


1. 笼 [lóng]2. 笼 [lǒng]笼 [lóng]用竹篾、木条编成的盛物器或罩物器:灯~。熏~。用竹篾、木条或金属丝等编插而成的养鸟或虫的器具:鸡~。鸟~。蝈蝈~。旧时囚禁犯人的东西:囚~。牢~。用竹木或金属材料制成的有盖的蒸东西……


1. 络 [luò]2. 络 [lào]络 [luò]像网子那样的东西:~头。经~。脉~。网~。橘~。用网状物兜住,笼罩:笼~。缠绕:~纱。~丝。~线。相连续,前后相接:~穴(针灸穴位分类名)。~续。~绎。联~。络 [lào]义同(一),用……



汉语拼音:lǒng luò








  1. 围绕;缠络。语出 汉 班固 《西都赋》:“罘网连紘,笼山络野。” 明 徐弘祖 《徐霞客游记·粤西游日记四》:“且小峯之上,每有巨树箕踞,其根笼络,与石为一,干盘曲下覆。”

  2. 拉拢;控制。

    宋 陈亮 《上孝宗皇帝第一书》:“今乃驱委庸人,笼络小儒,以迁延大有为之岁月,臣不胜愤悱。”《明史·李三才传》:“ 三才 才大而好用机权,善笼络朝士。”《红楼梦》第二一回:“谁知这 四儿 是个乖巧不过的丫头,见 宝玉 用他,他就变尽方法儿笼络 宝玉 。” 茅盾 《子夜》十五:“尽管他的手段不错,而且对于 李麻子 极尽笼络的能事,然而当此时机迫切的时候,他的笼络毕竟敌不过 李麻子 和 钱葆生 的关系。”

  3. 包罗;统括。

    《尹文子·大道下》:“过此而往,虽弥纶天地,笼络万品,治道之外,非羣生所餐挹,圣人错而不言也。” 宋 司马光 《刘道原<十国纪年>序》:“ 道原 好著书,志欲笼络宇宙而无所遗,不幸早夭,其成者《十国纪年》四十二卷。” 清 黄宗羲 《易学象数论序》:“其注简当而无浮义,何曾笼落元旨。”



  1. He began the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple, one of the 'Wonders of the Ancient World' to win over the Jews.


  2. He appears to see opponents as rivals to be charmed. What he should see are enemies determined to destroy his presidency.


  3. Dangerous workplace situation, the boss with a vision to win over people, want to let people do not spend money on white work.


  4. The point is not to stake out different positions but to own the popular issue.


  5. In three speeches in Prague, Cairo and Accra earlier this year, he used the full power of his rhetoric to win people over.


  6. Mr Obama is also shrewdly reaching out to Republicans, proposing that a large part of the stimulus should take the form of tax cuts.


  7. She scrupulously abide by the feudal woman, and shrewd is quite deep, can auto, others very tactful, above, below the love.


  8. These topics allow you to open a dialog, which is the first step to building a relationship.


  9. Getting developers in early stages is also a useful approach when it comes to gaining support for your products.


  1. 他很会笼络人。

    He is very good at buying people's support.

  2. 他想用花言巧语笼络我。

    He wanted to catch me in his springes of words.

  3. 我被优裕的生活所笼络。

    I was seduced by the good life.

  4. 她藉著玩具笼络她的小孩。

    She sweetened her child with the promise of a toy.

  5. 别的女人能用她们头发笼络男人!

    Other women can snare men in their hair.

  6. 女孩子们通常能够笼络她们的父亲。

    Girls can usually get round their fathers.

  7. 你也许得送些小东西来笼络她。

    You may have to coax her with little gifts.

  8. 我们尝试通过实现并寻求好建议来笼络雇员。

    We involve our employees in what we are trying to accomplish and ask for their ideas.

  9. 试论清王朝对西北外藩民族的羁縻笼络政策

    Jimo Bosses around Policy to the Waifan nationality in the Northwest in Qing Dynasty

  10. 如果想要他批给我们合约, 得要花点钱笼络。

    They'll have to be sweetened if we want them to award us the contract.

  11. 而麒麟游戏的研发团队却笼络了行业内的精英。

    And the group of research and development of kylin game however draw over the elite inside the industry.

  12. 我和你一样, 并不想为这位候选人去笼络人心。

    I'm no more fond of selling such a candidate than you are.

  13. 第三, 刘备的礼贤下士只不过是他笼络人心的手段。

    Thirdly, Liu Beis Rhenish corporal was his only means to win the hearts and minds.The Three Kingdoms Mr.

  14. 他们离异之后陷入了一场笼络儿女感情的激烈斗争。

    After the divorce they became involved in an emotional tug of war over the children.

  15. 她一下子装出一副媚态, 企图笼络在旁边观看的人。

    She turned on the charm and tried to win over the spectators.


  1. 问:笼络拼音怎么拼?笼络的读音是什么?笼络翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笼络的读音是lǒngluò,笼络翻译成英文是 win … over

  2. 问:笼络者拼音怎么拼?笼络者的读音是什么?笼络者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笼络者的读音是,笼络者翻译成英文是 embracer

  3. 问:笼络手段拼音怎么拼?笼络手段的读音是什么?笼络手段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笼络手段的读音是lǒng luò shǒu duàn,笼络手段翻译成英文是 seducement

  4. 问:笼络陪审员等拼音怎么拼?笼络陪审员等的读音是什么?笼络陪审员等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笼络陪审员等的读音是,笼络陪审员等翻译成英文是 embracery

  5. 问:笼络陪审员罪拼音怎么拼?笼络陪审员罪的读音是什么?笼络陪审员罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笼络陪审员罪的读音是lǒng luò péi shěn yuán zuì,笼络陪审员罪翻译成英文是 embracery



1. 围绕;缠络。2. 拉拢;控制。3. 包罗;统括。