




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……




价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……



汉语拼音:wù yǒu suǒ zhí







  1. Damningly one-sided though the game was, one could not help but feel privileged to see something wonderful gain its reward.


  2. The first couple of times it might be a bit odd, but many women say a little perseverance is more than worth it.


  3. But after spending tens of billions of dollars and huge political energy, China's leaders might be wondering whether it was all worth it.


  4. So is all this slurping of warm beverages a good use of employees' time?


  5. Whisper it quietly, and be prepared for accusations of heresy to rain down on your head, but that might be a deal worth making.


  6. Its customers do not (yet) seem to be trading down to "value-priced" food, but then all the items on its menu cost less than $10.


  7. But, he said, the United States is not getting value for money.


  8. Time will tell, of course, whether the $50 billion valuation on the social networker implied by the deal turns out to be a good investment.


  9. "Thanks, " I said as he followed me out. "It's almost worth getting sick to miss Gym. "


  1. 希望物有所值

    I hope it's worth it.

  2. 试图追求 物有所值

    so starting to align the value with the true cost.

  3. 它是物有所值的投资。

    It will be well worth the investment.

  4. 这把钥匙最好物有所值,明白吗?

    This key better be worth it. understand?

  5. 所以期待会好,希望等待物有所值

    it better be good. Yeah. No, better be worth it.

  6. 工作室鞋强调物有所值, 所有皮革建设。

    And Studio shoes stress value for money, with all leather constructions.

  7. 他们对他们买的东西是否物有所值感兴趣。

    They are interested in whether they are getting solid value for their dollars.

  8. 理想状态是寻找一个物有所值的产品。

    It is reasonable to choose a product which offers good value for money.

  9. 花四千块送她去那儿真是物有所值

    Well, I'm so glad we spent four grand sending her.

  10. 你在那个商店总可买到物有所值的东西。

    You always get good value for money at that shop.

  11. 资源分配要根据成果和是否物有所值而决定。

    Resource decisions must be based on results and an assessment of value for money.

  12. 两者都物有所值,主要是由于它们的软件不错。

    Both are good values, mainly due to the software.

  13. 买得起是一方面,更重要的是要买物有所值的房子。

    Affordable is on the one hand and, more importantly, want value for money house.

  14. 提供物有所值, 安全, 实用, 高效能及可靠的地铁服务。

    providing equitable access to affordable , safe , useful , highly energy efficient and reliable transportation.

  15. 但是,费用却要几百块美金,但我认为物有所值!

    It will cost a few hundred dollars, but it's well worth it!

  16. 那么,花这么多时间享用温暖的饮料,是否物有所值?

    So is all this slurping of warm beverages a good use of employees time

  17. 那么,花这么多时间享用温暖得饮料,是否物有所值?

    So is all this slurping of warm beverages a good use of employees time

  18. 它承诺的低拥有成本和良好的,全方位物有所值命题。

    It promises a low cost of ownership and a good, all round value for money proposition.

  19. 因为地理位置的原因价格也是不菲的, 不过物有所值啊!

    Because of its geographical location is also a huge price, but value money ah!

  20. 它也会增稠洗涤灵,让你有物有所值的感觉。

    It also thickens the dishwashing liquid, so you'll feel like you're getting your money's worth.

  21. 该餐馆得食物真是物有所值, 美味至极, 特别是龙虾肉。

    The restaurant is a good value and the food is excellent, especially like lobster.

  22. 该餐馆的食物真是物有所值,美味至极,特别是龙虾肉。

    The restaurant is a good value and the food is excellent, especially like lobster.

  23. 该餐馆的食物真是物有所值,美味至极,特别是龙虾肉。

    The restaurant is a good value and the food is excellent, especially like lobster.

  24. 在这个饭店消费物有所值,而且这里的氛围活泼而轻松。

    The restaurant offers good value for money and a lively, informal atmosphere.

  25. 老穆认为希拉里奥物有所值, 可以提升球队的实力。

    Mourinho believes Hilario will prove a valuable addition to his squad.

  26. 老穆认为希拉里奥物有所值,可以提升球队得实力。

    Mourinho believes Hilario will prove a valuable addition to his squad.

  27. 雇佣一个专业导游是很贵的,但肯定也是物有所值的!

    A professional guide is expensive, but you definitely get what you pay for!

  28. 管它呢,物有所值就行 而且我这个人都给你了。

    Who cares? You get what you pay for, and you are getting this.

  29. 而其好处则在于学习一门新的技能绝对是物有所值的。

    The good part is that learning new skills definitely pays off.


  1. 问:物有所值拼音怎么拼?物有所值的读音是什么?物有所值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:物有所值的读音是Wù yǒusuǒ zhí,物有所值翻译成英文是 value for money