




建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:rén mén









  1. 用人环列护卫以为门。

    《周礼·天官·掌舍》:“无宫则共人门。” 郑玄 注:“谓王行有所逢偶,若住游观,陈列周卫,则立长大之人以表门。”《孙子·军争》“交和而舍” 三国 魏 曹操 注:“以车为营曰辕门,以人为营曰人门。”

  2. 人品与门第。

    《陈书·文学传·蔡凝》:“黄散之职,固须人门兼美。”《北史·裴叔业传》:“﹝ 裴植 ﹞自言人门不后 王肃 ,怪朝廷处之不高。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗一》:“﹝ 柳潭 ﹞以人门第一,选尚公主,拜太子洗马。”

  3. 他人门下。

    宋 苏轼 《赠仲勉子文》诗:“闲看书册应多味,老傍人门想更慵。”《剪灯新话·金凤钗记》:“自念婚事不成,隻身孤苦,寄迹人门,亦非久计。”

  4. 黄河 中的峡名。在 河南 陕县 东北的 三门山 北侧,与 神门 、 鬼门 并列。

    贺敬之 《三门峡歌》:“神门险,鬼门窄,人门以上百丈崖。”



  1. We decided to meet in the next week and now my advisors are in contact with them.


  2. He only deals with billionaires, the others don't get a foot in the door.


  3. There is no way anyone can protest against this discriminatory development since villagers are at the mercy of the dictatorship.


  4. Mount Wudang Jinding the suspicions built three holes openings, doors were gods, ghosts door, the door person.


  5. Next day, the person gate returns to the village, there safe and sound, the people saw old person expels "the year" three magic weapons.


  6. Modern technology has influenced people's entertaiment, makes people less creative. Agree&Disagree?


  7. Liquor is the emergence of one door Chechoushangan brewing, and the emergence of smoke Chechoushangan to heal the scars of countless people.


  8. And perennial doors are open for worship Zhenwu Tati common people.


  9. We don't just want to develop technology -- we want to apply it and have it be useful for a lot of people.


  1. 人门习惯于在与自然力作斗争中求生存。

    Men was accustomed to struggling for survial against the elements.

  2. 而人门是常年开启, 供朝拜真武大帝的人们通行。

    And perennial doors are open for worship Zhenwu Tati common people.

  3. 他请人修理门。

    He got someone to repair the door.

  4. 法国人的门通往院子。

    The French doors admit onto the yard.

  5. 他命令看门人把门都锁上。

    He order that the porter should lock the doors.

  6. 法国人的门对着一块阶地。

    The French doors give onto a terrace.

  7. 幸运至少敲过每个人的门一次。

    Fortune knocks once at least at every man's gate.

  8. 即使最瘦的人在门后也无容身之地。

    There was no room behind it for even the skinniest person.

  9. 最近,一个塑料圣诞老人被人从门上撕掉了。

    Recently a plastic Santa Claus was ripped off a door.

  10. 事实上,我一直都尝试去电影工作室敲开制作人的门。

    I actually tried going on movie studio lots and knocking on producers doors.

  11. 没有人开门,门自动打开了。

    Nobody had visibly opened it.

  12. 爱情要么让人成熟要门让人堕落。

    Love makes man grow up sink down.

  13. 真惊怪!没人推,门自己开了。

    The door opened by itself, which was weird.

  14. 真惊怪!没人推,门自己开了。

    The door opened by itself, which was weird.

  15. 在他演讲时有人打开了门。

    Someone opened the door while he was making his speech.

  16. 在他演讲时有人打开了门。

    Someone opened the door while he was making his speech.

  17. 肯德尔转过身,那人关上了门。

    Kendal turned, and the man shut the door.

  18. 足球赛后大群人从各个门中涌出。

    The large crowd funneled out of the gates after the football match.

  19. 门被人猛然推开。

    The door bursts open.

  20. 尼尼伯,群星诸神之守门人,汝之门为吾而开!

    NINIB, Gatekeeper of the Astral Gods, Open Thy Gate to me!

  21. 耶稣血淋淋的死亡为一切想进入天堂的人打开了门。

    The bloody death of Jesus opened the door of heaven for anyone who wishes to enter.

  22. 我讨厌人打开柜子门, 取完东西却不把门关上。

    I hate people open the cupboard doors, not from the East and West End slam door.

  23. 他们逮到破坏门的人了。

    They laid their hands on the one who broke the door.

  24. 他们逮到破坏门的人了。

    They laid their hands on the one who broke the door.

  25. 门是人的进出口, 窗可以说是天的进出口。

    While doors are an exit for man, windows are an exit for the heavens.

  26. 门是人得进出口,窗可以说是天得进出口。

    While doors are an exit for man, windows are an exit for the heavens.

  27. 有时候,我会想那些有钱人在关上门后都会说些什么?

    I have sometimes wondered what the truly rich talk about behind closed doors.

  28. 有的人当着我的面用力地关上门, 有的人甚至连门都不开。

    I've had the door closed on me and some wouldn't even open it.

  29. 楼上亮着灯, 但叫门没人回应。

    Lights were burning upstairs, but no one answered the door.

  30. 一半是女工里有人拦厂门, 一半是钱葆生那混蛋的把戏!

    It was half the fault of some of the girls trying to picket the gate, and half the fault of that perisher Chien Paosheng throwing a spanner in the works!