







汉语拼音:chí píng








  1. 持守公平。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·山川颂》:“水则……盈科后行,既似持平者。”《南齐书·王延之传》:“ 宋 德既衰, 太祖 辅政,朝野之情,人怀彼此。 延之 与尚书令 王僧虔 中立无所去就,时人为之语曰:‘二 王 持平,不送不迎。’” 宋 梅尧臣 《定号依韵和禹玉》:“天下持平手,毫偏不置胸。” 邹韬奋 《患难馀生记》第二章:“我有一篇文章很婉转地表达我的这种态度,我自信是持平的。”

  2. 指某个时期产品的数额同对比时期的数额相等;不同产品的价格相等。如:今年产量与去年持平。如:这两个出版社重印的《康熙字典》价格持平。



  1. The idea that anyone can grow up to be President is an American gospel, but that's about honoring equality not excellence.


  2. I used to be able to brag that Berlin was really affordable but now my rent actually works out on par with Washington and New York.


  3. Edelman expects holiday sales to be flat this year, but he said he expected profits for most retailers to be higher.


  4. Bonnell said he expects next year's sales to be flat, or even decline, depending on how the global financial crisis plays out.


  5. Fixed bug that would cause "Security Fart" to go off if the surface the phone was placed on wasn't perfectly flat or slightly vibrating.


  6. Although broadly flat on a year ago, gross revenues have fallen a third from the January peak to less than $900m in September.


  7. Unlike the egalitarian Western public sector, Singapore follows an elitist model, paying those at the top $2m a year or more.


  8. However gifts from alumni to schools are flat or down in many cases, Jarvis said, so tuition bills are not likely to shrink.


  9. The U. S. Department of Labor says chicken prices are actually flat or down from a year ago.


  1. 分数持平了。

    The score is tied.

  2. 转卖价格持平

    resale price maintenance

  3. 权力非持平

    authority inequality.

  4. 外汇收支持平

    foreign exchange balance

  5. 国际收支持平

    balancing in international payments.

  6. 持平需多长时间?

    How long will it take to break even?

  7. 美国的经济几乎持平。

    as the American economy.

  8. 是与对方的注持平

    Raise the bet to the limit. Call

  9. 与上年相比, 水质持平。

    The water quality remains the same as that in the previous year.

  10. 我是为了持平伤痛和苦难。

    It's about easing pain and suffering.

  11. 镜子的高度应和眼睛持平。

    The mirror should be at eye level.

  12. 此前, 公司预期第一季度盈亏持平。

    It had previously forecast it would break even.

  13. 与上年相比, 水质基本持平。

    Compared with the previous year, the water quality remains almost the same.

  14. 专业的质量标准持平或者更高。

    professional standards of quality.

  15. 对投票持平等主义的态度。

    an egalitarian attitude to voting

  16. 股利同去年持平, 为五百万英镑。

    Dividends remained unchanged over the previous year at five million pounds

  17. 公司今年的利润与去年持平。

    This year's company profits are the same as last year's.

  18. 双方在还剩下几分钟时比分持平

    Tied the game with minutes remaining.

  19. 本月的钢产量与上月持平。

    The steel output this month equals that of the last.

  20. 今年大田作物的产量与去年持平。

    The crop output this year is equal to that of last year.

  21. 今年大田作物的产量与去年持平。

    The crop output this year is equal to that of last year.

  22. 创造的收入和微软几乎持平。

    has revenues pretty much on a par with Microsoft.

  23. 今年的销售大体会和去年持平。

    This year's sales should equal that.

  24. 一国的出口和进口不持平的状况。

    A condition in which a nation's exports and imports and imports are not equal.

  25. 这将与2008年得水平持平, 甚至更高。

    That would be in line or even faster than this year.

  26. 这将与2008年的水平持平,甚至更高。

    That would be in line or even faster than this year.

  27. 宏碁预计,今年总收入将与去年持平。

    Acer expects total revenue this year to be flat compared with last year.

  28. 价格没有下降甚至持平的可能,他说道。

    There is not possibility of prices going lower or even staying the same, he said.

  29. 韵律诗歌或演讲中持平稳的节奏

    cadence, Balanced, rhythmic flow, as of poetry or oratory.

  30. 如果是左长, 重量头发拉下来, 持平。

    If it is left long, the weight of the hair pulls it down flat.


  1. 问:持平拼音怎么拼?持平的读音是什么?持平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持平的读音是chípíng,持平翻译成英文是 fair; be equal




拼音:chí píng词义:①主持公平;不偏袒:执法持平|立论持平。②对比的数量,价格大体相等:今年棉花产量与去年持平|两地蔬菜价格持平。