




1. 肋 [lèi]2. 肋 [lē]肋 [lèi]胸部的两侧:两~。~骨。~膜。像肋骨的:~木。肋 [lē]〔~脦〕衣裳肥大,不整洁。……



汉语拼音:ruǎn lèi








  1. 胁下的小肋骨。

    《医宗金鉴·刺灸心法要诀·周身名位骨度》“季胁”注:“季胁者,胁之下小肋骨也。俗名软肋。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·释看语》:“而脖子一刀,软肋又一刀。”



  1. These operated to the disadvantage of the South, a largely agricultural area, which had to pay high prices for imports.


  2. Mr Park seems to have fallen foul of both the two main causes of official paranoia: the internet and the financial crisis.


  3. One Japanese really love pet, pet complex is all love a soft rib of the audience.


  4. Counterfeiters who exploit this might pose as a small wholesaler willing to pass a "special manufacturer discount" to a larger wholesaler.


  5. "As much as he is human and has a weakness for women, I simply cannot imagine that he would do something so stupid, " says an ex-colleague.


  6. The mature domestic market, which accounts for about half of Deutsche Telekom's sales, remains the company's Achilles heel.


  7. But Nissan's problems haven't all been technical. Marketing has been a longtime weakness.


  8. Meanwhile, social media ads -- a perennial weak spot for Yahoo -- is eating up a bigger piece of total online-ad spending.


  9. As we all know, insufficient domestic demand has always been a weak spot in China's economy.


  1. 专攻他的软肋!

    Go for the soft underbelly!

  2. 它有两处软肋。

    There are two Achilles'heels of globalization.

  3. 得瞄准他的软肋。

    We need to target his weaknesses.

  4. 得瞄准他的软肋。

    We need to target his weaknesses.

  5. 你的信仰正是你的软肋

    Your faith is your weakness.

  6. 你的信仰正是你的软肋。

    Your faith is your weakness.

  7. 毒药是牧师的软肋。

    Poisons are a weakness of the priest class.

  8. 毒药是牧师得软肋。

    Poisons are a weakness of the priest class.

  9. 他肯定有一处软肋。

    He has to have a weakness.

  10. 杰森则是你的软肋。

    And Jason is yours.

  11. 杰森则是你的软肋。

    And Jason is yours.

  12. 他们发现自己也有软肋。

    They found out they had vulnerabilities.

  13. 杰森是阿里阿德涅的软肋。

    Jason is Ariadne's weakness.

  14. 他的软肋就在于他勇气不足。

    The shortage of fortitude is his heel of Achilles.

  15. 效率企业参与国际竞争的软肋

    Efficiency Shackle Precluding EnterprisesInvolvement of International Competition

  16. 贸易赤字仍是美国经济的软肋。

    The trade deficit remains the soft underbelly of the US economy.

  17. 霍顿的软肋在于他不懂得放权。

    Horton's Achilles heel was that he could not delegate.

  18. 我们知道你们俩会痛击他的软肋。

    We knew you two would take advantage of his weakness.

  19. 而这些特点恰恰击中了女人的软肋。

    These characteristics precisely hit the Achilles heel of a woman.

  20. 她察觉到了我的软肋,一直操控着我。

    She saw that weakness and she ran with it.

  21. 软肋,你在说什么,我浑身都是肌肉。

    Soft? What are you talking about? I'm all muscle.

  22. 意义在某种程度上是语言的软肋。

    Now, meaning is really the underbelly, in some sense, of language.

  23. 他们嗅到员工的软肋, 就会重拳出击。

    Once they sense an employees soft spot, they pounce on it.

  24. 一提起孩子就戳中了他的软肋。

    That talk about children is obviously coming from his grief.

  25. 一提起孩子就戳中了他的软肋。

    That talk about children is obviously coming from his grief.

  26. 一提起孩子就戳中了他的软肋。

    That talk about children is obviously coming from his grief.

  27. 全球化的第二处软肋就是它过于复杂。

    The second Achilles'heel is complexity.

  28. 我们目前一些明显得软肋, 已经被化解了。

    We are a few more current apparent soft costal region, had been dissolved.

  29. 我们目前一些明显的软肋,已经被化解了。

    We are a few more current apparent soft costal region, had been dissolved.

  30. 本赛季球队得板凳深度将依然是个软肋。

    This season team's backless stool depth will still be a soft rib.