


就是:知识~力量。当时或当地:~日。~刻。~席。~景。在~。~兴(xìng )。就,便:黎明~起。假如,倘若:~使。~便(biàn )。~或。~令。靠近:不~不离。到,开始从事:~位。……





汉语拼音:jí cǐ






  1. The former was a pointless irritant to the Russians who never believed the US story that it was a response to a threat from Iran.


  2. Mr gives the impression that there is no urgency; Israel, he implies, can resist, however much the Palestinians and others huff and puff.


  3. According to County records: "Sinceer zhu rong captaincy general of the Northern Wei to the general Tianzhu, or this. "


  4. Kline's equivocal use of the term "Sabbath" hides the fact that the sign has changed to the first day of the week.


  5. Yet this is not the leap to closer European political integration that some have excitedly hailed.


  6. But they are right that the measure is more of a political trick than a sound policy effort.


  7. The key file that the test facilities focus on is the proxy file, in this case AddressBookProxy.


  8. That is, this activity is executed in a separate transaction.


  9. A human destiny, but nothing human inside


  1. 即此函达尚希见复为荷

    respectfully submitted for clearance

  2. 能排除此量愈多, 即此位置估测的信心度就愈高。

    The larger the quantity is, the more confident the estimated location is.

  3. 能排除此量愈多,即此位置估测得信心度就愈高。

    The larger the quantity is, the more confident the estimated location is.

  4. 此即解性马尾神经综合征。

    This is known as acute cauda equina syndrome.

  5. 此即意谓着,科学的本质是保守的。

    And in this sense, science is intrinsically conservative.

  6. 寒食节即来源于此。

    From this comes Hanshi Day, or Cold Food Day.

  7. 传说中伊甸园即位于此。

    Tradition says the Garden of Eden was here.

  8. 即,此活动在单独的事务中执行。

    That is, this activity is executed in a separate transaction.

  9. 他新颖而独特的思想即源于此

    In order to educate himself, a fact which may partly account for the originality and independence of his thinking

  10. 一俟收到你方货款,我们即空运此货。

    Upon receipt of your payment, we'll ship the goods by air.

  11. 举世瞩目的黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程即在此兴建。

    World Xiaolangdi Water Control Project that is, in this construction.

  12. 本文即在此大背景下, 讨论我国外资政策的进一步调整问题。

    The thesis just discusses the further adjustment of our foreign policy under such circumstance.

  13. 我无论如何也不能同意圣雄甘地的解决方案,原因即在于此。

    That is why I have been disagreeing with Mahatma Gandhi on every point.

  14. 无需特殊选项即可使用此功能。

    No special options are required to take advantage of this functionality.

  15. 即那些关于此人 更敏感的信息呢?

    much more sensitive ones which you link back to the face?

  16. 首次使用字体时即会发生此映射。

    This mapping occurs when the font is used for the first time.

  17. 本文即拟对此作一扼要具体的分析。

    The article plans to make one compendious and concrete analysis to this namely.

  18. 现在上海等股票溢价发行即是采取此种方式。

    The stock excessive price such as Shanghai is issued now is to take this kind of kind namely.

  19. 阁下进入本网站及其任何网页, 即已同意此等使用条款。

    By accessing this website and any of its pages, you are agreeing to these Terms.

  20. 科玄论战中他对科学精神的极度高扬即用意在此。

    Speaking highly of the scientific spirit was just his intention in the polemic between Science and Metaphysics.

  21. 此课程即项目中的一个组成部分。

    This course is part of the abovementioned Programme.

  22. 此课程即项目中得一个组成部分。

    This course is part of the abovementioned Programme.

  23. 请用所附信封,将此卡片速即退回。

    Please return this card to us immediately in the enclosed envelope.

  24. 本篇论文即是着眼与此。

    This thesis is to fix attention on this.

  25. 我现在得走了,即我觉得有此必要。

    I must go now, ie I feel obliged to go.

  26. 此物闻一闻即足以致命。

    One sniff of this is enough to kill you.

  27. 一收到此信请即电复。

    Please do not fail to telegraph your reply immediately on receipt of this letter.

  28. 只要可能, 此种争端即应提交原专家组。

    We hope that this dispute can be settled through friendly negotiation without ite being submitted for arbitration.

  29. 在此时刻, 即1906年5月初, 罗斯福玩了个高明的花招。

    At this pointthat is, early May 1906Roosevelt executed a brilliant maneuver.

  30. 主管当局应即通知海员有提出此种要求的权利。

    The competent authority should promptly inform the seafarer of the right to make such a request.