







汉语拼音:pāo shòu







  1. 大量卖出。

    李劼人 《天魔舞》第二六章:“由于 桂 柳 撤退,军事实在不利,因而人心不安,都在抛售囤货。”



  1. In equities, the widespread sell-off may have been a reaction to the overoptimism that prevailed earlier this year.


  2. Yes, insider selling is all about diversifying portfolios, reducing market impact and avoiding concerns.


  3. As is usually the case in a crisis, investors have been overreacting, throwing away the "baby with the bath water" as Wall Street pros say.


  4. Trades happened so quickly that although people knew they were losing money, they didn't know how much.


  5. Others dumping precious metals lately doubt the Fed will take much more aggressive action to help the economy, at least for now.


  6. But even when conditions were the toughest, the community still had confidence in the link and there was no panic selling of our currency.


  7. While you think about it, let me tell you why I'm convinced the China sell off could continue.


  8. Heavy selling triggered Beijing's limit on how much yuan banks can officially buy from or sell back to the mainland.


  9. Following the bond market sell-off the remaining difference seems manageable, particularly since the risk on inflation is only latent.


  1. 抛售股票, 债券等

    to divest holdings

  2. 抛售所囤积的货物

    to dishoard goods

  3. 他抛售了他的那些跑车。

    He closed out his line of sports cars.

  4. 金融大恐慌导致的债券抛售

    panic selling of securities.

  5. 一场疯狂抛售的大特卖

    a hyperkinetic sales pitch.

  6. 那家百货商店星期天减价抛售。

    The department store is closing out on Sunday.

  7. 那家商店周六减价抛售货物。

    The store is closing out on Saturday.

  8. 我们抛售了许多旧的汽车模型。

    We cleared a lot of the old model cars.

  9. 阿曼达果断决定抛售所有股票。

    Amanda made a decided choice to dump all her stocks.

  10. 阿曼达果断决定抛售所有股票。

    Amanda made a decided choice to dump all her stocks.

  11. 当抛售开始,走势可能迅速调头。

    When selling begins, the momentum can turn quickly.

  12. 股民们总是逢低建仓, 逢高就抛售。

    Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up.

  13. 然而,这些投资者习惯于逢高抛售。

    However, such investors are wont to sell into strength.

  14. 股民们总是逢低建仓,逢高就抛售。

    Stock investors buy shares when their prices are low and sell them when they go up.

  15. 那家百货店周六减价抛售货物。

    The store is closing out on saturday.

  16. 这家食品公司正急着抛售股票。

    The food company was falling over itself to sell its stock of shares.

  17. 亚洲金融危机引起了债券的恐慌抛售。

    The Asian Financial crisis caused panic selling of securities.

  18. 我知道有的国家实际上正在削价抛售。

    I understand some countries are actually lowering their prices.

  19. 但现在, 它们却遭遇了惨痛的抛售。

    But now, they actually have encountered deeply grieved underselling.

  20. 有的国家对他们的商品正在削价抛售。

    Some countries are selling their goods at low prices in big quantities.

  21. 他们决定清理库存,将所有存货超抛售。

    They decided to close down the store and sell all of the remaining stock.

  22. 他大量抛售工业股票,引起了市场波动。

    He undersold a large amount of industrial stocks and caused the market to fluctuate.

  23. 到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售股票。

    By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price.

  24. 他们抛售是因为恐慌和悲观,因为别人都在抛售。

    They sold on pessimism. They sold because other people were selling.

  25. 金价开始下跌时,大多数人都争相抛售。

    Most people were stampeded into selling gold when the price began to fall.

  26. 此外, 金融机构承担了昨日抛售的主要压力。

    Otherwise, financial companies bore the brunt of the days selloff.

  27. 它同样还会把它旗下的悍马品牌抛售。

    It also has put its Hummer brand up for sale.

  28. 交易商称,温和的天气预报引发了玉米的抛售。

    The milder forecast was the spark that initiated selling in corn, traders said.

  29. 情形不妙的话,你得作好抛售股票的准备。

    When the going gets tough, be prepared to sell your stocks.

  30. 这将导致美元大幅贬值,美国债券遭到抛售。

    This will cause US dollar large depreciation, the American bond to encounter undersells.


  1. 问:抛售拼音怎么拼?抛售的读音是什么?抛售翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛售的读音是pāoshòu,抛售翻译成英文是 dispose of

  2. 问:抛售风拼音怎么拼?抛售风的读音是什么?抛售风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抛售风的读音是pāo shòu fēng,抛售风翻译成英文是 hectic selling




【拼音】:pāo shòu

【注音】:ㄆㄠ ㄕㄡˋ