


1. 女 [nǚ]2. 女 [rǔ]女 [nǚ]女性,与“男”相对。古代以未婚的为“女”,已婚的为“妇”。现通称“妇女”:~人。~士。~流(含轻蔑意)。少(shào )~。以女儿作为人的妻(旧读nǜ)。星名,二十八宿之一。亦称“婺女”、“须……


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……



汉语拼音:nǚ jiàng







  1. 女性将领。

    《宋史·叛臣传中·李全上》:“上有龙虎上将军者,贯银甲,挥长槊,盛兵以出,旁有绣旗女将驰枪突斗。”《水浒传》第四八回:“那来军正是 扈家庄 女将 一丈青扈三娘 。” 鲁迅 《二心集·新的“女将”》:“做起戏来,因为是乡下,还没有《乾隆帝下江南》之类,所以往住是《双阳公主追狄》,《薛仁贵招亲》,其中的女战士,看客称之为‘女将’。”

  2. 今用以比喻能干的妇女。

    王汶石 《新结识的伙伴》:“我还得回去问问我那些女将们愿意不愿意哩。”



  1. Hoping to make the loss less painful for Kayleigh, my niece took the cage out of her room.


  2. Mu Guiying was a female general in history, and a well-known national heroine.


  3. They didn't appear for us until Poison Ivy had turned Arkham's sky red and we were on our way to stop her with the antidote.


  4. All three of the Owen women were on the plane bound for Brussels.


  5. At the 2011 Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, model Isabeli Fontana rocked a sports-themed number that had jaws dropped.


  6. K. Rowling, on the other will be Kelly Holmes, the double Olympic gold medalist.


  7. Brooks, the girl Friday of Murdoch, has been arrested by Britain's police.


  8. Steve: Hey! That's great stuff! It's what the Chinese women distance runners use to improve their endurance.


  9. Is it tough maintaining boundaries? You're the only woman cast member and you play an exceedingly accessible character.


  1. 论岭南爱国女将冼夫人

    On Patriotic Female General Lady Xian of Lingnan

  2. 体操女将选拔赛上从高低杠上摔下, 受重伤

    Gymnastics woman will pageant, a fall from the uneven bars, injuries

  3. 该名游泳女将因为腿受伤而退出比赛。

    The swimmer had to pull out of the race because she injured her leg.

  4. 欧文家的三员女将都在去布鲁塞尔的航班上。

    All three of the Owen women were on the plane bound for Brussels.

  5. 欧文家得三员女将都在去布鲁塞尔得航班上。

    All three of the Owen women were on the plane bound for Brussels.

  6. 那副绣凤凰的白色靠旗是杨门女将中穆桂英用的。

    The white armor flags embroidered with phoenixes are used by Muguiying in the play Women Generals of the Yang Family.

  7. 那小偷将女管家打伤。

    The thief inflicted a wound on the housekeeper

  8. 国际级女运动健将

    top sports women at international level

  9. 这意味着女主角将要出场?

    Which means a heroine character is going to appear?

  10. 这个女服务员将侍候你的客人。

    The waitress will wait on your guests.

  11. 这个女服务员将侍候你得客人。

    The waitress will wait on your guests.

  12. 女服务员将窗帘拉上以避阳光。

    The maid closed the blind to keep out the sun.

  13. 女职工将集体举办一次慈善活动。

    The feminine staff members will be hosting a charity event.

  14. 女职工将集体举办一次慈善活动。

    The feminine staff members will be hosting a charity event.

  15. 她让女售货员将剩下的毛线留下。

    She asked the salesgirl to lay away the rest of the knitting wool.

  16. 导演说这个女演员将角色诠释得很好。

    The director said this actress interprets the character well.

  17. 导演说这个女演员将角色诠释得很好。

    The director said this actress interprets the character well.

  18. 这两位女选手将在明天的决赛中交手。

    The two women will meet tomorrow in the final.

  19. 这两位女选手将在明天得决赛中交手。

    The two women will meet tomorrow in the final.

  20. 这两位女选手将在明天的决赛中交手。

    The two women will meet tomorrow in the final.

  21. 这两位女选手将在明天的决赛里决一胜负。

    The two women will meet tomorrow in the final.

  22. 一位著名女演员将在我们下一个剧本中扮演角色。

    A famous actress is to play in our next production.

  23. 男女衣装将由有机材料,及回收聚酯,竹子及麻纤制作。

    Clothes for men and women will be made of organic material, as well as recycled polyester, bamboo and hemp.

  24. 一组男选手和一组女选手将被带南美的亚马孙森林。

    One team of women and one team of men were taken to the Amazon jungle in South America.

  25. 女高音将咏叹调唱得十分完美,观众爆发出热烈的掌声。

    The audience applauded after the soprano sang the aria so beautifully.

  26. 女高音将咏叹调唱得十分优美,观众爆发出热烈的掌声。

    The audience applauded after the soprano sang the aria so beautifully.

  27. 这位著名得女演员将她所有得钱都遗留给了慈善机构。

    The famous actress left all her money to charity.

  28. 这位著名的女演员将她所有的钱都遗留给了慈善机构。

    The famous actress left all her money to charity.

  29. 印度,一个洗衣女正将纱巾挂到岩质墙壁上晒干。

    A washerwoman hangs diaphanous saris to dry on the mortared walls of a house in India.

  30. 这位曾获13次大满贯单打冠军的网坛女皇恐将停赛一年。

    The 13time Grand Slam champions absence from tennis could stretch to almost a year.


  1. 问:女将拼音怎么拼?女将的读音是什么?女将翻译成英文是什么?

    答:女将的读音是nǚjiàng,女将翻译成英文是 female general; female expert


