







汉语拼音:bǐng gōng








  1. 持心公正;主持公道。

    明 张居正 《谢召见疏》:“而人臣之道,必秉公为国。”《清史稿·睿忠亲王多尔衮传》:“有不秉公辅理,妄自尊大者,天地谴之!” 峻青 《秋色赋·胶济线上》:“天真的人们曾经对三人小组抱有希望,以为他们会秉公处理。”



  1. For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the Lord.


  2. If I am to be just I must be the same to my own relatives as to anyone else.


  3. VI seal must be serious and responsible management, strict compliance, handle matters impartially.


  4. Relevant administrative personnel shall observe disciplines and abide by laws, and shall enforce the law impartially.


  5. In legal documents, "fact" , "reason" and "feeling" mean fact of a case, legal reason and deciding case according to law.


  6. In law enforcement, has always adhered to facts, to the principle of law as the criterion, do justly.


  7. Grassland supervisors and inspectors shall be devoted to their duties and enforce laws impartially.


  8. The functionaries of water supervision and inspection shall be devoted to their duties and enforce the law impartially.


  9. Hate evil, love good; maintain justice in the courts. Perhaps the Lord God Almighty will have mercy on the remnant of Joseph.


  1. 秉公执法的法官

    a judge who is impartial in enforcing the law

  2. 她将秉公调查。

    She will investigate without fear or favour.

  3. 法官应当依法秉公办案。

    Judges shall handle cases impartially and in accordance with the law.

  4. 法制人员要秉公办事。

    Legal staff must be impartial about their work.

  5. 法制人员要秉公办事。

    Legal staff must be impartial about their work.

  6. 作为领导要秉公办事。

    As a leader, he must handle a matter impartially.

  7. 作为领导, 他必须秉公办事。

    As a leader, he must handle a matter impartially.

  8. 秉公办事,何惧天塌下来。

    Let right be done, though the heavens fall.

  9. 税务人员必须秉公执法, 忠于职守

    Tax officials must implement the law impartially and devote themselves to their duties.

  10. 法官肯定会秉公执法,决不徇私。

    The judge will surely do justice, without acceptance of persons.

  11. 她总是一丝不苟地秉公办事。

    She has always been scrupulously fair.

  12. 在审理案件中秉公执法,成绩显著的。

    Having achieved notable successes in enforcing laws and handling cases impartially.

  13. 他向来秉公执法, 深受当地群众的拥戴。

    He always executes the law justly, and is respected by the local people.

  14. 他向来秉公执法,深受当地群众的拥戴。

    He always executes the law justly, and is respected by the local people.

  15. 秉公办理得实质,就于基本群众有利。

    Impartially handling lawsuits itself benefits the masses.

  16. 秉公办理的实质,就于基本群众有利。

    Impartially handling lawsuits itself benefits the masses.

  17. 秉公行义,使义人喜乐,使作孽的人败坏。

    It is a joy to the good man to do right, but it is destruction to the workers of evil.

  18. 秉公堂是早期移民来得华侨建立得。

    The Bing Association is a tong type of organization formed by early Chinese immigrants.

  19. 秉公堂是早期移民来的华侨建立的。

    The Bing Association is a tong type of organization formed by early Chinese immigrants.

  20. 上主却为王于永远, 安置宝座秉公审判。

    The LORD rules forever, has set a throne for judgment.

  21. 水政监督检查人员应当忠于职守,秉公执法。

    The functionaries of water supervision and inspection shall be devoted to their duties and enforce the law impartially.

  22. 秉公而论,我认为他是个优秀的教师。

    I say, in justice to him, that he is a good teacher.

  23. 秉公而论,我认为他是个优秀得教师。

    I say, in justice to him, that he is a good teacher.

  24. 在办理减免税的工作中,要秉公办事,不得以权谋私。

    In handling tax reductions or exemptions, all tax authorities at various levels shall implement laws and regulations impartially, and may not abuse their authority for selfish benefits.

  25. 劳动保障监察员应当忠于职守,秉公执法,勤政廉洁,保守秘密。

    Labor and Social Security of the Ombudsman should be devoted to their duties, impartially enforce the law, being diligent and honest, conservative secret.

  26. 说,你们审判不秉公义,徇恶人得情面,要到几时呢。

    How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked Selah.

  27. 说,你们审判不秉公义,徇恶人的情面,要到几时呢。

    How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

  28. 大卫作以色列众人的王, 又向众民秉公行义。

    David reigned over all Israel, doing what was just and right for all his people.

  29. 因为他永远爱以色列,所以立你作王,使你秉公行义。

    Because of the Lord's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king, to maintain justice and righteousness.

  30. 达味作了全以色列得君王, 对自己所有得人民秉公行义。

    David reigned over all Israel and dispensed justice and right to all his people.


  1. 问:秉公拼音怎么拼?秉公的读音是什么?秉公翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秉公的读音是bǐnggōng,秉公翻译成英文是 be impartial

  2. 问:秉公执法拼音怎么拼?秉公执法的读音是什么?秉公执法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秉公执法的读音是bǐnggōngzhífǎ,秉公执法翻译成英文是 To serve justice.

  3. 问:秉公持有拼音怎么拼?秉公持有的读音是什么?秉公持有翻译成英文是什么?

    答:秉公持有的读音是bǐng gōng chí yǒu,秉公持有翻译成英文是 in aequali manu


