


1. 咳 [ké]2. 咳 [hāi]咳 [ké]〔~嗽〕呼吸器官受刺激而引起一种反射作用。把吸入的气急急呼出,同时发声,能清除呼吸道中的异物或痰,亦是某些病的症状。咳 [hāi]叹息:~声叹气。叹词,表示惋惜或后悔:又表示招呼人,提醒人注……


〔咳(ké ㄎㄜˊ)~〕见“咳1”。……



汉语拼音:ké sou







  1. 喉部或气管的黏膜受刺激时迅速吸气,随即强烈地呼气,声带振动发声,这种现象叫咳嗽。是一种保护性的反射动作。也是某些疾病的症状。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·五行顺逆》:“如人君好战,侵陵诸侯,贪城邑之赂,轻百姓之命,则民病喉咳嗽。” 明 冯惟敏 《僧尼共犯》第三折:“猛听得邻舍家咳嗽了一声。” 老舍 《茶馆·附录》第一幕幕前:“咳嗽一声都象唱大戏。”



  1. Because cough may be the only symptom of reflux, I would also initiate more aggressive acid suppression with a proton-pump inhibitor.


  2. Mr. king coughed again and his wife said, go to see a doctor tomorrw. the doctor will be able to help you, I think.


  3. A good example of a secondary gesture might be a person putting his hand up to his mouth to cover a cough.


  4. It was only the next day when a second coughing fit produced a bigger lump that Mrs Osborn suspected something was seriously wrong.


  5. She had a genius for knowing when a cough is a thing to have no patience with and when it needs stocking around your throat.


  6. Little Chuan walked slowly out of the inner room, his hands to his chest, coughing repeatedly.


  7. We were all running around coughing and gagging, including the dogs, and trying to figure out what to do with ourselves.


  8. Must He must have rid himself of his pneumonia last week , for you see , he doesn't cough at all now .


  9. Two days before he came into the emergency room he began to have chills, fever, and a cough.


  1. 犬吠样咳嗽

    barking cough.

  2. 体位性咳嗽

    Postural cough.

  3. 咳嗽很厉害

    I am coughing heavily

  4. 婴儿咳嗽了。

    The baby has a cough.

  5. 他日夜咳嗽。

    He coughed day and night.

  6. 我头疼咳嗽。

    I have a headache and a cough.

  7. 患者咳嗽吗?

    Does the patient have a cough?

  8. 他伤风咳嗽。

    He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough.

  9. 孩子总是咳嗽。

    My child keeps coughing.

  10. 咳嗽晕厥综合征

    cough syncope syndrome

  11. 他咳嗽有血。

    He has coughed up Blood.

  12. 我忍住咳嗽。

    I strangled an impulse to cough.

  13. 咳嗽变畀挫哮喘

    Cough variant asthma

  14. 我咳嗽声嘶哑。

    I have a hoarse cough.

  15. 蜂蜜能治咳嗽。

    Honey helps the cough.

  16. 冬月咳嗽, 冬季咳

    winter cough

  17. 我头痛还咳嗽。

    I have got a headache and a cough.

  18. 冬月咳嗽,冬季咳。

    Winter cough.

  19. 咳嗽吐血治法

    therapeutical exercise for cough and hemoptysis

  20. 她得了慢性咳嗽。

    She has a chronic cough.

  21. 咳嗽的频繁发作

    Persistent attacks of coughing

  22. 你咳嗽发烧吗?

    Do you have a cough or do you feel feverish.

  23. 你咳嗽发烧吗?

    Do you have a cough or do you feel feverish?

  24. 让他咳嗽,让他呼吸

    Get him to cough. Get him to breathe.

  25. 暑嗽, 夏月咳嗽

    summer cough

  26. 咳嗽, 头疼, 嗓子疼。

    Cough, headache and sore throat.

  27. 我日日夜夜地咳嗽。

    I cough day and night.

  28. 时行嗽, 时气咳嗽

    pestilent cough

  29. 长颈鹿没办法咳嗽。

    Giraffe has no ways to cough.

  30. 我咳嗽就会痛。

    It hurts me to cough.


  1. 问:咳嗽拼音怎么拼?咳嗽的读音是什么?咳嗽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽的读音是késou,咳嗽翻译成英文是 cough

  2. 问:咳嗽征拼音怎么拼?咳嗽征的读音是什么?咳嗽征翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽征的读音是ké sòu zhēng,咳嗽征翻译成英文是 coughing sign

  3. 问:咳嗽病拼音怎么拼?咳嗽病的读音是什么?咳嗽病翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽病的读音是,咳嗽病翻译成英文是 cough

  4. 问:咳嗽的拼音怎么拼?咳嗽的的读音是什么?咳嗽的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽的的读音是ké sòu de,咳嗽的翻译成英文是 bechic

  5. 问:咳嗽音拼音怎么拼?咳嗽音的读音是什么?咳嗽音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽音的读音是ké sòu yīn,咳嗽音翻译成英文是 cough resonance

  6. 问:咳嗽中枢拼音怎么拼?咳嗽中枢的读音是什么?咳嗽中枢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽中枢的读音是ké sòu zhōng shū,咳嗽中枢翻译成英文是 coughing centre

  7. 问:咳嗽反射拼音怎么拼?咳嗽反射的读音是什么?咳嗽反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽反射的读音是ké sòu fǎn shè,咳嗽反射翻译成英文是 cough reflex

  8. 问:咳嗽异常拼音怎么拼?咳嗽异常的读音是什么?咳嗽异常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽异常的读音是ké sòu yì cháng,咳嗽异常翻译成英文是 coughing disorder

  9. 问:咳嗽性震颤拼音怎么拼?咳嗽性震颤的读音是什么?咳嗽性震颤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽性震颤的读音是ké sòu xìng zhèn chàn,咳嗽性震颤翻译成英文是 tussive fremitus

  10. 问:咳嗽性肺压缩拼音怎么拼?咳嗽性肺压缩的读音是什么?咳嗽性肺压缩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咳嗽性肺压缩的读音是ké sòu xìng fèi yā suō,咳嗽性肺压缩翻译成英文是 tussive squeeze


