







汉语拼音:xiào yì




指笑时表现的神态。茅盾《子夜》三:“小客厅的前右侧的门口站着一位军装的少年,腰肢挺得笔直,清秀而带点威武气概的脸上半含着笑意,眼光炯炯地:是 雷参谋!”巴金《秋》二:“高忠 看见 克定 这样镇静,脸上也露出了一丝笑意。”郭小川《木瓜树的风波》诗:“他的笑意逐渐填满了脸上的皱纹。”



  1. 指笑时表现的神态。

    茅盾 《子夜》三:“小客厅的前右侧的门口站着一位军装的少年,腰肢挺得笔直,清秀而带点威武气概的脸上半含着笑意,眼光炯炯地:是 雷参谋 !” 巴金 《秋》二:“ 高忠 看见 克定 这样镇静,脸上也露出了一丝笑意。” 郭小川 《木瓜树的风波》诗:“他的笑意逐渐填满了脸上的皱纹。”



  1. His eyes were closed, his mouth was open, he sort of smiled.


  2. There played around her mouth, and beamed out of her eyes, a radiant and tender smile, that seemed gushing from the very heart of womanhood.


  3. Gradually his countenance cleared, and he began to smile long, slow smiles.


  4. Gaston took his wife's pretty face between his hands and looked tenderly and laughingly into her troubled eyes.


  5. "Then make sure you place my staff near me that I might drive them away" , said the Master with a smile.


  6. A face was painted on the sun. Blue eyes, big red mouth, turned upwards in a smile. It was happy, and looking at it made me happy.


  7. The troll turned to look at him, an indolent smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.


  8. The color of uncertainty come into people's eyes and the smile turned into a thick cover tip of brow, eye covered.


  9. Of course, pet. Zoe's arms spread wide and a tender smile lit her eyes. Carman, with a little sob , flew into her arms.


  1. 她眼中露出笑意

    with laughter in her eyes

  2. 他的眼里露出笑意。

    His eyes are laughing.

  3. 丰富她眼中的笑意。

    Enrich that smile her eyes began.

  4. 笑意全收,甜蜜地执拗。

    All suggestion of a smile faded, and she was sweetly stubborn.

  5. 这是一丝凄凉的笑意。

    It was a bleak smile.

  6. 这是一丝凄凉得笑意。

    It was a bleak smile.

  7. 你只需嘴角带些笑意。

    All you need is the hint of a smile.

  8. 你只需嘴角带些笑意。

    All you need is the hint of a smile.

  9. 他嘴角透出一丝笑意。

    A shadow of a smile touched his mouth.

  10. 她勉强挤出一丝笑意。

    She managed a weak, unconvincing smile.

  11. 侦探露出点狡猾的笑意。

    There was a faint smile on his face, a foxy smile.

  12. 笑意从她唇上渐渐消逝了。

    The laughter died on her lips.

  13. 干枯的嘴唇漾出一丝笑意。

    A glimmer of smile came to the dry lips.

  14. 她的眼中露出一丝笑意。

    A glimmer of amusement showed in her eyes.

  15. 他脸上露出点狡猾的笑意。

    There was a faint smile on his face, a foxy smile.

  16. 他的嘴角上闪现出一丝笑意。

    A smile touched the corners of his mouth.

  17. 我捕捉到他眼底的一丝笑意。

    I caught the glimmer of a smile in his eyes.

  18. 她脸上的笑意稍许增加了一点。

    Her smile broadened a little.

  19. 以晨间的笑意朝向繁花河岸。

    To the flowered river bank, with morning laughter.

  20. 他嘴唇微微一颤, 露出一丝笑意。

    His mouth quivered in the suspicion of a smile.

  21. 拉斯来到门口, 脸上略露笑意。

    Lars appeared in the doorway, a slight grin on his face.

  22. 她看着我, 脸上带着一丝笑意。

    She looked at me with just a suggestion of a smile.

  23. 我看到他眼里闪现出一丝笑意。

    I caught the glimmer of a smile in his eyes.

  24. 您漾起的笑意,渗著沁心的芬芳。

    Your sweet smile is permeated with refreshing fragrance.

  25. 她润泽白皙的脸上漾动着笑意。

    A ripple of a smile crossed her smooth pale face.

  26. 她紧闭着的嘴出现了一丝笑意。

    A faint smile relaxed the drawn lines of her mouth.

  27. 且让人宽慰,深沉中还隐含着笑意。

    Soothing, yet with a hint of laughter hidden in those depths.

  28. 警监斯彭斯脸上浮起一丝笑意。

    A faint smile showed on Superintendent Spences face.

  29. 她的深蓝色眼睛充满笑意, 向我眨巴。

    Her dark blue eyes smiled and twinkled at me.

  30. 他站在那里脸上带著尴尬的笑意。

    He stood there with an embarrassed grin on his face.


  1. 问:笑意拼音怎么拼?笑意的读音是什么?笑意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笑意的读音是xiàoyì,笑意翻译成英文是 Smiling mien.