如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
奇异,不平常:~诞(离奇古怪)。~事。~物。~讶。~圈(quān )。~话。~异。奇形~状。惊奇:大惊小~。~不得。传说中的妖魔之类:鬼~。妖~。性情乖僻或行为异样的人:~癖(古怪的癖好)。~僻(古怪)。很,非常:~好的天气。怨,责备:不~……
人或其他哺乳动物母体内的幼体:~儿。~生。~教(jiào )(指通过母体对胎儿施加影响,为胎儿发育提供良好的条件)。胚~。怀~。事的开始,根源:祸~。器物的粗坯:泥~。铜~。衬在衣服、被褥面子和里子之间的东西:棉花~。……
汉语拼音:guài tāi
But what we need is not just a few oddballs like me thinking about this -- we need a broader debate.
我们不仅需要像我这样的几个怪胎来思考这个问题——我们还需要更广泛地讨论。If you think the various characters are a freak, sissy, Merry mad, female talent, strange Women, are all screwy , looking uncomfortable.
如果你觉得剧中人物各个都是怪胎,娘娘腔、风流狂、风骚女、诡异女,无一不神经兮兮,看着难受。"I told him it was an amazing animal show with freaks and oddities, " Strong told The News.
我告诉他,这是一个令人惊异的动物展,都是畸形和怪胎。Each looked as if executed with a Squirt Gun by a Nervous Geek on his way to a Three Days Cure.
每一个看起来好像处决同喷水枪由神经怪胎去一个三天的治疗。"I'm glad to hear it, " Mandy said. This Cal was an odd bird. "What's your background? "
“我很高兴听你这么说,”曼迪说。这个卡尔真是个怪胎。“你的背景呢?”This disease pumping through my veins, And i can't ever rip it out or scrub it clean! I'm a whole new level of freak !
这毒种就在我的血管里流动,而我永远都不能把它抓出来或是洗干净我是个前无古人后无来者的超级怪胎!Although others say that she is a monster, but she is the smiling face of the sun.
虽然别人都说她是怪胎,但她还是很阳光的微笑着面对。A fitness freak, Salman is also a regular cyclist and loves to pedal his way from home to the sets and back.
一个健身怪胎,萨勒曼还经常骑单车,喜欢踏板的途中从家里到场景和背部。The little cretin stewardess was now ruined for normal love and she ran amok among the other freaks, inflaming them.