











汉语拼音:jīng yíng tī tòu








  1. Trees and bushes were covered with hoarfrost, and looked like a forest of white coral, while on every twig glittered frozen dew-drops.


  2. White ice wine dark gold, crystal clear, pleasant, smooth sense of the entrance, has a strong sense of harmony.


  3. However, a classical poem is like a translucent jade bracelet, but a translation is still a translation.


  4. That kind of love, even if it is crystal clear what has caused Delicate ultimately, is no pearl shells and dry grass.


  5. AS Crystal Cup pretty transparent! . Life is not only indispensable to daily necessities, it is a good place in small!


  6. Glittering and translucent get rid of shows body, be full of the light to feel; Its interior has fruity transition, all like nature itself.


  7. Is the only living Jewellery millennium Fetish, shiny bright, gentle, pleasant, crystal clear, Enchanting.


  8. red coral jewelry is the only living thing the Millennium Spirit, Enchanting, bright luster, crystal clear, mild, pleasant.


  9. The products can refraction of prismy colors; the entire product is translucent, colorful, gives a sense of dreaming. . .


  1. 水晶工艺品,晶莹剔透。

    Crystal handicraft is with glittering and translucent carving.

  2. 这些冰雕动物晶莹剔透、栩栩如生。

    These ice-carved animals are sparkling and crystal-clear.

  3. 世界也如同水晶一般晶莹剔透。

    And the world is clear like a crystal.

  4. 春草上带着水珠,晶莹剔透。

    The water drops on the spring grass are crystal clear.

  5. 春草上带着水珠,晶莹剔透。

    The water drops on the spring grass are crystal clear.

  6. 出水荷叶还带着露珠,晶莹剔透。

    The lotus leaf on the water surface is still with dewdrops looking bright, and clear as crystals on its surface.

  7. 软化老化角质,改善皮肤吸收能力,肌肤无比晶莹剔透。

    Soften aged horniness, promote skin absorption, and make skin clear.

  8. 生命都在神的手中,惟有祂能够使人生晶莹剔透。

    All of life is in the hand of God, and only he can make it clear.

  9. 品味注释色泽金黄, 带有绿色光晕, 如水晶般晶莹剔透。

    Tasting Notes Colour golden yellow, with green tint, bright, crystal.

  10. 晶莹剔透, 半透明得青苔绿色。

    Shimmery, semisheer light moss green.

  11. 晶莹剔透,半透明的青苔绿色。

    Shimmery, semisheer light moss green.

  12. 晶莹剔透得雨点滴滴坠落, 美不胜收。

    The crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it.

  13. 晶莹剔透的雨点滴滴坠落,美不胜收。

    The crystal raindrops fall and the beauty of it.

  14. 这块儿玉晶莹剔透, 质地上乘。

    This jade is sparkling and clear, and is of good quality.

  15. 这块儿玉晶莹剔透,质地上乘。

    This jade is sparkling and clear, and is of good quality.

  16. 这些冰灯晶莹剔透, 像玉砌琼琢一般。

    These ice lanterns are crystal clear and transparent, pure as jade.

  17. 整个晶莹剔透的氛围让我仿佛置身于梦境。

    The sparkling atmosphere made me feel like I was in a dream.

  18. 效果白嫩无瑕, 晶莹剔透, 保湿悠滑, 弹性紧实。

    Effects Offers a whitened, bright, translucent and flawless look.

  19. 水晶底座晶莹剔透, 烘托整个产品极其醒目华贵。

    Crystal base, foil glittering and translucent get rid of whole product extremely smart showily.

  20. 她从没见到过这么晶莹剔透的一粒种子。

    She had never met so fine a grain.

  21. 用软化水清洗的浴缸、具、具晶莹剔透无水渍斑点。

    Cleaning demineralized water in the bathtub, tableware, tea sparkling spots without watermarks.

  22. 然而,古诗就如碧玉般晶莹剔透,而翻译毕竟是翻译。

    However, a classical poem is like a translucent bracelet, but a translation is still a translation.

  23. 雪就像一个可爱得小姑娘,有着晶莹剔透得肌肤。

    Snow is like a lovely girl, have crystal clear skin.

  24. 雪就像一个可爱的小姑娘,有着晶莹剔透的肌肤。

    Snow is like a lovely girl, have crystal clear skin.

  25. 他看着陈列柜,里面摆着几套晶莹剔透的玻璃杯。

    He looked at the display cabinet with its gleaming sets of glasses.

  26. 你们知道还有谁喜欢在晶莹剔透的海水中游泳吗?

    You know who else loves swimming in those crystalclear waters?

  27. 大理石晶莹剔透,带一些绿色的小斑点,他很是喜欢。

    Glittering and translucent get rid of appears marble, take the blob of a few green, he is to like very.

  28. 叶子上一滴晶莹剔透的露珠旁,守侯着一条小虫。

    Leaf drop crystal clear on the next Louzhu, watching with a bug.

  29. 石壁凝挂根根冰柱,阳光照射下晶莹剔透,甚是可爱。

    Arrhizus icicles hanging the Shek Pik condensate, sparkling under the sunlight, is very cute.

  30. 这些晶莹剔透的海蛇们据说是水之龙神沙拉萨的子孙。

    These crystalline serpents are said to be the offspring of Shalassa, the Elemental Dragon of Water.


  1. 问:晶莹剔透拼音怎么拼?晶莹剔透的读音是什么?晶莹剔透翻译成英文是什么?

    答:晶莹剔透的读音是jīngyíngtītòu,晶莹剔透翻译成英文是 Used to describe something bright and limpid....



【词 目】晶莹剔透

【发 音】jīng yíng tī tòu

【释 义】剔透:孔穴明晰。晶莹:光亮而透明。形容器物精致、光亮透明,结构细巧,如同珍珠一样。

【例 句】1、这件冰雕作品真是晶莹剔透,美轮美奂。2、博物馆展出的这件玉器晶莹剔透,价值连城。3、它就像珍珠一样晶莹剔透。4、这个小姑娘的皮肤晶莹剔透,让人爱怜不止,大家都很喜欢。

【近义词 】玲珑剔透