






人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……


讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhì lǐ míng yán








  • 【解释】:至:最;名:有名声的。最正确的道理,最精辟的言论。
  • 【出自】:老舍《鼓书艺人》十二:“‘你不自轻自贱,人家就不能看轻你’。这话倒说得不错,这也是至理名言。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;含褒义


  1. No one is accepting these studies as the last word, and there is no evidence that the White House is being dishonest.


  2. As Henry Ford wisely put it : "Whether you think you can or cannot, you're absolutely right. "


  3. "Masses interest does not have bagatelle " the philosophic theory sex that this one axiom has strong shock force and profundity.


  4. I hurriedly opened the book to November 10 to see what words of wisdom this book had in store for me.


  5. Patients are very aware of the adage "you get what you pay for" and are therefore much less likely to complain at the smaller hospital.


  6. When the dust of death has choked a great man's voice , the common words he said turn to oracles .


  7. It was the wisdom I needed to hear.


  8. Once again, it was Woodrow Wilson who said it best when he noted that "caution is the confidential agent of selfishness. "


  9. "Heaven helps those who help themselves" is a well-tried maxim, embodying in a small compass the results of vast human experience.


  1. 至理名言不会过时。

    A good maxim is never out of season.

  2. 至理名言永不过时。

    A good quotation is never out of season.

  3. 没有智人的至理名言?

    No words of wisdom from the wise.

  4. 最后灵验的话才是至理名言

    Thats good wisdom which is wisdom in the end.

  5. 这些至理名言你可要谨记在心。

    You must bear in mind all these wise sayings.

  6. 这些至理名言你可要谨记在心。

    You must bear in mind all these wise sayings.

  7. 时不我与,确是至理名言。

    It is a true saying that Time waits for no one.

  8. 孔子的很多话都是至理名言。

    Confucius' s many words are wisdom.

  9. 这段至理名言更变而为科学定律了。

    This gospel truth was transformed into scientific law.

  10. 那句古希腊格言不仅仅只是至理名言。

    The ancient Greek adage is more than just a pithy saying.

  11. 伟人的愚蠢之言也会被当作至理名言。

    A great man's foolish saying pass for wise ones.

  12. 他写作文时经常会用上一些至理名言。

    He usually uses some famous dictums in his articles.

  13. 他写作文时经常会用上一些至理名言。

    He usually uses some famous dictums in his articles.

  14. 斯洛普先生对这句至理名言的明智之处一无所知。

    Of the wisdom of this maxim Mr. Slope was ignorant.

  15. 斯洛普先生对这句至理名言得明智之处一无所知。

    Of the wisdom of this maxim Mr. Slope was ignorant.

  16. 也许你很少对惯用的至理名言和宣传怀有疑问。

    You may be less inclined to question the conventional wisdom and the propaganda.

  17. 这句话似乎已经被他奉为至理名言, 溶入他得血肉。

    It seemed a truth he had absorbed in his bones.

  18. 这句话似乎已经被他奉为至理名言, 溶入他的血肉。

    It'seemed a truth he had absorbed in his bones.

  19. 当然,应用性能优化的至理名言是两次测量,一次剪裁。

    Of course, the golden adage of performance optimization applies measure twice, cut once.

  20. 分而治之, 这是至理名言。合而御之, 却更显明智。

    Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one.

  21. 我把自己当作在向子女传授至理名言的一家之长。

    I thought of myself as a patriarch, dispensing words of wisdom to all my children.

  22. 但是醒来之后却怎么也想不起来那句至理名言。

    After waken up, the king could not recollect the wisdom.

  23. 当时,这个关于欧美差异的精辟概括成为一句至理名言。

    At the time, this pithy summary of USEuropean differences had the ring of truth.

  24. 他的妹妹只得在这一席庄严的至理名言中,默默退出屋子。

    His sister went away ruminating on this oracular speech of his.

  25. 我希望这本书不会又是重复一些流行的至理名言。

    I hope this book is not yet another restatement of the prevailing wisdom.


  1. 问:至理名言拼音怎么拼?至理名言的读音是什么?至理名言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:至理名言的读音是zhìlǐmíngyán,至理名言翻译成英文是 maxim


至理名言:最正确的道理,最精辟的言论。出自清·李绿园《歧路灯》:俗语云“揭债要忍,还债要狠。”这两句话不是圣经传贤,却是至理名言。 近义词:金玉良言。