


哺乳动物,种类很多,听觉嗅觉都很敏锐,善于看守门户,有的可以训练成军犬、警犬:走~。~彘(狗和猪)。~刨(páo )(一种游泳动作)。~盗(小偷)。~腿子。~仗人势。~尾续貂(喻拿粗劣的东西接到美好的东西后面,很不相称,常指文章)。……





汉语拼音:gǒu xióng









  1. 熊的一种。又称黑熊。哺乳动物。身体肥大,会游泳,能爬树。熊掌可食。

    瞿秋白 《现实·关于左拉》:“他的生活一直是很孤独的,‘像狗熊躲在自己的洞儿里似的。’”

  2. 比喻怯懦无能的人。

    何其芳 《我梦见》诗:“人可以堕落为野兽,狗熊却成不了英雄。”《电影评介》1981年第1期:“是战士还是狗熊,决不在于你临死前是否有一番豪言壮语的嘱咐和一副挺胸昂头的英雄状。”



  1. Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it.


  2. Like the bear that learned to fill his stomach comfortably, they feel satisfied to be entertained without having to exert themselves.


  3. Software Description: About Bear Up To Nature, Changing pictures of bears: brown and black bears, koala bears, panda bears, and polar bears.


  4. He was an old fellow, kind-faced and wise in the ways of bears and men, but very fond of joking.


  5. Want to rouse that Asiatic black bear dead to the world really, selfish have appeared to have depended on my heart , have forget it!


  6. But it is just a matter of time until we see whether Italy becomes the euro's hero or villain.


  7. He threw himself on the ground with his eyes closed, waiting for death as it were, before the bear went away.


  8. The bear went over the river to see what he could see.


  9. Otters and bears are the animals that joke most and bears, of course, are very close to men.


  1. 像狗熊一样爬。

    Climb like a bear.

  2. 狗熊在小溪中捕鱼。

    The bear catches the fish in the stream.

  3. 看那只狗熊,多可爱!

    Look at the bear, how funny it is!

  4. 据说,勤奋可使狗熊跳舞。

    Industry, it is said, makes the bear dance.

  5. 我有一只大狗熊。

    I have a big bear.

  6. 狗熊山?谁告诉你的?

    Bear Mountain?Who told you that?

  7. 狗熊山?谁告诉你的?

    Bear Mountain? Who told you that?

  8. 象狮子般勇猛,象狗熊般粗俗

    as valiant as the lion, churlish as the bear.

  9. 也许是美洲狮或者大狗熊。

    A mountain lion, a bear, maybe.

  10. 洞穴的最深处有只狗熊。

    There is a bear in the inmost recesses of the cave.

  11. 然后男孩就和狗熊钓鱼去了。

    The boy and the bear went fishing.

  12. 你想谈谈美洲狮或者大狗熊吗?

    You wanna talk about the bear or the mountain lion?

  13. 一串葡萄弹射中了一只狗熊。

    A grape of pellets were shot into a bear.

  14. 一串葡萄弹射中了一只狗熊。

    A grape of pellets were shot into a bear.

  15. 但是,你看见走太空步的狗熊了吗?

    But, did you see the moonwalking bear?

  16. 你听说过狗熊掰苞米的故事吧?

    Have you heard of the story in which a bear breaks off corncobs?

  17. 你听说过狗熊掰苞米的故事吧?

    Have you heard of the story in which a bear breaks off corncobs?

  18. 如果你是一条鱼,你可要小心狗熊!

    If you are a fish, watch out for bears!

  19. 狗熊翻过了山,去看看能看到什么。

    The bear went over the mountain to see what he could see.

  20. 小饼干和大狗熊一起玩儿了起来。

    Little cookie and the big black bear play together.

  21. 从前在森林里住着三个狗熊。

    Once upon a time there lived in the forest three bears.

  22. 朗达本,你真的喜欢糊里糊涂的狗熊吗?

    Ronda Ben, you really like the fuzzy wuzzy bears.

  23. 狗熊、梅花鹿、雄鹰,他们是我们的兄弟。

    The bear, the great eagle, there are our brothers.

  24. 实际上,他就像头爱发脾气的狗熊。

    In fact, hes akin to a grouchy bear.

  25. 小饼干在软绵绵的狗熊身上跳得真高。

    Little cookie jumps really high on his soft back.

  26. 召唤的狗熊现在能适当的攻击、追踪怪物了。

    A summoned Grizzly now properly pursues and attacks its enemies more effectively.

  27. 狗熊马驮满了小朋友,咯咯笑得浑身抖。

    Full of children on his back, the black bear laughs convulsively.

  28. 而每日狗熊奖则是颁给约旦警方。

    And zero's of the day goes to the Jordanian Police.

  29. 屈丽娜就不由自主的慢慢爱起她的老狗熊来了。

    Trina's affection for her old bear grew in spite of herself.

  30. 我真像一头被牵去进行跳舞表演的狗熊。

    For all the world, I was led like a dancing bear.


  1. 问:狗熊拼音怎么拼?狗熊的读音是什么?狗熊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狗熊的读音是gǒuxióng,狗熊翻译成英文是 black bear; coward



狗熊是熊的一种。又称黑熊。哺乳动物。身体肥大,会游泳,能爬树。 瞿秋白 《现实·关于左拉》:“他的生活一直是很孤独的,‘像狗熊躲在自己的洞儿里似的。’”比喻怯懦无能的人。 何其芳 《我梦见》诗:“人可以堕落为野兽,狗熊却成不了英雄。”《电影评介》1981年第1期:“是战士还是狗熊,决不在于你临死前是否有一番豪言壮语的嘱咐和一副挺胸昂头的英雄状。”