the back of the trunk and drive over the border?


  1. 起飞,降落。

    Takeoffs and landings.

  2. 猪胴降落装置

    hog dropper

  3. 降落架支柱

    landing gear strut

  4. 伞兵的降落

    paratroop landing.

  5. 降临到,降落到

    Drop on

  6. 降落指示器

    drop indicator board

  7. 水位降落漏斗

    cone of depression.

  8. 迫使飞机降落

    force the plane down

  9. 看,旋转降落!

    Look at that, a corkscrew!

  10. 安全降落速度

    safety falling velocity.

  11. 直升机降落了

    The helicopter has landed.

  12. 飞机安全降落。

    The plane landed safely.

  13. 强迫敌机降落

    compel the enemy plane to land.

  14. 客机安全降落。

    The airliner landed safely.

  15. 飞机奉命降落。

    The plane was ordered down.

  16. 得到降落许可

    to get/ be given clearance to land

  17. 地下水降落漏斗

    cone of exhaustion

  18. 救生艇降落装置

    lifeboat launching gear

  19. 飞机盘旋降落。

    The plane spiralled down to the ground.

  20. 一片片地降落

    fall in flakes

  21. 只靠仪器降落

    a blind landing

  22. 潜在顶极降落

    potential climak

  23. 该客机降落了。

    The airliner landed.

  24. 降落式选材装置

    drop sorter

  25. 飞机开始降落了。

    Were about to make our descent.

  26. 客机安全降落了。

    e. g. The airliner landed safely.

  27. 然后漂亮的降落。

    and then come in for a nice landing.

  28. 飞机在机场降落。

    The aeroplanes landed on the airfield.

  29. 直升机安全降落了。

    The helicopter landed safely.

  30. 飞机什么时间降落?

    What time will the plane land?


  1. 问:降落拼音怎么拼?降落的读音是什么?降落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落的读音是jiàngluò,降落翻译成英文是 land

  2. 问:降落伞拼音怎么拼?降落伞的读音是什么?降落伞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落伞的读音是jiàngluòsǎn,降落伞翻译成英文是 Parachute; chute; an umbrella-like device that ca...

  3. 问:降落比拼音怎么拼?降落比的读音是什么?降落比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落比的读音是jiàng luò bǐ,降落比翻译成英文是 fall ratio

  4. 问:降落点拼音怎么拼?降落点的读音是什么?降落点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落点的读音是jiàng luò diǎn,降落点翻译成英文是 Alight Point

  5. 问:降落的拼音怎么拼?降落的的读音是什么?降落的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落的的读音是,降落的翻译成英文是 descendent

  6. 问:降落能拼音怎么拼?降落能的读音是什么?降落能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落能的读音是jiàng luò néng,降落能翻译成英文是 drop energy

  7. 问:降落伞包拼音怎么拼?降落伞包的读音是什么?降落伞包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落伞包的读音是jiàng luò sǎn bāo,降落伞包翻译成英文是 Parachute Assembly

  8. 问:降落伞衣拼音怎么拼?降落伞衣的读音是什么?降落伞衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落伞衣的读音是jiàng luò sǎn yī,降落伞衣翻译成英文是 Parachute Canopy

  9. 问:降落函数拼音怎么拼?降落函数的读音是什么?降落函数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落函数的读音是jiàng luò hán shù,降落函数翻译成英文是 drop-down function

  10. 问:降落堆积拼音怎么拼?降落堆积的读音是什么?降落堆积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落堆积的读音是jiàngluòduījī,降落堆积翻译成英文是 fall deposit

  11. 问:降落时间拼音怎么拼?降落时间的读音是什么?降落时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落时间的读音是jiàng luò shí jiān,降落时间翻译成英文是 Time Down

  12. 问:降落曲线拼音怎么拼?降落曲线的读音是什么?降落曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落曲线的读音是jiàng luò qǔ xiàn,降落曲线翻译成英文是 fall curve

  13. 问:降落机场拼音怎么拼?降落机场的读音是什么?降落机场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落机场的读音是jiàng luò jī chǎng,降落机场翻译成英文是 aerodrome of landing

  14. 问:降落水头拼音怎么拼?降落水头的读音是什么?降落水头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落水头的读音是jiàng luò shuǐ tóu,降落水头翻译成英文是 depression head

  15. 问:降落滑程拼音怎么拼?降落滑程的读音是什么?降落滑程翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落滑程的读音是jiàng luò huá chéng,降落滑程翻译成英文是 landing run

  16. 问:降落漂移拼音怎么拼?降落漂移的读音是什么?降落漂移翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落漂移的读音是jiàng luò piāo yí,降落漂移翻译成英文是 Parachute Drift

  17. 问:降落漏斗拼音怎么拼?降落漏斗的读音是什么?降落漏斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落漏斗的读音是jiàng luò lòu dǒu,降落漏斗翻译成英文是 cone of depression

  18. 问:降落甲板拼音怎么拼?降落甲板的读音是什么?降落甲板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落甲板的读音是jiàng luò jiǎ bǎn,降落甲板翻译成英文是 Alighting Deck

  19. 问:降落翼伞拼音怎么拼?降落翼伞的读音是什么?降落翼伞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落翼伞的读音是jiàng luò yì sǎn,降落翼伞翻译成英文是 Parawing

  20. 问:降落自由拼音怎么拼?降落自由的读音是什么?降落自由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:降落自由的读音是jiàng luò zì yóu,降落自由翻译成英文是 freedom of alighting


降落,读作jiàng luò,汉语词语,是指从天而降;落下。