




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:rú shù







  1. 按照规定的或要求的数目。

    《周礼·夏官·司弓矢》:“大射、燕射,共弓矢如数,并来。” 郑玄 注:“如数,如当射者之数也。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈异六·玉簪》:“生云:‘须二十鍰乃可。’贾即如数应之。”

  2. 按照原来的数目。

    茅盾 《子夜》十四:“我们上星期装出去的货都如数退了回来了。”如:如数归还。



  1. If he could collect all the money people owe him, he would be very rich man.


  2. Which means that bankers in London who met with Saif should have reported any sums involved, and frozen them.


  3. And the amount of credit swaps is so big that no one wants to test whether those counter parties can all pay in the event of a default.


  4. I excitedly told the answer to Grandpa, Grandpa did not say what ready full of small bamboo, we opened on .


  5. These errors result from failed runtime checks (such as array out-of-bound errors), and can occur during the execution of any method.


  6. Passengers should tender the exact amount of money. Change will not be given on this bus.


  7. Bush said. "This action does entail risk, but we expect that this money will eventually be paid back. "


  8. Please note the bank fees must be paid by you so that the entire amount appears on our account.


  9. One is that your money is always safe. If the checks are lost or stolen, you can receive a refund for the total amount.


  1. 如数全部偿还清楚了。

    The amount was paid in full.

  2. 我如数报告给我的上司

    I reported all this to my handler.

  3. 这笔血债必须如数偿还。

    This bloody debt must be fully paid.

  4. 他被迫如数缴纳了税款。

    He paid the tax demand under protest.

  5. 这要看你能否如数归还。

    It's contingent on you making full restitution.

  6. 她决定在星期六如数偿还。

    She concluded she would pay back the exact amount on Saturday.

  7. 乘客买票须交如数的钱。

    Passengers should tender the exact amount of money.

  8. 就是罪人也借给罪人,要如数收回。

    Even sinners lend to sinners that they may get back the equal amount.

  9. 他们把伦敦所有的糖如数购进。

    They bought up all the sugar in London.

  10. 他如数付我佣金,那我该怎么办?

    He was paying me commissions. Whatwhat am I supposed to do?

  11. 小组建议就增加的运费如数赔偿。

    The Panel recommends an award of compensation of this amount for increased freight costs.

  12. 它的资产随后被巴克莱如数购进。

    Its assets were later bought up by Barclays.

  13. 人生如数轴, 生在原点, 走在右边。

    The life like an axis, borns in the zero point, and walks in right side.

  14. 你所用掉的钱我将如数付还。

    I will recoup you for any money you spend.

  15. 你所用掉的前我将如数付还。

    I will recoup you for any money you spend.

  16. 我父亲将于一年之内替我如数归还。

    My father will repay you on my behalf within a year.

  17. 你所用的损失保险公司将如数偿还。

    The insurance company will recoup you for any loss you have.

  18. 我送来的这些吃的, 你如数还我钱吧。

    And you can just hand over to me the price of my supplies.

  19. 使馆并不留签证费, 要如数交给华盛顿。

    The embassy doesn't keep the fee. Those funds go back to Washington.

  20. 盖尔履行了她的诺言, 把钱如数归还。

    Gail kept her word and returned all the money.

  21. 盖尔履行了她得诺言,把钱如数归还。

    Gail kept her word and returned all the money.

  22. 草是不给你们的,砖却要如数交纳。

    You will not be given any straw, yet you must produce your full quota of bricks.

  23. 就是罪人也会不计利息借给罪人,指望如数收回。

    Even sinners lend to sinners to get back what they lend.

  24. 如果支票遗失和被盗, 你会得到如数的退赔。

    If the checks are lost or stolen, you can receive a refund for the total amount.

  25. 诸如数,字符或字符串的值,该值不能修改。

    A value such as a number a character, or a string of characters.

  26. 你要知道,要是你又没有如数归还,背黑锅的可是我。

    You realize it's my ass if you come up short again.

  27. 因此小组建议就合同工人的超时补偿如数赔偿。

    The Panel accordingly recommends an award of compensation in this amount for contract workers'overtime compensation.

  28. 律师瞧了屠户一眼,一语不说,便如数付了钱。

    Lawyer look butcher, one words does not say, exactly the amount paid cash.

  29. 这笔遗产将在他的遗嘱里交代清楚, 如数照付。

    The bequest would be found in his will, and would be paid over

  30. 适用于重负载, 恶劣环境, 如数控机床主轴等。

    Suitable for heavy load and severe condition, e. g. main shaft of CNC machine tool etc.


  1. 问:如数拼音怎么拼?如数的读音是什么?如数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如数的读音是rúshù,如数翻译成英文是 exactly the right number

  2. 问:如数家珍拼音怎么拼?如数家珍的读音是什么?如数家珍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如数家珍的读音是rúshǔjiāzhēn,如数家珍翻译成英文是 know … like the back of one’s hand