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1. 华 [huá]2. 华 [huà]3. 华 [huā]华 [huá]美丽而有光彩的:~丽。~艳。~彩。~贵。~章。~表(亦称“桓表”)。~盖。精英:精~。含英咀(jǔ)~。开花:~而不实。春~秋实。繁盛:繁~。荣~富贵。奢侈:浮~。奢……
汉语拼音:huá gōng
旧时指在国外做工的 中国 工人。
清 黄遵宪 《逐客篇》:“ 光绪 六年, 合众国 乃遣使三人来商订限制 华 工之约……议院遂藉约设例禁止华工。” 鲁迅 《华盖集·十四年的“读经”》:“儒者们引为劳绩的,倒是那大抵目不识丁的华工。”
It's my honor to see so many famous professors, I warmly hope that I can own the honor to go on staying in the university for my study.
很荣幸今天能见到这么多知名的教授,热切的希望自己有这个荣幸继续呆在华工学习。On the next, there was an attack on a woolen mill employing many Chinese workers.
第二天,一家雇用大量华工的羊毛针织厂也遭到了围攻。A Chinese digger without a ticket could not sue for the recovery of a mining claim that had been jumped.
如果华工淘金者没有居住票,就不能起诉收回被非法霸占的金矿。The first ship carrying Chinese gold seekers to arrive at the port of Robe was the "Land of Cakes" , an unusually named ship from Scotland.
第一艘抵达洛泊港的运送华工淘金者的船只是,一艘来自苏格兰的“糕饼之国号”。Huang provided excellent historical materials for an exhibition on Chinese laborers held two years ago by the California government.
美国加州政府二年前举办华工对美经济贡献展时,黄伯提供了绝佳的史料。But his most powerful attention-getter was a demand for an end to the immigration and hiring of Chinese.
但他最吸引听众的言论还是要求政府立即停止批准中国人移民美国,立即停止雇用华工。The locals' fears proved groundless and the Chinese moved around the town in a peaceful fashion without any great incident occurring.
当地人担忧证明是毫无根据的,华工在镇里的活动都是非常平静的,没有发生任何重大事件。He supervised some six to seven thousand Chinese workers during the peak of the construction.
在建设高峰期间,他管理的华工达六、七千人。Both plants were staffed by large numbers of Chinese workers and helped establish sizeable Chinese community in Nanaimo's downtown core.