


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……









汉语拼音:dǎ pò cháng guī





突破相沿的或 通常的做法。



  • 【解释】:常规:沿袭下来的规矩。打破了一般的规矩或一向实行的规章制度。
  • 【示例】:他此举就是想打破常规去实现他的梦想。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;指改变常规做法


  1. your kids need to be old enough to understand the subtleties of life before they're exposed to these five skills.


  2. There is no knowing what a kid will get up to next. Step out of your ordinary routine and you'll be surprised at how liberated you'll feel.


  3. You've probably had one or several bosses who told you to "think outside the box" and "come to me with solutions, not problems. "


  4. Violin makers are very into technique, even if they try to break out of the mold, the baroque form comes back automatically.


  5. This led to Chen finding his own style and voice. "To attract the camera, I tried thinking out of the box, " said Chen.


  6. Only a college as iconoclastic and distinctive as Reed, they argue, could pursue such a strategy and survive.


  7. You may want to break out of your rut but find that you cannot, because some barrier is holding you back from going out and being yourself.


  8. I'll tell you the two best pieces of advice, maybe I'm breaking the rules, but you know, I break the rules.


  9. If they ever reach production, these vibrating rings could do wonders to help get yourself off the beaten track.


  1. 要学会规矩, 要打破常规。

    Learn the rules than break some.

  2. 有些人害怕打破常规。

    Some people are afraid to break traditionalism.

  3. 我打破常规,超越障碍?

    I crossed all the lines and I broke all the rules.

  4. 了解该何时打破常规。

    Know when to break the rules.

  5. 打破常规的时代来临了。

    There comes a time to break all the rules.

  6. 这是一个打破常规的设计。

    This is a design which gets off the beaten track.

  7. 总是打破常规再见吧, 无情的玩偶

    Tt is always breaking rules

  8. 我只是希望没有人想打破常规。

    I just hope nobody's thinking of breaking the ranks.

  9. 我们需要能打破常规的工作人员。

    We need team members who push the envelope.

  10. 我们在这场比赛中需要打破常规。

    We think that the race is on to do something differently.

  11. 我们必须打破常规, 尽量采用先进技术。

    We must break away from convention and adopt as many advanced techniques as possible.

  12. 老生常谈往往比大胆打破常规更为人称道。

    Frequently banality is the better parts of valor.

  13. 使该赛场体现出, 未来性, 创造性, 打破常规。

    So that the stadium reflects the future, creativity, break with convention.

  14. 鉴于没有技术大师提供帮助, 我想打破常规。

    I have no master to follow for technical assistance so I love to break the trade of tradition.

  15. 这实在是铺张浪费, 但没几个人敢打破常规。

    It is rather extravagant but few people dare to break.

  16. 任何个人, 在危机来临时, 都要想到打破常规。

    No individuals, the crisis comes, must break the conventional thinking.

  17. 为了整体的体验, 好的界面设计师懂得何时打破常规。

    Good interface designers know when to break bestpractices in the name of the overall experience.

  18. 而且, 这位打破常规的委员认为, 这对学生是有好处的。

    And that, the iconoclastic commissioner concludes, is good for students.

  19. 因此, 这一次, 我向默克尔打破常规的勇气致敬。

    So, for once, I salute Ms Merkel for her courage to break ranks.

  20. 在下面的这些领域,你可以教他们怎样打破常规生活。

    Here are a few areas where you can start teaching them to break the rules.

  21. 只有当你打破常规,那么一个全新的世界将向你敞开。

    Only when you can break free, can a whole new world open up to you.

  22. 最简单的例子,在常法无法解决的时候,打破常规,寻求方法。

    Simple example, in regular procedure inextricability, breaks free from the convention, seeks the method.

  23. 但当你想要从舒适的生活中挣脱而出, 首先需要打破常规。

    But when you want to break out of the comfort zone, you have to first break your routine.

  24. 他们打破了常规。

    They broke away from conventions.

  25. 如果出于好意, 打破社会常规没有什么错。

    Theres nothing wrong with bucking societal norms, if its for good reason.

  26. 所有新时尚都是从打破现有常规开始的。

    All new fashion starts out as a reaction against existing convention.

  27. 生命是短暂的, 常规要打破, 谅解要快。

    Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly.

  28. 生命是短暂得,常规要打破,谅解要快。

    Life is short, break the rules, forgive quickly.

  29. 这篇十九世纪的作品一杯茶打破了他的常规。

    The Cup of Tea, written in the nineteenth century, breaks his rule.